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Tax Question...

Radio Flyer1647545514

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I've had 2 jobs all year this year, just like most years but this year I notice that there wasn't hardly any money taken out of my Federal Taxes.


One job took out 151 dollars of federal tax for over 5g made and the other job took out 0.74 cents of federal for around 6 or 7k made.


Apparently Obama changed something where if you don't make xxx a week they don't take out Federal taxes...


Now I don't want to end up paying back a few thousand dollars in taxes this year so I'm going to have my mom claim me.


Do I still have to file? Will I still owe money? Normally I just file and get back my close to 1k return, but I know that's not the case this year.

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I had another job this year also, but they took out all the Federal money that they were supposed to.


I'm just wondering if I have to file at all if my mom claims me.


Yes you would. Her claiming you doesn't change anything except you only get like a $3500 standard deduction.

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The rules for filing depend on how much income you gross for the year.


For single, >= $9350

Dependent child, >=$5700



(Pages 7, 8, 9 are the most relevant.)


Also, unless you're going to owe money and don't have to file, it's a good idea to file anyway as some other things will need tax return information, or go smoother if you have it. The FAFSA, (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is one of the most prevalent.


Your work not taking out enough likely isn't their problem, either. It is yours. They take out how much depending on how you filled out the W4 form when you were hired. Either your W4 is set wrong or your work screwed up. Regardless you should check on it immediately, for next year. The lower the number on the W4, the more is taken out.

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Something changed.

I've been working at the one place for 4 years almost now and this will be the first year it looks as if I'll owe.

I've never filled out another form with them to have any Tax stuff changed at all.


I'll just have to fill em out and see which works best.

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