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My current project.


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So Iv been waiting for the cold weather to stop so i can start working on my car. Here is one of the first steps. Repairing the driver side rear quarter.


Im going to be cutting out the piece that needs repaired and weld in a better pice. The pics are kind of shitty since its from a instinct. but it should give you a good idea.


heres some pics of what Iv done so far.



this is the replacement piece im going to weld in. this is before I cleaned it up




heres the new pice after i cleaned up a few areas and primed a few areas





thats all for now...

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just bondo that shit




Na that's why I'm doing it this way. last idiot did that and it fell out. pissed me off when it did too. Don't you see those holes? that metal is pretty thin anyways so it will rust out sooner or later....... so im doin it the right way this time. it isn't that hard. and plus it will help my portfolio when a potential employer looks at my application.

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