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For The Want-To-Root Droid Owners

Mr. Jones

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By far the simplest process yet, and includes a kick-ass rom.

Tried it today, and it is flawless, no ADB, no PC, a couple easy clicks and you are done.

Did it to a co-workers phone, as right after I did mine, he had to have it as well.





Link to DMupdater: http://downloads.droidmod.org/dmupdater-10.apk


Wifi Tether FTW

1ghz FTW



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Please explain what rooting a phone does? I see it all over the place but i dont understand what it does..? Will this also work for the eris?


It gives you root access. So you can flash custom roms, and do things that you arent able to do without root access, like overclocking and wifi tether etc.


I dont think anyone has figured out how to root the Eris yet.

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It gives you root access. So you can flash custom roms, and do things that you arent able to do without root access, like overclocking and wifi tether etc.


I dont think anyone has figured out how to root the Eris yet.


and is that because eris is still on 1.5 or whatever? or wouldnt that matter?

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do we lose everything on the device like address book, etc?


Android backs up all your contacts on google's servers. 2.1 automatically re-downloads all your apps. You will lose your text messages though, but if you are really concerned about them you can back them up with various apps in the market.

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so since I'm running a droid and running Anderoid 2.01 it won't redownload all my aps for me then? If you mod it, can you still use the marketplace?


I dont think it will automatically download and install them, but they will be in your download history, you just have to manually click on them. Yes, you can still use Market.

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so is this the mod that will allow me to overclock my device or do I need to do download something afterwards?


It will allow you to overclock it, but it wont overclock it for you. You still need to download an overclocking app. Download SetCPU from the Market

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so how is this rom compared to BB?


Try it for yourself.



If are very happy with your droid, have no need for Wifi Tethering, OverClocking, Cool OS Enhancements Or things on the list of "root only apps" then there is no point I suppose.


If you are a nerd, and inherently can't leave anything stock and untinkered with, GO TO TOWN, and play with some mods.


FYI: You won't lose anything on this flash except desktop icon placement, and text messages. All of my apps remained installed, (this really isn't 2.1).

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Still debating..

The only thing I could really see using would be the slight OC hmmmm


The WiFi Tethering is awesome too.....


Plus, these aftermarket roms generally run faster. I noticed just going from stock to this rom with no O/C that it was significantly faster. Add in the 1ghz and it's retard quick. :cool:

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I went to the VZW store today and said I was thinking about upgrading to the Droid. The guy told me "if you use your phone for email, you will hate the droid and end up bringing it back" He told me the only phone in the store worth getting was the Palm or the BB Tour.


I would like to get a smartphone that can compete in size and capability of the iPhone. I may just quit VZ all together and go that route.


Is the sales guy just a moron, or does the email suck?

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Ahh ya if he said Palm then hes certainly a freakin idiot.

I use mine for gmail AND corp email and have zero issues with it.. Honestly I like it BETTER than my old BB for email. The app stuff and web browser alone is worth it over the BB and Palm.

Just typing 'Palm' isnt even ok anymore hah, thats a breed right there buddy!

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