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youre acting like its bad if a parent sticks up for their kid


sometimes the kid is not at fault, rarely but still


perfect example, my principal overheard me say something inappropriate, and took me to his office


suspended me and called my parents. well my dad came in and we were all sitting there and the principal tells my dad i said something i didnt say...while i agree i was at fault for saying something, the principal was over dramatizing it and putting words into my mouth


i told him thats not what i said and he said "i have it written write here on my paper, that means you said it"


so i told him "ok well give me your paper and ill write some shit down, does that mean you said it?"


my dad backed me up on it and said pretty much the same to the principal


not saying your mom is an asshole, but a lot of people who work in schools are...ive dealt with my share... at the same time, i was an asshole to quite a few administrators in school....but you gotta give respect to get respect, and theres no way ill kiss anyones ass that wants to treat me like shit...if a teacher wanted to act like a dick, i treated them like one


school officials arent right 100% of the time, shit happens...the girl should not have gotten arested

the whole get respect to give respect for kids and authority figures is bullshit.... Parents should raise their children to show respect to people... 9 times out of 10 when I hear that bullshit, the kid was being disrespectful to begin with because they were told to do something they don't want to do.


I don't know your situation, but from what I'm interperating you are saying, you are 100% wrong and I really hope you don't raise your kids that way because then we'll have more fucked up kids running around.

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It is even worse because the kids KNOW they won't get in a lot of trouble at home, they will get slap on the hand from the law so where is the fear.


Parents need to stick up less for their kids and actually raise them to not be assholes.


my daughter told me she knew she wouldn't get in trouble for much... next thing she knew, she found herself sitting in her room with no TV, no phone, no computer, no nothing... since then she has thought twice about her actions and has actually been a joy to have around...


I think you kind of hit the nail on the head... people are affraid to dicipline children anymore which is fucking bullshit.

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Let's take this in a slightly different direction, what do you guys think of this?




That is beyond dumb and shocking lol. One of the things I hear teachers and adminstrators talk about is limiting their liability, this kind of fucks that.

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I dont agree with zero tolerance at all. Kids fight, kids draw/doodle (whatever), kids get into trouble thats what detention was created for, thats what in school suspension and out of school suspension was created for. At the high school age kids should know the difference between right and wrong and deserve to be punished for doing bad shit, end of story. There are action's and consequences, simple. What does it say to a kid when you treat them like a criminal for something as small as 'doodling' on a desk? That there is one way to treat misconduct and thats with cuff's? Thats bullshit, we as adults dont treat felonious sexual predators the same as someone with a misdemenor speeding violation (trying to take two examples of polar opposites) and we shouldnt treat kids that way either.


With that said, Wagner what your mom went through is bullshit and the kid obviously has some mental issues, thats never excuseable. But would your mom treat that kid the same if all he did was cut class? No. If my kid ever does something so wrong i have to have a meeting with the principle than i'll be open enough to hear what he has to say but I'll always take my kids side first.

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If my kid ever does something so wrong i have to have a meeting with the principle than i'll be open enough to hear what he has to say but I'll always take my kids side first.


This is a good idea. A parent should know there kid well enough to know what to do.

The few times I actually got in trouble at school (that weren't related to simply not doing school work) were things that I didn't even do. I'm probably mental, but to this day I still get pissed off when I think about how I got scapegoated and the punishment I received from my parents.


Sad part was while they were beating me for shit I didn't do they basically ignored my brother who turned out to be an awesome druggy loser.

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Guest tbutera2112
^ wrong.... kids are always wrong and principals are saints...ask wagner and whoever else it was giving me shit in this thread...you didnt get in trouble for stuff you didnt do, that shit doesnt happen
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Ahh Tyler you're still young... There is a need for good teachers in schools.. But wagner is biased due to his mom.


While you both have some good points, I must say


That Wagner, will be shocked when he finds out his mom is human and has lied or cheated at something in her lifetime..


And Tyler I do agree that you have to earn respect.. Unless you're under 18 then all you need to do is give it( I grew up with a military father and kids should respect thier elders) that's how they ern the respect from 18 and up.

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Guest tbutera2112

And Tyler I do agree that you have to earn respect.. Unless you're under 18 then all you need to do is give it( I grew up with a military father and kids should respect thier elders) that's how they ern the respect from 18 and up.



this is where i disagree


why 18? because THIS society says that we become "adults" at 18?


you should respect everybody, regardless of their age....treat other people how you would like treated, thats how i was raised


if youre disrespectful, then you deserve to be disrespected back...no matter how old you are


just because our legal system says that 18 is when a person becomes an adult, should not have any effect on how you should treat them


you saying its ok to be an asshole to someone who is 17, simply because theyre under the age 18? that theres nothing morally wrong with treating people like shit, because theyre not 18?


im not saying all teachers are like that...in fact, all the years i was in school i only ran into a handful of them. but they are out there.

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I'm sick and tired of the world thinking we can have cookie cutter systems for everything. The punishment should fit the crime and also fit the person being disciplined. Since we are dealing with kids it needs to be the disciplinary action that will most likely help the child learn from their mistake(s).
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A lot of my family is in the education profession and it is all the same. Kid acts up no matter how small, parent comes in and their kid can do no wrong. There is nothing wrong for parents sticking up for kids if needed, but if you act up enough have dicipline brought up from the school than there is an issue.


If Tyler is referring to the school I went to he is right that it was a joke. I got handed out in school suspensions for 1. Asking completely honest, "What is a Pap Test?"

2. Saying "Jesus".

I had never been in any trouble before these few minor incidents and I had better grades than most.


Some school officials just like to use their power of discipline.

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Guest tbutera2112
If Tyler is referring to the school I went to he is right that it was a joke. I got handed out in school suspensions for 1. Asking completely honest, "What is a Pap Test?"

2. Saying "Jesus".

I had never been in any trouble before these few minor incidents and I had better grades than most.


Some school officials just like to use their power of discipline.


i dont know if you remember all the issues i had or not, we didnt hang out often but we had some mutual friends.... leedle and hacket were up my ass over nothing... there were several teachers at that place who took stuff way too far and who would lie and twist the truth etc... that school cared more about discipline than education....hell they were pulling me into the office and having the police pat me down and search all my shit etc, and they never found anything yet they kept harassing me every damn day...fuck licking heights and their administrators


hell i had it so rough there my mom pulled me out and switched me to a different school...i got suspended over 13 times in the first half of my sophomore year, then at westerville for the remainder of HS i didnt get in trouble even once...im thinking my attitude wasnt the problem, since the discipline issues never followed me to westerville!!!

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Tyler, I don't feel that I explained what I meant before, I do agree you should treat everyone with respect as long as they do the same to you ( golden rule). What I was getting at was that it seems like most young kids today have no respect at all therefore should be drowned like unwanted puppies.


On the other hand some teachers are there for the paycheck and don't care about the kids that arethere to learn ( also drown like puppies)



It seems to me that we are on the same page just different ways of getting there.


At first it seemed to me like you were one ofthose kids who thinks that every adult or teacher is out to get you and that you give all authority the finger just cuz they ain't yo mamma. I do see where you are comming from and agree. As I used to work for McGraw hill years ago and talked to teachers and pricipals( Jesus they are dumb)at least 9&% of who I talked to.

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It's not the schools job to raise your children. You send them there to "learn" but teaching them how to act and be respectful/ responcible is the parents job.


+1 on that.

The minute the school systems removed the teachers/admin. ability to punish the kids in their care(paddling) The kids lost all reason to respect them in most cases. With some parent bitching about how "your not gonna touch my kid" and other complaining the children think they can say/do whatever they want, and dont have to worry about the consequences. When my son was in the 8th grade I walked through his middle school and heard a couple of girls cussing up a storm loudly in the hallway with the principle in plain site, all the principle could say was to "clean up your mouths we have guests in the building" WTF?!!

When I was in the 8th grade even the worst kids in my school would have thought twice about that shit.

Put the disciplin back in the teachers hands and force the kids to learn respect again, even if its not their job, its something that needs to be done, if the parent dont like it, tell them to keep their bad ass kids at home.

I didnt go to the best schools in the public school system, but when I was there, There was no need for cops to be there.

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Guest tbutera2112
Tyler, I don't feel that I explained what I meant before, I do agree you should treat everyone with respect as long as they do the same to you ( golden rule). What I was getting at was that it seems like most young kids today have no respect at all therefore should be drowned like unwanted puppies.


On the other hand some teachers are there for the paycheck and don't care about the kids that arethere to learn ( also drown like puppies)



It seems to me that we are on the same page just different ways of getting there.


At first it seemed to me like you were one ofthose kids who thinks that every adult or teacher is out to get you and that you give all authority the finger just cuz they ain't yo mamma. I do see where you are comming from and agree. As I used to work for McGraw hill years ago and talked to teachers and pricipals( Jesus they are dumb)at least 9&% of who I talked to.


ah i get ya...im actually very respectful to everybody i meet *in person atleast lol...cr is serious business*...i was raised where if i was disrespectful to people i would get slapped in my mouth by my parents.... i know the value of respect and i give it to everybody i meet until they give me a reason to not deserve it anymore


my old high school was insane...those admins sucked so bad...k-6 at westerville i got suspended one time... 7-10 at LH i got suspended over 30 times, 10-11 at westerville never got in trouble at all...that right there should be enough of a pattern to show that it wasnt an issue with my attitude...when you get principals that get pleasure out of fucking with students, its a bad mix

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Guest Removed
hell there kids runnign around at 25 years of age, shooting each other and acting thug life when they are the ones making it that way in there area. then they wonder why it was to be that way.
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Guest tbutera2112
+1 on that.

The minute the school systems removed the teachers/admin. ability to punish the kids in their care(paddling) The kids lost all reason to respect them in most cases. With some parent bitching about how "your not gonna touch my kid" and other complaining the children think they can say/do whatever they want, and dont have to worry about the consequences. When my son was in the 8th grade I walked through his middle school and heard a couple of girls cussing up a storm loudly in the hallway with the principle in plain site, all the principle could say was to "clean up your mouths we have guests in the building" WTF?!!

When I was in the 8th grade even the worst kids in my school would have thought twice about that shit.

Put the disciplin back in the teachers hands and force the kids to learn respect again, even if its not their job, its something that needs to be done, if the parent dont like it, tell them to keep their bad ass kids at home.

I didnt go to the best schools in the public school system, but when I was there, There was no need for cops to be there.


i disagree...it is NOT the teachers place to teach respect...kids are there to learn, theyre not there to get parented.


parents need to do a better job at home.


i knew the consequences of my actions whenever i did something in school because i KNEW that when i got home, my parents would bring down the wrath of god upon me....


parents who dont discipline their kids at home are the problem, not the teachers

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Guest Removed
my dad broke a fiber galls paddle that was made just for whooping my ass..when it broke,i was laughing anyway, it didnt hurt anymore, the weight lifting belt started to get used...that fucking thing hurt like a bitch
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I am biased towards people not being fucking assholes. Most of my family is in the education field in some form. I can't do it because I can't deal with parrents and kids who refuse to be accountable for their actions.


I could tell you some crazy ass shit that my mom, uncle, and grandfather had to deal with as adminstrators. My dad had a student take a swing at him and my brother had a student threaten to kill him. Both cases the parrent said their kid was being "picked on" by the school and the school was making things up.


Bottom line people don't want to deal with hard truth and force their kids to not fucking be assholes.

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I am biased towards people not being fucking assholes. Most of my family is in the education field in some form. I can't do it because I can't deal with parrents and kids who refuse to be accountable for their actions.


I could tell you some crazy ass shit that my mom, uncle, and grandfather had to deal with as adminstrators. My dad had a student take a swing at him and my brother had a student threaten to kill him. Both cases the parrent said their kid was being "picked on" by the school and the school was making things up.


Bottom line people don't want to deal with hard truth and force their kids to not fucking be assholes.



This extends right on into the rest of society.

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i disagree...it is NOT the teachers place to teach respect...kids are there to learn, theyre not there to get parented.


parents need to do a better job at home.


i knew the consequences of my actions whenever i did something in school because i KNEW that when i got home, my parents would bring down the wrath of god upon me....


parents who dont discipline their kids at home are the problem, not the teachers


I agree Tyler, it is NOT the teachers place to teach respect, the kids should have that when they walk into school already, but when I was young and in school there was always a handfull that wanted to be hard asses, and if some can get away with doing whatever they want, sooner or later the tag along kids are doing the same thing, IF the teachers cant show the children under her/his care that THEY run the class, not the bad children.

Theres nothing like knowing you can get an ass beating at school, and then get one when you go home too.

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