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Engine to chassis ground!


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Acceptable voltage drop is .4 volts but thats with a load in the circuit , so the voltage drop test I posted earlier isnt really accurate unless the wire was in operation in a circuit. :(



acceptable yes...but a properly done connection will still voltage drop .2 across each connection in a circuit . but yet still failed the physical test in 2 ways. protection and strenght.



and $25...hell you could have got a double ended cable for what, 5 bucks


and around the same 5 bucks on 2 brass terminals and a few feet of cable from the parts store

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Callout?? I posted a picture of something fabricated by a local shop and they were unable to step in and defend their product so callout, I dont know but some type of reasoning behind that half assed cable would be nice! The car was getting intermittent voltage drop at several of the coil packs so I started checking grounds and found that mystery cable dangling from the head and was curious if it was up to par!
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When you say dangling from the block, it was not connected to anything else other than the block?


I got a chuckle either way, nice picture. That's one of those back yard "it's late and this is the last thing I need to do to get the car fired and I gotta know if it will work right now" type jobs. That you then replace in the morning when the parts store opens lol.

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When working on this thing I need a good sense of humor or I'd have no motivation to work on it. It's a set of struts away from driving down the road which is long over due. Once its up and running I'm thinking of making IPS a care package for all their hard work and determination on the build. It will consist of scotchlock conectors, paper clips, soldering iron, rubber grommets, and many other random things that they used on my car that ran down their supplies. Either way I just want to thank everyone on the forum for answering my dumb questions so I can get this damn thing finished!
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Sorry for posting the only bullshit thread that's ever been posted on the forum! And the fingerprint thread will come after the thread about my airbag sensor being removed to mount the radiator! So stay tuned SuperMod!


If you want to make a bullshit thread at least stop making them about IPS. Your initial thread did damage. Now these countless pokes at them is annoying. I'm not saying get over it, I wouldnt... but I am saying stop taking shots at them here. If you are really that pissed off get a lawyer.

PS.. I'm an admin you illiterate dairy farmer.

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Don't mess with Brian. His car directly affects the time/space continuum, thus you see in his sig pic the tearing of the fabric itself as his car sits idle, awaiting the coup of the universe.


you should see what MacGyver can do with this stuff.;)


Double bwahahahahahahahahaha!

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To be THAT guy, that is identical to the factory ground strap on the 1996 Nissan Maxima I worked on.



several import cars have a ground that comes off the battery, ground's to the chassis, and then to the motor. notice the lack of a ground point in the center?

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