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2010 Census


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The only thing they can force you to answer is how many people (and voters) are in your household. All the other stuff is government information gathering, and we know it's never really for our good.
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The only thing they can force you to answer is how many people (and voters) are in your household. All the other stuff is government information gathering, and we know it's never really for our good.


Not really, it's enumeration and they can count however many whatevers they want. How many 22 year olds, how many whites, how many christians, etc.

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The socialists that run are government are now hiring people to go and remind people to fill their census's out and are paying people 16 dollars a house they get a census for...Lets go ahead an spend more money we don't have, hell in about another year or two our GDP may equal our debt load...What happens then...Oh its called bankruptcy.


We need a republican congress back again like in the Clinton days, an repel back this spending....

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one thing i notice in my complex is that there are 6 kids living in 1 apartment that are relatives of the renters so that they are able to go to westerville city schools even though they shouldn't be. If they are doing this, why would they want to give accurate information to a census? I say epic fail government.


NPR had an interesting story about what you're talking about this week, talking about how difficult it is getting many ethnic communities (like the large Somalian population here in Columbus) to participate in the census. They are fearful that if they put down how many people are in their dwelling (even if it's "temporary"), their landlords will find out and kick them out or increase the rent. I can't say their logic is that far off.


However, the fact that people are lying/not participating kills the effectiveness of the Census.

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wtf i dont see the big deal. its simple and fast... course then people bitch cause its simple and fast. fill it out, send it back. poof its done. then you plop your but back down and do more important things like read this bullshit i'm typing.
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Not really, it's enumeration and they can count however many whatevers they want. How many 22 year olds, how many whites, how many christians, etc.



According to the constitution . . . you're wrong.

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According to the constitution . . . you're wrong.


You should read the constitution sometime then ;)


[An] Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.


Main Entry: enu·mer·ate

Pronunciation: \i-ˈn(y)ü-mə-ˌrāt\

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): enu·mer·at·ed; enu·mer·at·ing

Etymology: Latin enumeratus, past participle of enumerare, from e- + numerare to count, from numerus number

Date: 1616


1 : to ascertain the number of : count

2 : to specify one after another : list


So, a count that congress decides on what is counted. It never says what is counted, just that congress directs it.

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