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Workout Progress..... Pics=)


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The story


I used to ride BMX I was very good was even on the cover of BMX Plus once... Rode for a handful of company's but I just was not happy so one day I fell off my bike and never rode it again.


I found cars and close friends better then fame and no close friends at home.


I stopped riding my bike gained some weight and went to school. I missed being cut from doing cardio everyday by riding my bike for long periods of time.


I met Sam Demeter through cars he started me on the gym along with tips from Jon Moore. I went sporadically never on a set schedule until recently after moving in with Dover. He gained weight after coming home from his tour in Iraq. we both decided we needed to be where we were years ago.


These are the results


This was the end of December and beginning of January










Now originally I wanted to just look good for Spring Break in Panama City Beach we have planned for the PartyRocKrew that quickly changed.


I think the gym is a place where BMX used to take me. Its hard to say that the gym can put me in the same feeling as BMX but its damn close. Im in total control and what I put into it will only show in time and effort. This will continue and be part of everyday life for a very long time and just not for spring break..


Also by this time Rhett had moved into the house with us and he just got home from his tour and he also wanted to get back to where he was.









Here is 2 months of missing 6 days at the gym. My work out is somewhat amateurish but its getting better every day I go. However my Diet is still hard to control I just need more will power.



So my goal has been met I'm happy with where I have come from in 2 months but I have a bigger goal for the long haul and hopefully I will meet it and update this thread.



THANKS = Dover, Rhett for always wanting to goto the gym around my schedule and pushing me to rep one more, putting 10 more lbs on the bench and helping me out everyday. Sam thanks for the kick start.



Anyone else just felt like they lost it and got back in the gym and got it all back cause I still have a long ways to go.

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Coming around nicely, Shanton.


I wish I had before pictures of myself, but I've made a huge difference in my own body. I finally hit my target weight of 165, after starting at 136 nearly 7 months ago. It's been hard for me to put on mass and muscle because I simply had no fat to start out with.

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Coming around nicely, Shanton.


I wish I had before pictures of myself, but I've made a huge difference in my own body. I finally hit my target weight of 165, after starting at 136 nearly 7 months ago. It's been hard for me to put on mass and muscle because I simply had no fat to start out with.


Dude your tellin me Dover is cutting weight like Pablo Escabar is cutting Coke....


Ive been on a high Carb/Protein diet with Creatine and still stay around the 186-188 mark......

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Dude your tellin me Dover is cutting weight like Pablo Escabar is cutting Coke....


Ive been on a high Carb/Protein diet with Creatine and still stay around the 186-188 mark......


I've pretty much done the same thing. Just making sure I get the 1.5-2grams of protein per pound of body weight in my daily diet and sticking to my vitamins and creatine. Honestly, I'm terrible with a diet at all and I know I eat a lot of food I shouldn't, but at this point I'll take any calories I can lol. I'm not looking to be as big as possible in a short period of time, but I just want to continue a steady growth.

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i wish i had the time and will power to get in the gym 6 days a week...3 is about all i can get myself to do, which really only keeps me in the same spot...i have lost about 32-35lbs (down to 180) from what i was 2 years ago, so i guess its good im not putting it back on
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i wish i had the time and will power to get in the gym 6 days a week...3 is about all i can get myself to do, which really only keeps me in the same spot...i have lost about 32-35lbs (down to 180) from what i was 2 years ago, so i guess its good im not putting it back on


Really, if I can hit all my muscle groups in 4 days, I'm content.. I like to allow my body the time to recover, which is really one of the more important things, IMO. The 5th day I like to get a good solid hour of cardio in.

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i wish i had the time and will power to get in the gym 6 days a week...3 is about all i can get myself to do, which really only keeps me in the same spot...i have lost about 32-35lbs (down to 180) from what i was 2 years ago, so i guess its good im not putting it back on


I got 50hrs a week of work "2 Jobs" and one day of class.


Come on mang, If I can do it anyone can lol.


SICKNESS22 Good work man, way to stay on track from when we were getting our lift on at Capital.


Sorry to hear about the SS, However to this day I still do the chest workout you taught me;)

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diet is 80% workouts 20%.


That said, nice work!


FWIW The only time I really made notable progress was when I focused more on my eating than the workouts- of course that is harder to say then do as that requires a life commitment and a workout is 20min to an hour per day or a few days a week. Focusing on eating, I put on 25 lbs of muscle on my upper body and doubled my bench in about 3.5 months (120-145 lbs), I didn't even work out my lower body or back as I was a dumb kid back then. Unfortunately, also being a dumb kid, I blew my shoulder screwing around punching a bag and couldn't workout for months after that and lost it all... I have been trying pretty seriously to get it back since my son has been born as I would like to be a good role model but it has been tough thus far!- excuses excuses


BTW out of curiosity Farkas, what are you eating to consume 330g of protein per day and how many meals? I would be lucky to hit just over .5 g per lb these days and I am a lightweight (120 lbs).. and that is with a 37g (IIRC) metrx shake after workout with breakfast, 11g protein bar at 10, pb, tuna or egg salad for lunch, 11g protein bar at 3, and a large dinner. I need to get back with the hardboiled eggs with breakfast or at one of the snacks- I eat with my wife for breakfast and dinner so those are rarely super protein heavy but we do eat beans in salads a lot for dinner- I also need to work on cooking chicken that doesn't taste birdy or dry for dinner or fish that I can enjoy but most attempts have failed thus far.



there is a guy on here bottlefedfocus is his screen name- he really knows what he is talking about IMO.

Edited by hpfiend
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Congrats on the progress, that kind of dedication is hard to keep up. I just got back in the gym this week after a 2 year hiatus. I need to drop about 80lbs to be back to "fighting" weight, but I am on track, just lost 3lbs last week.
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Thanks guys.

I'm sure my progress will only continue as one of my jobs keeps up my cardio like crazy!


Im really shooting to be able to rep 250 out by end of summer 10/8/8/6 That would be Ideal and to work on my running.



I know I need to pack on some more muscle but Im still thinking I can get where I need to be and still be at 170.


diet is 80% workouts 20%.


That said, nice work!


FWIW The only time I really made notable progress was when I focused more on my eating than the workouts- of course that is harder to say then do as that requires a life commitment and a workout is 20min to an hour per day or a few days a week. Focusing on eating, I put on 25 lbs of muscle on my upper body and doubled my bench in about 3.5 months (120-145 lbs), I didn't even work out my lower body or back as I was a dumb kid back then. Unfortunately, also being a dumb kid, I blew my shoulder screwing around punching a bag and couldn't workout for months after that and lost it all... I have been trying pretty seriously to get it back since my son has been born as I would like to be a good role model but it has been tough thus far!- excuses excuses


BTW out of curiosity Farkas, what are you eating to consume 330g of protein per day and how many meals? I would be lucky to hit just over .5 g per lb these days and I am a lightweight (120 lbs).. and that is with a 37g (IIRC) metrx shake after workout with breakfast, 11g protein bar at 10, pb, tuna or egg salad for lunch, 11g protein bar at 3, and a large dinner. I need to get back with the hardboiled eggs with breakfast or at one of the snacks- I eat with my wife for breakfast and dinner so those are rarely super protein heavy but we do eat beans in salads a lot for dinner- I also need to work on cooking chicken that doesn't taste birdy or dry for dinner or fish that I can enjoy but most attempts have failed thus far.



there is a guy on here bottlefedfocus is his screen name- he really knows what he is talking about IMO.


Due to diet this is only possible. You can work out everyday your diet has got to be somewhat controlled.

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Congrats Shanton, I've been doing similarly. Diet and exercise starting in mid-December, I'm down almost 20lbs, and I'm gaining a bit of muscle. I've still got about 15 more pounds to lose before I'm at where I want to be. I agree with the diet being 80% of the work, it's a bitch to watch exactly what you eat.
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