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Storage Facility Auctions


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Has anyone ever purchased a Storage Facility contents at Auction?


I just picked up a copy of the CMC Paper, and on the back page they have about 4 dozen listings for Storage Facility Auctions (The garages you can rent per month).


Has anyone on here ever went to one of these auctions and won it? If so what is the average going price? Is everything sight un-seen (i.e. no one knows what is inside)?


i have heard stories of people buying a 60 dollar storage unit, and finding antiques worth hundreds of dollars in these, which I assume isn't that common at all. I assume more than likely you will get junk, but it could be fun for the potential, to maybe score a nice find in one of these.


Any help or input is greatly appreciated.

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I have done it. IT is hit or miss. We do auctions all the times with items from work. If other people are not biding you can find deals. It just depends on what you are up against.


Is it sign unseen? Or does the Storage unit doing the auction know what is in there? Do they rummage through all the boxes or do they just open the unit do a quick inventory and list that?


i see some of them listed have specific items, but I see a lot of "containers" and "boxes"

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There was an episode of 'This American Life' on NPR about this exact topic. I recommend listening to it before you give it a shot.


Act One. Needle in a Crapstack.


Thanks. Listening now


That was an interesting article. Good listen though for sure. Seems that it really is hit or miss. May be worth going to a few just to get a feel for how things go, before I actually try to buy one

Edited by kshymkiw83
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i went to one once, never ended up buying them. they tell you you have 24 hours to clear it out or you can chose to rent it from them for 30 bucks. you eventually have to clean out the whole unit. if you dont, they dont let you back in the auctions. i saw a bunch going for $3-500. they'll open the door but you cant cross the threshhold
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