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Almost perfect....


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wow impressive buck. i had a 243 yesterday and i thouhgt i was doing good. we need to meet up sometime and hit the alley.

ps, this new ball wore a sick ass blister on my thumb.


What ball did you get? I have the original shift I bought used from a guy at work for $50 last year :). I also have a 10 year old ball still in my bag (Pearl Messenger :)).


If you're free a Friday night at the Palace I can probably get a lane after we get done bowling for a cost of $0 :). I'll just have to take a vacation day that night since I work nights when I get home. Lemmie know when you wanna hit up the lane. I'll have to bring my son along too.

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that would be fun. hopefully this blister is healed by then. i got it wednesday fromt he new ball, then made it twice as big on thursday LOL. its a full tilt 50


If you got blisters the ball isn't drilled right or it's too tight or too loose and you're holding onto it. Take it to a pro shop and have them look at it.

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we on for friday buck? this scab is healing nicely.



I'll need to call off work Friday. Since I work 6 pm to 2 am, but I get a break from 6-9 as I work during the day.


I'll let ya know later today (Wednesday). My right arm/shoulder is hurting like a mother fucking since I had to drop my exhaust 5 times on Saturday.

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I'll need to call off work Friday. Since I work 6 pm to 2 am, but I get a break from 6-9 as I work during the day.


I'll let ya know later today (Wednesday). My right arm/shoulder is hurting like a mother fucking since I had to drop my exhaust 5 times on Saturday.



i have to pull mine tomorrow. bottomed out on monday and now i have a pretty serious leak now.

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