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monster snow storm in late feb?


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I wish there was something i could just plop in the middle of my back yard to sump it out to the street faster..

past years we have resorted to a storm screen with a submersible pump and long hose to the backyard, but its so little and cant pump fast enough.. :(

How much water do you think needs moved? Might be able to do something with the pumps used to drain swimming pools or boat bilges.

Why is it when people hear the word "blizzard" they immediately run out and stock up on milk, eggs and bread ... Do they like french toast that much?



Personally, I tend to stock up on lots of dry staples (flour, rice, sugar, spices/seasonings), frozen veggies, and chicken/fish. Granted, I like fresh better, but there's a lot the right girl can teach you about cooking for one :)

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Well old Jimbo is saying we won't get much snow. Hmmm what is the over under on moar white death?


That's what he told me at the barn this past weekend. He really thought this last storm was going to be the last hurrah of a ton of snow. He said we are gonna get hit with a big storm in early march that will prob be lots of ice and freezing rain.

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maybe not as big i initially expected, but heres what accuweather has on it as of now.



i sent an email to chris bradley from 10tv late last night with some pressure maps 6 days out. he confirmed with me that there is something huge comming, but the track is still a mystery.

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He really thought this last storm was going to be the last hurrah of a ton of snow. He said we are gonna get hit with a big storm in early march that will prob be lots of ice and freezing rain.

This sounds a lot more like the Columbus I've grown to expect over the last five years.

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I wish there was something i could just plop in the middle of my back yard to sump it out to the street faster..

past years we have resorted to a storm screen with a submersible pump and long hose to the backyard, but its so little and cant pump fast enough.. :(


You need to start now, then. If you know the lowest point in your yard, dig yourself about a 2' hole into the yard there, drop a cut-down garbage can or bucket in it and pack in around it. Make sure the top of the can or bucket is JUST below the the level of the dirt. Drop a submersible pump in it as soon as you notice things melting, NOT after you notice puddles.

If you use a bigger enclosure, you can set a second pump in if one doesn't keep up.

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RELAX :rolleyes:


That's just a bunch of pencil-dicked weather geeks doing the equivalent of some bench racing.


At two weeks out, they're good at forecasting sunrise/sunset and moon phases, but when it comes to knowing something as complicated as the local weather, they're notoriously inaccurate. I consider it lucky if they accurately predict a blizzard even 3 days in advance.


I think I'll plan a barbeque for the end of February just to demonstrate the point. :cool:


Can we hold you to the BBQ ? If your right Potluck if it snows docs buying pizza :).

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These are the icicles hanging from my apartment. Tallest one might be 6 or 7 feet now. Every car in the parking lot is hanging out about 4 feet to avoid getting hit by this shit.




Yeah, been noticing them everywhere. Started a game of throwing snowballs at them for fun. Then, decided yesterday it would be ok to shoot mine and the neighbors with a pellet rifle because I'm saving lives. :D Fun to shoot them right at the base and watch them stick in the snow. There's a huge one at the apts across my backyard right above an a/c unit I wanna let go. lol

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I am unbolting my house from its foundation so when this melts I can float away in my house/ark and watch the earth be destroyed by water again (Even though GOD said he wouldn't do it again) I am starting to think he's much like a politician.



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I am unbolting my house from its foundation so when this melts I can float away in my house/ark and watch the earth be destroyed by water again (Even though GOD said he wouldn't do it again) I am starting to think he's much like a politician.




Your house is awesome!!!!. I live right down the street from you on the other side of Broad. Me and the old lady always check it out.

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