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We need prayers...


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brother just got hit with an IED in Iraq and is in critical condition. Any prayers for him are greatly appreciated. His name is Matthew Corlew.



Edited by RC K9
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You have mine.


If I can ask, how did you know so quickly?


It happened this morning iraq time. took about 10 hrs for them to call his wife to let her know the situation and she called my mom who called me and my father at work.


I just found out he left the OR in critical condition and they have NOT been able to stabilize him yet. They can't fly him to Germany until he is stabilized.


I can't express how much my family appreciates the thoughts and prayers.


From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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I just got off the phone and we got an updated progress report that he is now stabilized and was actually aware of what was going on and he was able to write a couple of notes with his right hand (left arm was shredded) asking where his wedding band is. He is still in a lot of pain but they are impressed with the progress he has made over the last 9 hours. He is no where near out of the woods yet but thus far he seems to be heading in the right direction. Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers and please continue to keep him in them.


-Ryan Corlew

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He just arrived in Germany and hopefully they will be transferring him to Walter Reed tomorrow, if they are not able to transfer him tomorrow it will be Tuesday. My dad was able to talk to the nurse on staff and she gave him some details on his condition, and he is messed up. He just got out of the OR (again) and finished cleaning out all his wounds and closing them as best they can. He has some spinal fractures and his back is extremely messed up, from what I gathered a lot of flesh is shredded/gone. His gut was open too, allowing bodily fluids to spill into he rest of the body which is very dangerous. They got his major organs working again. One of the major challenges now is keeping infection out. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.



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