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The iPad is offical


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I like to think of myself as being pretty Cellphone aware, but up until today I've never heard of a microSIM.


I did a quick google search and found out that NO ONE is using it except for the iPad, and t-mobile announced that they will start using them in a couple of things that do not include cellphones. Probably mostly for the iPad.


I wasnt going to call FAIL but that gizmodo article changed my mind.


I work in the cell phone industry and haven't heard of microSIMs...thats interesting...

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Meh....not impressed with what I've seen. Not sure where they were going with it. If they were to target Healthcare ISV's they might have something, but the price point is pretty high and they of course would have to insure it would run windows based apps.
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That Time Of The Month: The Internet's Best Period-Related iPad Jokes




http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/39/2010/01/500x_ipadpicfancy12710.jpgApple's iPad announcement earlier this afternoon prompted a score of WTFing across the internet, prompting many to ask, "Are there any women on Apple's marketing team?" Answer: Apparently not. (Period.)


From Twitter (for what it's worth, #iTampon is apparently the number three trending topic on the site.):


tjakabon: "It surfs the web AND stops the bleeding."


Gelatobaby: And you can use the giant QWERTY keyboard to get your period on the #iPad!


CarolBlymire: Is #apple making an iPad for light-flow days? Just wondering...


Trish1981: iPad? Really? All I can say is, I'm sticking with Always, bitches.


tremendousnews: So I can say "That chick is on her iPad" and not be called a pig? Thank you Apple.


melissapierce: iPad has changed "the conversation" from how we use tech in context to how we use tech as Kotex. (who named this thing?)


TwittsMcGee: I haven't heard this many period jokes since I was forced to watch The View last month. #iPad


kathycacace: Okay, just one more. The iPad: protecting your data from embarrassing incidents.


Johnpapa: "64 gig iPad will forever be known as the heavy flow model."


From the comments section of "Period Pieces":


lady_justice: Did the prototype come with a belt?


Lymed: Does the Period Tracker app come free?


fauxfruit: If I order this, will my boyfriend and I have to worry if it comes late?


andBegorrah: If you and your friends all buy one, will they sync up?


boston_nj: Meh. I'll wait until they come out with the iDivaCup


morninggloria: Don't wear white jeans while using an iPad, and especially don't use an iPad in front of your crush. You're a teen magazine embarrassing moment waiting to happen.


ms negative the easy-going unicorn: someone needs to make a 'mysterious blue liquid stain on white' wallpaper for this.


LilSpitfire: Later in the year they will be releasing the companion tablet pen, the Ipon.


Vesuvius At Home (I believe in peace, bitch): But what if the cute boys see me shopping for one? What if my dad has to take me??


NellMood: It's so beautiful when an electronics company finally becomes a woman...


Cinnamoncanuck: @NellMood: Aunt Flo will be so happy! Reply


soykatrina: Eh, I prefer the CVS brand. A few bucks less but does the same thing...


vlvtjones: So will iffy Wifi coverage be called iSpotting?


morninggloria: Can I get a scented iPad for when my data feels not-so-fresh?


Mary McCarthyite: Everyone, just try to Stay(free) calm and Poise(d). It's Always nice to see a new product on the market. I Depend on Apple to come up with great ideas. Maybe we're taking this out of Kotex.


Lymed: Somebody give the iPad a Red Bull, because it ain't no good without wings.


andBegorrah: Are you there, God? It's me, Marketing.


NellMood: iPads are for 8th graders. I'm waiting for the iTampon, because I prefer to do all my interneting from inside my vagina.


BicSharpie: Hopefully it will help people deal with the 24-hour news cycle.

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Its trendy, and new... Thats all it takes to make a successful product anymore. By the time function comes into play they will have already sold millions and have the ipad2 running OSx ready for launch.


I'll save my judgement until I try it out.

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They have these things called laptops, or netbooks, which can be had in similiar dimensions, which has more features, like webcams, and you can actually use it for things besides reading books and watching youtube.


and are like 200 dollars cheaper too.

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