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Christian Warrior


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What, if you don't mind me asking, is fascinating about it? 9 people that are part of a militia get into trouble for plotting to kill govenrment employees? That's becoming more and more commonplace, i think.


I was being sarcastic. After watching the video and reading the entire article. It just seems like there should be more to it.

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It just seems like there should be more to it.


Sorry but I have tons of family in uniform so i take a huge amount of offense to that. You think there should be more people plotting to kill others b/c of their career, even law enforcement officers?? How the fuck could you agree with that? Where do they fucking breed you people? I'm not all for a bigger gov't either but I'm not going to go shooting at people over it either. You go knock yourself with your personal crusade and tell me how that works out for ya! I'll read about you and your kookie friends just like I am these tools and laugh at your dopey mug shots. Don't you ever step back and think to yourself, 'maybe i get too worked up over this shit?'


Btw our military is over in the middle east fighting against people with the same kinda radical mind set that these idiots have and I'm sure your cock gets all hard over that doesn't it? Its somehow ok when our citizens plot against the government when you agree with their anti gov't point of views but as soon as a foreigner does it we gotta invade dem suns a bitches and kill them all!!!




If you applaud this you should seriously go die in a fucking fire.

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Sorry but I have tons of family in uniform so i take a huge amount of offense to that. You think there should be more people plotting to kill others b/c of their career, even law enforcement officers?? How the fuck could you agree with that? Where do they fucking breed you people? I'm not all for a bigger gov't either but I'm not going to go shooting at people over it either. You go knock yourself with your personal crusade and tell me how that works out for ya! I'll read about you and your kookie friends just like I am these tools and laugh at your dopey mug shots. Don't you ever step back and think to yourself, 'maybe i get too worked up over this shit?'


Btw our military is over in the middle east fighting against people with the same kinda radical mind set that these idiots have and I'm sure your cock gets all hard over that doesn't it? Its somehow ok when our citizens plot against the government when you agree with their anti gov't point of views but as soon as a foreigner does it we gotta invade dem suns a bitches and kill them all!!!




If you applaud this you should seriously go die in a fucking fire.


My friend, please read more carefully before flying off the handle. It's unbecoming and makes you look reactionary. Dude said "It just seems like there should be more TO it," as in, more to that story than what there was. What he didn't say was "It just seems like there should be more OF it," as in, more guys running around trying to whack our government employees. The difference is subtle, but important.


Although you do make good points, and I imagine that there are plenty of nutjobs out there that deserve your ire, I think this is a case of miscommunication.

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My friend, please read more carefully before flying off the handle. It's unbecoming and makes you look reactionary. Dude said "It just seems like there should be more TO it," as in, more to that story than what there was. What he didn't say was "It just seems like there should be more OF it," as in, more guys running around trying to whack our government employees. The difference is subtle, but important.


Although you do make good points, and I imagine that there are plenty of nutjobs out there that deserve your ire, I think this is a case of miscommunication.


^^ perhaps the most clear and sensible examples of reading comprehension on CR today.


Nicely put.

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My friend, please read more carefully before flying off the handle. It's unbecoming and makes you look reactionary. Dude said "It just seems like there should be more TO it," as in, more to that story than what there was. What he didn't say was "It just seems like there should be more OF it," as in, more guys running around trying to whack our government employees. The difference is subtle, but important.


Although you do make good points, and I imagine that there are plenty of nutjobs out there that deserve your ire, I think this is a case of miscommunication.


Absolutely correct.


I think there is more to this story.

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Absolutely correct.


I think there is more to this story.






Yeah man, it's cool. That happens to all of us.






Major ouch, I'll go crawl into a hole now. I'd ninja edit that had you not quoted me. I stand by everything that I said, however you did say 'to' and I somehow did read 'of'. Apologies sir. It's a sore subject for me.


I also agree with some of your ideas. :)

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