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not scared welcome to 1999 with that turbo set up


Ok. You dont need a gt35r to run a decent number. Plus its too large right now for me on the street. Its also out of my budget. A 48lb/min turbo is plenty. Bigger isnt always better.

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Ok. You dont need a gt35r to run a decent number. Plus its too large right now for me on the street. Its also out of my budget. A 48lb/min turbo is plenty. Bigger isnt always better.


that doesnt make any sense....? wouldnt it be 48 psi?

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i got $50 that says paul has less crank wlak, and makes tiwce as many pass's as the dsm , before the dsm breaks for the day


Ill give you 50 if my 6 bolt walks!

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Ok. You dont need a gt35r to run a decent number. Plus its too large right now for me on the street. Its also out of my budget. A 48lb/min turbo is plenty. Bigger isnt always better.



can i bring my turbo to the party?



sitting in the super duty...didnt even get it out of the truck and into hiding, before i could take a pic

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i love walking, i walk all the time. to the store, to the park, and then maybe to school. oh theni walk to the bank

he owns a dsm....he is used to the long walks after driving for 20 minutes.

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