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Finally, TWC upgraded my area to Digital cable...


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I have only had analog cable available for a while now. TWC says that I can now get digital cable. WOOOHOOO, but I want Road Runner, and they don't have that yet, BOOOO. I asked when it would be available and was told they don't have that info.


I remember when my first house's neighborhood had RR available. They knew the day and time it would turn on. I guess its harder to know now.


EVDO sucks out here, I wish I had some other option.

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That's pretty odd, as if you can offer digital cable services, the main infrastructure is there to offer HSD services. Some upgrades need done, but minimal compared to getting your plant up to spec.


My sentiments exactly. They built the 3rd High School about 1/2 a mile from my house. I know they did some upgrades for that, so I figured once the digital cable was available they would have RR. I guess in 15 or 20 years, they will finally offer it out here.


I can live without high speed internet for now, I have plenty of options to get work done. I wish Clear Wire would hurry up.

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My sentiments exactly. They built the 3rd High School about 1/2 a mile from my house. I know they did some upgrades for that, so I figured once the digital cable was available they would have RR. I guess in 15 or 20 years, they will finally offer it out here.


I can live without high speed internet for now, I have plenty of options to get work done. I wish Clear Wire would hurry up.


You're not too far from me then. I was trying to work with the guys running Connect Ohio, but they disappeared off the face of the earth. Right now I'm paying $60 a month for my Sprint air card. I talked with a Time Warner engineer a while back. Unfortunately our area is a former Adelphia area. When Adelphia upgraded the cable plant to serve digital cable the cheap bastards only set it up with enough bandwidth to run analog cable and digital cable. Apparently Time Warner will need to spend major bucks ripping it all out and replacing everything to bring it up to speed for Road Runner. Since there are so few customers they would pick up it does not make good business sense to spend that kind of money. It would take 100 years for them to recoup their costs for the upgrade. So .... we get squat for broadband.


I evened offered AT&T an easment on my property to bring out equipment for DSL. The cheap bastards wouldn't even do that.

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I am stating that based on properly upgrading the plant to begin with. The hub sites and headend work is minimal in comparison.


Agreed. But the Hub upgrades could be just as costly as the plant upgrades. The hub site that feeds him is scheduled to go away anyway, and be overbuilt from another hub.

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Agreed. But the Hub upgrades could be just as costly as the plant upgrades. The hub site that feeds him is scheduled to go away anyway, and be overbuilt from another hub.


Well, I asked to have engineering contact me but TWC doesn't want to talk to me at all. I just want to know a realistic timeframe to expect to have decent cable and RR. I am happy to pay, even at premium rates, to have functioning service.

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