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Last Fist Fight


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Been involved in several fights, put every one of them on the ground, but never threw a single punch. Training and playing soccer for 26 years taught me how to manipulate someones balance and body weight to my advantage.


Many moons ago I had my life threatened verbally in a bar one night (something about fucking his girlfriend :p). He was 6'3" 220, I'm 5'8" 165. After a few smart-ass comments on my part, he came across the corner of the bar at me. I caved his left leg in with a kick to the side of the knee and he crumbled hitting his head on the bar. The bouncers escorted both of us out separate doors. I saw him in passing a few days later. He was still limping and had a nice band-aid on his forehead.


Some stumbling drunk fool got in my face over a pool game. After some heated jawing knowing he was about to go off, I waited for him to drop his right shoulder to throw a punch. I ducked and hooked his swinging right arm with mine, swept his legs from behind, and heard the crack of his skull hit the floor, HARD. They carried him out.


Nowadays I just walk away from fights. I don't need the drama.

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I always find it funny when inexperienced fighters wind up a punch like they're about to throw a 100mph fastball or something.


This is one of the most awesome knockouts I've seen. Just pure technical genius. The "karate master" just sends a forearm to the guy's jugular and completely stuns him.


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Guest 614Streets
I heard he got a little bit crazy with his brush but ended up a pretty little shade of midnight purple and dark velvet blue.


Well we both ended up wrestling and had titianium white all over us.

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damn...its probably been 7-8 years...this kid i hate was over at my buddies house, and he kept giving my buddy shit about dating this girl a few years younger than him...i finally made a comment that "at least he's getting pussy unlike your fat ass" or something along those lines...and stood up...he was sitting on a futon, started to get up, pushed him back down, he then got back up and took a swing at me...he was so fat and slow i ducked down, he swung over my head, i popped back up, busted him in his jaw...he then started to fall forward and make it seem like he was going to tackle me, then like 4-5 people there pulled us apart.


i saw him at said friends funeral a couple years ago, and since HS he grew about 4" taller, went from about 270lbs of fat ass-ness to about 210lbs of muscle (military will do that)...i dont think i'd pick that fight again today.

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I always find it funny when inexperienced fighters wind up a punch like they're about to throw a 100mph fastball or something.


This is one of the most awesome knockouts I've seen. Just pure technical genius. The "karate master" just sends a forearm to the guy's jugular and completely stuns him.




that move is called a brachial stun, it's fast and very effective look it up on YouTube good bids out there

Edited by NTHER91
iPhone gay
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that move is called a brachial stun, it's fast and very effective look it up on YouTube good bids out there


THANK YOU i couldn't remember what it was called. I only remembered that there was a great video of a pimp getting hit with one.


i learned how to do that and a few similar things when i was working the door at some boston bars.

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Last fall at Whiskey Dicks. Some jackass pulled his girlfriend into the spikey fence outside, and then hit her. So my buddy and I ran over and he ran away. My buddy tackeled him and was exchanging blows with him on the ground, got him pinned kinda, so I started jacking him in the face. Then my buddy in the band that was playing came over and jacked me in the face hahaha. He's like 38, 5'8"ish and probably around 230lbs. I'm 165-170lbs hahaha but I still had enough in me to grab him as I was recoiling, and looked up to hit him, saw it was him and held back. He didn't know he hit me and apologized a ton afterwards. He just saw a few guys on top of one guy and didn't know what was going on so he was trying to end it. The dude that hit his girlfriend got pretty jacked up though, and she ended up in the hospital cause she's got some disorder where she bruises REALLY easily, so she was pretty messed up.
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THANK YOU i couldn't remember what it was called. I only remembered that there was a great video of a pimp getting hit with one.


i learned how to do that and a few similar things when i was working the door at some boston bars.

Everytime I see that video I always wondered if he did a move or just blindly swung.

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lol Ive been in a few fights.....not even gonna tell the stories.


Same here my damn work has a fight every other day, I always see people getting fucked up lol. Ever see someone get shanked 20 times with parts of there guts popping out there stomatch lol Crazy bastards.

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Last fight not inside a ring was Saint Patrick’s Day 3 years ago. Me and a few friends were out having a good time, buying rounds of shots (see where this is going). Well I noticed this kid who was with a friend of a friend wasn’t buying any rounds, just skipping out and saying it was others turn. So I called him on it. He got defensive and I told him just man up and buy a round. (Skipping some foggy details) he started yelling and the bouncer asked us to leave. Which I thought was crap because I was just trying to have fun :D. The freeloader tried to stay behind and I thought that’s BS, if I’m getting kicked out so is he. So I started pointing out that he was staying behind but the security guy didn’t care. I made some comment to the kid and then he got in my face (just what I wanted) he shoved me so I punched him in the jaw. Then This 260+ pound bouncer snatched me up so quick. :lol: So my dumb ass swung on the bouncer (this is where things got bad for me) I connected to his head/ neck area with a right then dude I punched before hit the side of my face. Long story short between the bouncer, the other 2 security guys and the kid I originally hit I ended up getting fucked up and thrown out on the street where I got to sit and talk with the friendly police officers. Thank GOD my girlfriend was there, I don’t know WTF she did or said to the cops, but they let me go with her. Next day I woke up in my bathroom, my arms were bruised from where the security guys were grabbing me, I had a busted lip, bloody hands, I was fucked up. Not my proudest moment, but hey the joy of being young and stupid. I'm normally a really laid back guy no matter the situation.
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