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The Unemployable

russian rocket

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so this is what the welfare line looks like....


i never understood why the fuck people do this shit to themselves

















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its art. thats how they like to express themselves and dont care what others think of them. I got mad respect for them. id do it to if i didnt have interests in racing and automotive scene. i just dont think id go as far as tattooing my face or those guages in the last one but. id probably enjoy a few spikes in my nuckels... it just wouldnt fit my look though. the first one on your second post is my favorite. Edited by a7x1990
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They should all be shunned from society and locked away somewhere


And your mom should have jumped stomach first onto the side of a brick wall off of a two story building when she was pregnant with you. We don't always get what we want out of life though.


P.S. hoping I get a comeback about how that's rude, insensitive and unnecessary because your mom is dead


P.P.S. bonus points if it happened during childbirth

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This is just my opinion.


There's 'art', which is subjective anyway so this statement may be a generalization but fuck it, and then there's 'wanting attention'. A lot of these people likely fall between those two lines, but I imagine most of it is wanting attention. (I believe someone above referenced a 'baited trap', if you will, purposefully seeking negative attention to opportunize[sic] the reaction) Then there's always a possibility of a livable, but nonetheless noticeable psychosis. Possibly body-image confusion, severe overgrooming (maybe not trichotillomania but an offshoot), OC tendancies, or some other mental disorder. Catguy probably falls under that, even though he is an otherwise functional member of society. (should Brian's post be correct, which I don't care to research)


For the record. I have a couple tattoos, one was a pointless "hey I turned 18 lets get tattoos !!!" tattoo, which I sort of regret if only cause it means nothing to me, the others have pretty personal significance. So I 'get' the tattoo thing. Hell I've even had a couple piercings (none of which are still in). And I find tattooed girls insanely attractive to near-constant masturbatory levels. The above however I do not like. (minus the chick with the rack)

Edited by sol740
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Ok I am going to give this thread ten more minutes before buckland comes in with links of guys injecting silicone in they balls.....


Damn Will, you're about the 1000000000000000000000000th person to spell and pronounce my last name wrong ;).

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