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Fuck the Dispatch and this moronic CPD Officer (James Day).


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ya the dude deserved getting killed. Don't go and try breaking in peoples houses and you wont get shot. Last time i checked the law passed where your allowed to shoot someone if they make an attempt to break in.
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I can't believe you guys. The poor guy that got shot, based on his past convictions, obviously had a mental illness that we as a society failed to assist him with well enough to prevent this awful incident.


I blame white, male, rich, educated citizens.
















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Honest citizens have to protect themselves because our judicial system lets people like Charles R. Sprague walk the streets and continue to commit crimes. When response time for CPD is probably over 5 minutes, it puts average people in situations like this. The owner of the apartment acted just. It's also a load of bullshit that when a citizen does defend his/her self in accordance with the Castle Law, they are then prosecuted through the same BS judicial system.



I have told you all time and time again that Franklin County is not the place to have this kind of problem.


Words cannot describe how I feel and how I have always felt about CPD and the prosecutors trying to protect and serve the citizens from each other.

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So a man shoots a CONVICTED Sexual predator illegally entering his home while he and his pregnant wife are there and gets this news coverage associated with his name? This is not right. I'm gonna become a criminal, it's so much easier.



We weren't there. Its not like detectives get paid to figure this shit out, have a formal education, put their time in on the street and have a work history.


You think they want some sex offender running around on their steets? You have no idea what these guys see on a day to day basis and that they want to take every wack job out back and shoot him, but its there job and duty to people of Columbus to look at what they see and call it. Of course it sounds out landish that this would go down, but its not a snap judgment decision. Who are you to make accusations based on assumed multiple 3rd and 4th party info? How about you find out some more info before you and the towns people freak out and light the torches.



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You are correct but beware the civil suit that almost always follows...


^^^ has point, id like to know what trouble if any the tenant/shooter got in? did he have to go down to the jail house for a hr?day?week? thats what i wanna know what is the consequences for defending your home...... is there a civil suit?


these are the things the paper should do follow ups on, with all these break-ins going on......tell us what happens after the fact, let everyone know if the persons defending their homes get in trouble when the bad guys are shot dead......




and why argue over how the paper worded it, doesnt mean they are gonna change it now.....

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Shout, show, shove, and shoot are what I was always taught when escalating the use of deadly force. There are plenty of instances where these steps are skipped, and it jumps straight to deadly force. Hind sight is 20/20 so there's plenty of folks that will dissect this case left and right, but it comes down to the man that was in the moment. He acted within his RIGHTS personally.


Our passed down ROE is shoot to warn before shooting to kill, I had to ask why the hell would we shoot to warn when we have authorization to shootin the first place?? A+ command.

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I agree with everyone if someone breaks in there house etc. Although, there is tons of information missing from this story. I live not too far from the scene and have some more info.


First of all they didnt know the guys name who got shot for a while. The same night that this happened the people at Speedway(off of 270 Westerville exit) around the corner knew everything. They said the guy and his family came in almost every day they knew him by name etc. Also, they said he was drunk asking for rides to Cleveland ave which is prolly 1-2 miles away. Nobody would give him a ride and he hung around drinking a few tall boys. Either they told him to hit the road or he just started walking home. Anyway he was almost half way home. I doubt he just picked that place to rob. There is 3 shack like 1 story appartments there the worst places in the area.


Anyway if I had to guess I think he prolly knew somebody who lived in another appartment or lived there before etc. Or was trying to buy drugs etc. It doesnt make sense unless he was that drunk. He was almost home and on foot.Some funny things about all of this was the guy who shot him wouldnt answer his door and talk to the police.. (drugs maybe) fired like 15 shots and was 19

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So the above was from the actual ran story correct ?


And we're all pissed because of semantics ? I don't see anyone condemning the homeowner for what he did in the above, as a matter of fact I see the opposite. The officer/paper just used a less than desirable term for the offender, yet their actual statements are absolving the homeowner of wrongdoing. Maybe run an apology about the term "victim", but I wouldn't get all pissy about it. Or maybe they just forgot the "" around the word "victim".


X2 I'm confused?

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