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Flea and Tick Medications Harm Tens of Thousands of Pets


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I've been saying this for years and refuse to use these products unless I have absolutely no choice. There's also been an increase in bad reactions to these products from my pets and others. I've been through mutliple summers without a flea problem and without the use of chemical products. Whenever my dogs go anywhere, they are checked head to toe for parasites before going into the car and again, before going into the house. I try to keep their exposure to a minimum. It's a poison. How can this not be bad for them? And that oil shit is the worse, imo.



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Thanks to being in contact with a sick cat a few years back, I ended up having to get the rabies vaccine after it died with symptoms of rabies. It was just plan bad timing and the results from a rabies test would not back in time for the people that were in contact with the cat to be in the window to receive the vaccine. So all of us in contact with the cat ended up getting the rabies vaccine. I will say it sucked.


The cat was given a fea and tick medicine from Hartz. Shortly after all this happened, Hartz had a huge recall on all there fea and tick medicines because pets were dieing with rabies like symptoms after receiving the medicine.

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Normally i would agree with you guys, but since the EPA is involved with this now, I think its something worth looking into.


I will be switching to brewers yeast and Lavendar oil for the time being, till i hear otherwise.


The EPA plans to develop stricter testing methods, together with assessing if clearer usage instructions need to be included on the labels. Steve Owens, Assistant Administrator of EPA`s Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances, said that new limitations will be placed on flea and tick products, together with possible changes in some of the product formulas. Owens admitted the toxicity of these products by stating, "These are poisons. These are products that are designed to kill fleas and ticks - and they do their jobs." He stated that the EPA is committed to protecting the safety and health of families and their pets. However, he warned that pet owners must be careful and read the labels, ensuring that they follow precise instructions. Some of the injuries have been due to applying a product designated for a dog to a cat and vice-versa.
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Normally i would agree with you guys, but since the EPA is involved with this now, I think its something worth looking into.


I will be switching to brewers yeast and Lavendar oil for the time being, till i hear otherwise.


A lot of those are you shitty over the counter products such as Hartz. The good stuff is expensive and safe, but that's the problem, it's expensive. Also, I am pretty positive I remember my gf (vet) and my sister (vet tech) both saying you never put any flea and tick stuff on cats. I know that we don't use any on any of our barn cats (around 15 cats) or house cats (1 for me 4 for my sister) and never have any problems.

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i have used frontline for years now.. I have had reactions to it, and my dogs look pained when i use it on them. I feed my dogs good dog food, and have a clean environment for them. We have still had fleas on months where we didnt use it in the summer months.


I used brewers yeast on my dogs growing up and it worked well. I acutally use frontline more for the Tick repellent than anything, having had a dog with lyme disease, i care not to go thru that again.

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I treat my front and back yard and also my carpet in my house with growth regulator once a year. This almost always takes care of the fleas. My yard gets soaked for days over a heavy rain. Before without treating the yard I would bring in fleas just by cutting the grass when I had no dog.


I don't use frontline unless the growth regulator doesn't work, but really if you do it right it will always work. Frontline is the same thing except you just put it on animals.

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Meh....we've used Revolution for years and have never, ever seen a flea or tick on them. We've also never seen any issues with the dogs from using it either. When we take them out to a metro park or field, I simply use a very light coat of front line spray on them to add a little more protection.


I also bath them monthly and being short-haired, Boxers are a lot easier to care for in this respect which is a huge plus for me.

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Thanks to being in contact with a sick cat a few years back, I ended up having to get the rabies vaccine after it died with symptoms of rabies. It was just plan bad timing and the results from a rabies test would not back in time for the people that were in contact with the cat to be in the window to receive the vaccine. So all of us in contact with the cat ended up getting the rabies vaccine. I will say it sucked.


The cat was given a fea and tick medicine from Hartz. Shortly after all this happened, Hartz had a huge recall on all there fea and tick medicines because pets were dieing with rabies like symptoms after receiving the medicine.


That freakin sux.


I'm sure the "natural news" is unbiased. :rolleyes:


Oh, I don't doubt that they may be the case. But the facts still stand, however.


Dude, you are obviously completely wrong on this one. YOU KNOW that you were putting frontline on my back once a month and not only did I never get sick from it, I never got flees either (just lice once).


That wasn't frontline and those weren't lice. :)

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