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Dayton in April


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  • 1 month later...
:lol: no nudes. The poster is an exciting conglomeration of material development progress and explanations of different aspects of thermoelectric devices and their ability to operate under different conditions. That's not nearly as exciting as nudes
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Looks like I'm going to be spending 3 days, including my birthday, in Dayton for a conference :( I think I'm gonna strap that damn poster to my back and take my motorcycle there though, so hopefully the weather will cooperate and people will be able to ride?? April 20th-23rd...

What is there to do in Dayton? What should I check out while I'm there?

Not a dern thing. I work there. Not as interesting as Columbus.

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So, would anyone volunteer to let me ship my poster to your house so that I don't actually have to strap a poster to my back when I ride my motorcycle to dayton?? :)

Send the poster to me. I work just south of downtown which is very close to where you are staying. You're in luck too, I know where good restaurants can be found and I just so happen to have a bike. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so alleviate the hassle, I think I'm just gonna drive. I'm presenting on Tuesday, and I have a hotel lined up for Monday and Tuesday night, so I guess what I'm thinking is, I might want to have a night out on the town on Tuesday night. I know everyone works and stuff, but would anyone be in???

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i had completely forgotten our quiet town was having a visitor....

I have grad class (and lab :rolleyes:) till 7:30ish on Tuesday, but if this becomes a thing, I'll try to join up with all you suckers when I get out.

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i had completely forgotten our quiet town was having a visitor....

I have grad class (and lab :rolleyes:) till 7:30ish on Tuesday, but if this becomes a thing, I'll try to join up with all you suckers when I get out.

I think she was wanting to hang out with men her age, not kids, Jarvis :eek:

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