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Who wants to go to MadRiverMountain this weekend


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Since I dont have any plans this weekend and Alex(ginger) is wanting to go snowboarding, I think i'm going to come up tomorrow and go with him. Also, redbull is sponsoring they're sledriding day tomorrow as well when ppl make they're own sleds and ramp them and get hurt so it should be fun to watch when ur taking a break from boarding/skiing.




So who wants to go? I already got a few ppl lined up but if more want to come it would be great.


Let me know and get me ur #'s so we can set this up ASAP.


PM me if need be



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was a good time but dam a long day the knee started to feel like jello


white man sucks didnt really get to board with you. every time we saw you you dissapeared 2 seconds later with howard. its cool another time


aj thanks for beasting it out with me

gabe you suck made me fall

ginger u suck you made every one fall haha

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was a good time but dam a long day the knee started to feel like jello


white man sucks didnt really get to board with you. every time we saw you you dissapeared 2 seconds later with howard. its cool another time


aj thanks for beasting it out with me

gabe you suck made me fall

ginger u suck you made every one fall haha


you made yourself fall


I think you lie!


I think you left early old man


I need to get my board waxed and go do some 360s.


i still have your boots and goggles in my terk.


Oh btw that Waffle House made my almost shit my pants on the way home on 161. Felt like pulling over and shitting in a drainage ditch. Luckily I kept my composure and saved until I got to New Albany.

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