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A little historical perspective: The Great Blizzard of 1978


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My Dad plowed his way through about 15 miles of county roads to open his service station the next morning so that emergency vehicles could fuel up and wait on assignments. They spent the whole day pulling in random ambulances and fire trucks into this garage to thaw out to head back out. He stayed open something like 72 hours straight to help out.


I was 1 year old playing carelessly at home.

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Back then I was in snowmobiling and we were helping rescue and emergency by checking in on people and shuttling people,on sleds tied to the snowmobiles,to hospitals.In snowmobile clothing and helmets,the cold and wind wasn't bothering us,our problem was fueling up.
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My son was born on Jan 25 1978 and I did not see him again until Jan 29th because the snow. We never lost power but the roads were closed in Muskingum County for 3-4 days. My ex ended up helping the nurses in the maternity ward because they were so short staffed. I remember snow from drifts still on the ground into late May early June.
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My wife's father was diagnosed with cancer just before the storm. She and her sister lived in Columbus, family in Sandusky. They wanted to get home to see him asap - travelled up Rt. 4 (in Doc's pics) when it was just one lane and walls of show on both sides.


In town it was bad, but nothing like the rural areas. The houses seemed to funnel a lot of the wind so some streets in town weren't all that bad, then you would come upon where all that snow collected into a large drift.


Oh, and right around this time - the climate scientists were fretting over "global cooling" and Time was doing stories all through the 70's on the planets "cooling". This just sent them into a bogger frenzy for a while longer!


Thanks Doc - great write up!!!

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