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school dances sure have changed a lot


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I stand by my convictions that this country is morally in the shitter. This further proves it. We watch the Iranians handing their 8yr olds guns and they watch us teaching our kids this shit. :( Don't blame the kids, blame the adults in their lives.
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I stand by my convictions that this country is morally in the shitter. This further proves it. We watch the Iranians handing their 8yr olds guns and they watch us teaching our kids this shit. :( Don't blame the kids, blame the adults in their lives.


Umm, I don't think that was our country.?

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I stand by my convictions that this country is morally in the shitter. This further proves it. We watch the Iranians handing their 8yr olds guns and they watch us teaching our kids this shit. :( Don't blame the kids, blame the adults in their lives.


As mindboggling as the above video is(and I can't stop facepalming right now the decision making processes running through the adults brains) I would have to challenge you to post the era/place in history where people were so moral.


In ancient greece having young boys as sexual partners was an accepted practice.


How old do you think Mary was when god knocked her up ? If you believe in such things.


Middle-easterners are hardly the first people to train/use children as soldiers.


Today we are educated enough to actually teach young people not "why you should never, ever ever have sex", but "why they should be more safe and more selective when choosing partners", ie disease, early pregnancy, and the consequences of said actions.


Naw, fuck that shit, lets just tell em jesus don't like it, so don't do it. Forget what I did when I was your age, just don't.

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Umm, I don't think that was our country.?


The EXACT same dance and case is under fire right now in regards to this happening at a school prom. Now the kids are poking to have prom off school grounds so they can do this dance without issue. It was on the news last night. Ohio school IIRC.

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