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dancing people... help


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OK you dancing queens I need your help... there is a line dance song thats like hip-hop ish its sort of like the cha cha slide or the cupid shuffle. the song most of the time just saying its parttttyyy timmmeeee... people keep telling me it's the cha cha slide but it's not lol



u go two to the right two to the left back 2 jump once right foot left foot do a turn in a circle an then turn 90degrees an do it again... an it is not the cha cha slide!


I know not much info but umm help me out here ive tried Google tried YouTube nothing ahhh



oh an NO HOMO

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yea i shoudl of figured cr woudl be of no help


You come to a car site asking about a dance? What in the wide wide world of fuck did you think would happen? John motherfuckin Travolta would come down from the internet heavens and provide you with what you need?


Don't drink the bong water and then post on CR it never ends well...

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You come to a car site asking about a dance? What in the wide wide world of fuck did you think would happen? John motherfuckin Travolta would come down from the internet heavens and provide you with what you need?


Don't drink the bong water and then post on CR it never ends well...

Lol yea not sure what I was thinking haha



HEY, I tried to help. I put serious effort into those searches, and then selected the songs I thought most represented your musical tastes!


cha cha slide

Ahhh its not the cha cha slide lol

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i even asked Cr's dancing whore brandon an he didnt know what i was talking about lol


i swear me an liek 10 girls did it last night there.. i mean i was drunk as shit but i do remember that it did happen lol


ahh :( this sucks


it was probably the hokey pokey, and it was probably ten 12 year olds you commandeered from the playground you pedophile.

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