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How to get state to take away my children?

I've just lost my job and life is really stressful right now, my (ex)wife is a meth addict we haven't heard from in 2 years and I'm stuck with 3 children (9 11 and 14) that I hate and are a huge drain on my finances. They've never liked me and only care if I buy them things and I hate their personalities, they don't know what good music is and don't know how to act like civil human beings. I;m not getting any joy out of them and theyd be better off somewhere else.


I think the best way is to have the state take them away from me, the only thing is I don't want to get arrested as well, so developing a drug habit is out.


My plan is to not pack them a lunch and tell them to take it up with their teacher, when she calls I'll call her a whore and tell her to mind her own damn business. She'll send over social services and I'll act like a complete ***hole (although not doing anything illegal) and say I hate my kids and then they'll take the kids away and I can enjoy the single life again. Will this work?


* 11 months ago


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Preemptive for all the haters, My kids just suck. You ever meet a really cool guy and then meet his kids and they're a bunch of wieners and you're like "howd such an awesome guy end up with such lousy kids?" Thats my situation.


Think Steve Buscemis kids on the Sopranos, they're that lame


11 months ago

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There is only one answer to this, let him beat their worthless little punk asses without plastering his face all over the internet as a horrible kid beater. Not to the point where they're scarred for life or anything, but just enough to where they will actually think twice before talking back. I remember my mom saying "I'm telling your father when he gets home" and I would almost piss myself. But since this country is one big quivering vagina, they'll grow up selling cigarettes at a gas station or in jail because they don't respect anything.. gah I could go on forever.



Right on. Discipline is the key. Discipline is why I have respect for my parents and all figures of authority.

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Right on. Discipline is the key. Discipline is why I have respect for my parents and all figures of authority.


troof. my sisters kid should be born here in the next month-ish, and i already told her that one of the first words he is going to learn is yes sir/no sir/yes ma'am/no ma'am. and being that his dad wont be around, that leaves me and my 2 brothers as the main male influence.


but i hate how kids act these days...i was in b-dubs a few weeks ago and kids running around, being noisy, bumping into people, myself included...i honestly told my mom a couple days later when i talked to her "you know mom, i really used to HATE it when you used to beat our asses in public when we were acting up, but i'm SOOOOO glad you did". she cracked up laughing.


parents now need to go back in time about 20+ years and stop worrying about the kids feelings and teach them some discipline, respect, and good behavior.

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troof. my sisters kid should be born here in the next month-ish, and i already told her that one of the first words he is going to learn is yes sir/no sir/yes ma'am/no ma'am. and being that his dad wont be around, that leaves me and my 2 brothers as the main male influence.


but i hate how kids act these days...i was in b-dubs a few weeks ago and kids running around, being noisy, bumping into people, myself included...i honestly told my mom a couple days later when i talked to her "you know mom, i really used to HATE it when you used to beat our asses in public when we were acting up, but i'm SOOOOO glad you did". she cracked up laughing.


parents now need to go back in time about 20+ years and stop worrying about the kids feelings and teach them some discipline, respect, and good behavior.


Exactly. I can do that.. to an extent, I can't really slam the shit out my 8 year old autistic son.. because.. well, sometimes he really doesn't know better.


My 16 year old son is pretty well mannered. I've driven him to do the smallest things that make the biggest impression to me. When we're out in public and there are kids his age or a little younger and they're all messing around and goofing off and their parents are right there and don't do shit. My son will look at me and shake his head.


Given I've done my fair share of REALLLLLLLLLY stupid shit when I was his age, but I learn from my mistakes and try/tried to teach my older son NOT to do that.


Hell, there are a few kids on the varsity bowling team he's on that act like complete fucking douches and 6 year olds. Chris just shakes his head like.. WTF? act your age.


I am proud of him.. but his grades still suck :)

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