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We need prayers...


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Again, thank you so much for everyone's prayers.


Update as of this afternoon: He landed at Walter Reed Army medical center yesterday at 4:30pm. My parents and little sisters drove there last night and I spoke with my dad this afternoon. My understanding is that all of his wounds have been taken care of (cleaned and dressed) he has had multiple operations, and will continue to have them every two days. He had a lot of internal organ issues resulting from shrapnel. With a majority of his skin missing from his entire backside (buttocks up through neck) the major concern is infection. This is a critical time for infection so that is what we are all worried about. He was running a slight fever this afternoon which indicates his body fighting infection. To be clear, he is NOT out of the woods yet. A lot can still go wrong. He still needs lifted up in prayer. If he can make it through without major infections his probability of survival goes way up.


He comes in and out of consciousness. They allow him to be conscious for a short period of time before sedating him again. My father did get to see him today. This is an EXTREMELY emotionally trying time for all involved but especially for Matthew as he feels responsible for what happened and for what his family is going through. Before my father was able to respond and tell him that this is not his fault and they are very proud of him, they had to calm Matthew down and sedate him as he was beginning to breakdown emotionally which can also cause complications with the tubes down his throat and such.


Please continue to lift Matthew, his wife Roxanne, and their 7 month son Kiernan up in prayer. I don't want to lose a brother, my parents don't want to lose a son, and he has a wife and child.


Thank you again so much for the thoughts, prayers, and support. I will continue to update as I receive information.


On a side note, my best friend Jesse leaves tomorrow morning to go back to Afghanistan (his 2 week leave is ending). He too has a wife and two sons. Please remember him as well.


-Ryan Corlew

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  • 2 weeks later...



I just got home from visiting Walter Reed Army Medical Center for two days. He is doing as well as if not better than can be expected. God has done abundantly more than what we could have asked or hoped for. He is still very weak and in an unimaginable amount of pain even with the meds and his recovery is slow and day by day but he IS recovering. He still has many surgeries to come but we are hopeful. Thank you so much for all of your prayers as God has heard them and continues to hear them. I know he is in a scary lonely place right now so your prayers are still and will always be greatly appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

Just want to update everyone on the status of my brother Matthew. I spoke to him for about 30 minutes yesterday and he is in good spirits. He had been having surgeries twice a week moving skin and muscle tissue around to where he no longer had any. It has been two weeks since his last surgery, allowing his body to heal. The skin and muscle are “taking” and the healing process is going as well as can be expected. He has feeling and can move his left leg now which he was not able to do a few weeks ago. He is still on a lot of very powerful pain killers but not as much as when I visited him about a month ago, but he is very alert, aware, and can carry on a conversation very well. While obviously the situation sucks, for lack of a better word, he is thankful that he has escaped with his life and limbs, as other’s have not been so fortunate.


I just want to say thank you for everybody’s prayers. They were heard and answered. We are all extremely grateful.





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God bless our troops and their fam's. I have many fam members/friends serving. I pray daily for all troops but a special prayer will be said for him. Tell him thank you from Randy, a guy he doesn't know but one who is deeply proud of him and honored that he would sacrifice for those he doesn't know such as myself if you get the chance.
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Prayers and condolences to you and the family, my cousin is in Afghanistan right now and i leave next year so i know the feeling, good luck to him!


I'm thinking we need to have a meet/rally with proceeds to benefit those just like his brother over in harms way, so the rest of us can keep doing what we do here!


Just a thought....

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  • 5 months later...

Just wanted to give everyone an update on Matthew's:


My Parents and little sisters moved to the Dallas/FT worth Area as my dad took a job there and my brother transferred to the Army Hospital in San Antonio as they are better equiped to handle him as he is now. All major surgeries and such are done with, he is now focused on the skin/muscle grafts healing as well as rehabilitaion such as moving legs and learning how to walk again. My brother has a VERY high tolerance for pain medication and when he arrived in San Antonio he woke up with pain at a level 10 on a scale from 1-10. It took them 45 minutes and enough pain medication to knock an elephant out to bring his pain level down to a level he could handle. The Doctors put 3 times the amount of pain meds in him they had ever put anyone in at that location and the Doctors later concluded he was top 5 in the country for highest amount of pain medication ever received at once. This past Monday they put him in an induced coma for 2 days to do an expiramental method of detoxing his body before organs and brain start to fry and to reset his pain receptors. When he came out of the coma yesterday he woke up fast than they expected and his lungs had started to fill with fluid. They got that under control but he is still at about a level 7 of pain and they can't give him anywhere near the amount of medication he was on so this is a pretty difficult time for him right now.


Just want to say thanks again on behalf of my brother, my family, and myself for the outpouring of prayers. That is what he needed and continues to need.




Ryan Corlew

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Prayers still heading that way.


The Soldier that was brought home today was hit by an IED. He wasn't as fortunate.


Tell your brother we're all behind him and our prayers are with him.


I have 2 brothers, a best friend, a brother in law, and another buddy that have all done tours over there and returned alive...for that I am extrememly grateful. My heart goes out to all the families of all soldiers. A guy I work with has a brother that just deployed to afghanistan about a month ago. We works with bomb sniffing dog. For whatever reason they were out without the dog last week and he watched his buddy step on a mine...the guy lost his life. Bad stuff. War is a horrible thing. They need to have the entire middleast flooded with bomb sniffing dogs. You can train almost any dog scent detection. You want to giv epeople jobs and stimulate the ecomony, contract out more dog trainers and all those dogs getting euthanized in the pound, obedience train them and teach them scent detection and put them to use over there...keep crap like this from happening.

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Here is a pic of him recently in a wheelchair and him with his son so you guys and gals can put a face with who I have been talking about over the last 6 months.



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