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Verizon sounds like Apple in that news article. Imagine that, that verizon wants to block anyone trespassing on their shit, or so they think. Fuck verizon and their outrageous prices. Ill stick with sprint and pay 130 for everything for 4 lines.
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if verizon's coverage wasn't so great, we would have been gone a long time ago... but I can get Verizon at my house and no other carrier works... so I'm kind of stuck with Verizon until another carrier gets their shit together.
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Not wrong


Oh and to answer Jeff's questions, no you cannot use a Droid on T-Mobile because t-mobile is GSM like AT&T, where verizon is CDMA, so you would need a SIM card. And yes I still have T-Mobile because it uses the same frequencies as most of the world and is important for me since I travel to Europe and Africa quite a bit.

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So verizon is pissed because google may become a competitor in cellphone service?


Well fuck verizon, thats what capitalism is all about. And if google does it 10x better (not hard vs. verizon) then lucky me.


i have the first phone released by google, and i must say, this is the best phone ive ever owned. other than battery life deminishing after about 5 months, i cant really complain. i havnt had to call customer service once. when i was with VZW, i was calling just about every month because they dont know how to keep track of billing, or their phones are junk.


+1 for google.

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I love competition. It will force all other companies to be better. Go google! I can't wait until Google can sell me a new mortgage. I for one welcome our new evil overlords.




With the ATT vs Verizon competition and prices dropping, I hope google comes in and undercuts all these motherfuckers even further.

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I love competition. It will force all other companies to be better. Go google! I can't wait until Google can sell me a new mortgage. I for one welcome our new evil overlords.


Don't even have to read the article. This is my thoughts. I've always had problems and I guess I may be a little less dramatic than most people and can honestly say I've never had 'problems' with verizon. Every company has its downfalls and makes mistakes but at the end of the day the service I pay for with them has always been worth the money.


If google starts being a true competitor in the cellphone world than more power to them, this competition will either lead to a spectacular new cell provider or will just make all cell providers better and offer more for less or the same! We win in the end no matter who you choose to carry or badmouth.

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I recently got a Hero through Sprint. Cool, but certainly seems a little on the flimsy side. Of course that was coming from a Blackberry 8300 series. The Hero is much better as far as Interwebz use goes, and for apps I think.


My ex hates it. It runs slow it sends multiple text sometimes it doesn't even send them. Have to wait 30 secs for your message list to pop up. She's pissed and she had it since day one which could be the problem

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Verizon's been great for us. Zero issues ever and everything works great though a couple times per year the data network goes down which is kinda annoying when you do all your work through data on your phone.
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