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Anybody Else Getting Bugged By Crackhead/Panhandlers Everywhere?????????????????


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The last few weeks there everywhere. Not just in shittier parts of town either. Places that I have never seen them at before. Last night went to Speedway a crack head bitch with a gas can needed gas to get back to Galloway. Told her didnt have any money etc. On the way out a old guy said wanted a sandwhich for his birthday and same crack head bitch came up to me again. I was like wtf you dont remember me from 5 minutes ago
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The last few weeks there everywhere. Not just in shittier parts of town either. Places that I have never seen them at before. Last night went to Speedway a crack head bitch with a gas can needed gas to get back to Galloway. Told her didnt have any money etc. On the way out a old guy said wanted a sandwhich for his birthday and same crack head bitch came up to me again. I was like wtf you dont remember me from 5 minutes ago


Ive heard of people getting hastled at the Speedway right by 270 on Morse Rd.


My mom actually got chased by some dude after she refused to give him money. A friend of hers got robbed there too a week or so ago.

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"You guys sell any hollow pyrex glass that's kind of like a straw and 6 inches long?"


Crack heads are coming out is what this phone call tells me. We had all sorts of these people you are talking about up at Speedway on Brice and Livingston. These people need their fix and they'll do some crazy shit to get money so be careful.

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FUCK THEM!!! The craziest thing happened to me a few weeks ago I was downtown and had just left the spaghetti warehouse when this bum lady came up to my car and asked for MONEY. My G/F was with me and she was like "give her something", So I gave her the loose change that was piling up in my center consol, mostly pennies and nickels. I handed her the change and the bitch took it, looked at it, and then threw it back at me and said “I want MONEY ni**ga not no change you cheap ass mother fucker!”… I was shocked… I didn’t really know what to do. We were at a stop light, but I threw the car in park and Kari started yelling at me to stop what I was doing. I got out and ran up on the lady and just started yelling at her. (What was I really going to do? Beat up a crack head woman?) People started honking their horns so I went back gathered up what change was left walked over and threw it her as hard as I could! I know a few hit her in the head/ face. I was soo pissed! I gunned the car at her too like I was going to run her down but that was more just out of rage… So fuck the homeless. I know people claim to have reasons as to why they’re homeless and I’m sure some are legit and unfortunate, but I have to believe that most are that way because they’re too fuckin lazy to take responsibility for themselves!
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FUCK THEM!!! The craziest thing happened to me a few weeks ago I was downtown and had just left the spaghetti warehouse when this bum lady came up to my car and asked for MONEY. My G/F was with me and she was like "give her something", So I gave her the loose change that was piling up in my center consol, mostly pennies and nickels. I handed her the change and the bitch took it, looked at it, and then threw it back at me and said “I want MONEY ni**ga not no change you cheap ass mother fucker!”… I was shocked… I didn’t really know what to do. We were at a stop light, but I threw the car in park and Kari started yelling at me to stop what I was doing. I got out and ran up on the lady and just started yelling at her. (What was I really going to do? Beat up a crack head woman?) People started honking their horns so I went back gathered up what change was left walked over and threw it her as hard as I could! I know a few hit her in the head/ face. I was soo pissed! I gunned the car at her too like I was going to run her down but that was more just out of rage… So fuck the homeless. I know people claim to have reasons as to why they’re homeless and I’m sure some are legit and unfortunate, but I have to believe that most are that way because they’re too fuckin lazy to take responsibility for themselves!



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Some people will park their Mercedez a few blocks down the street and go pan handle and go home with a few hundred dollars in change every night.


I once had a guy do a standing back flip on ice for a quarter one time. If you can't do something like that you don't deserve my money.

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Guest 614Streets
FUCK THEM!!! The craziest thing happened to me a few weeks ago I was downtown and had just left the spaghetti warehouse when this bum lady came up to my car and asked for MONEY. My G/F was with me and she was like "give her something", So I gave her the loose change that was piling up in my center consol, mostly pennies and nickels. I handed her the change and the bitch took it, looked at it, and then threw it back at me and said “I want MONEY ni**ga not no change you cheap ass mother fucker!”… I was shocked… I didn’t really know what to do. We were at a stop light, but I threw the car in park and Kari started yelling at me to stop what I was doing. I got out and ran up on the lady and just started yelling at her. (What was I really going to do? Beat up a crack head woman?) People started honking their horns so I went back gathered up what change was left walked over and threw it her as hard as I could! I know a few hit her in the head/ face. I was soo pissed! I gunned the car at her too like I was going to run her down but that was more just out of rage… So fuck the homeless. I know people claim to have reasons as to why they’re homeless and I’m sure some are legit and unfortunate, but I have to believe that most are that way because they’re too fuckin lazy to take responsibility for themselves!


Fuck them. These bastards will break into your cars for loose change. I live on the south side and deal with these dirt bags on the daily. Fuck em do not give them money.

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those fuckers are gettin bad. I work at the kroger fuel center at taylor and main in reynoldsburg. This is usually a pretty good area but just recently ive had several people ask em if i could "loan" them some gas so they could drive in to get more and pay me, and also had a guy had a guy try to get cigs for cheaper. He brought like pockets full of change. He wanted newports but was about 75 cents short. He sat looking at the cigs for about 10 minutes, then starts begging me to just sell them to him for what he had. And just last week i saw a couple standing out on the corner begging for money.
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FUCK THEM!!! The craziest thing happened to me a few weeks ago I was downtown and had just left the spaghetti warehouse when this bum lady came up to my car and asked for MONEY. My G/F was with me and she was like "give her something", So I gave her the loose change that was piling up in my center consol, mostly pennies and nickels. I handed her the change and the bitch took it, looked at it, and then threw it back at me and said “I want MONEY ni**ga not no change you cheap ass mother fucker!”… I was shocked… I didn’t really know what to do. We were at a stop light, but I threw the car in park and Kari started yelling at me to stop what I was doing. I got out and ran up on the lady and just started yelling at her. (What was I really going to do? Beat up a crack head woman?) People started honking their horns so I went back gathered up what change was left walked over and threw it her as hard as I could! I know a few hit her in the head/ face. I was soo pissed! I gunned the car at her too like I was going to run her down but that was more just out of rage… So fuck the homeless. I know people claim to have reasons as to why they’re homeless and I’m sure some are legit and unfortunate, but I have to believe that most are that way because they’re too fuckin lazy to take responsibility for themselves!


Good, you did the right thing. Mother fuckers begging for shit, don't like what you give them?


Similar thing happened to me once, I was in a parking lot getting into my car, I gave some dude like 60 cents after he came up to me and he's like "nah man fuck this, I can't live on this shit" and I'm like "GET A FUCKING JOB then." I was nice enough to give him some money and he's being a dick about it? Then he's like "look at that nice car, I know you got money, quit holdin out, give me your money man" (it was just a stock Grand Prix) so I was like "you know what? actually I don't have any money. You should give me your money, quit holding out on me, you're a fucking bum I know you got money! Fucking hand it over!" He didn't know what to do lol.

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I see crackhead hookers getting dropped off and picked up in front of my house in the summer time. Next one I see I'm pulling the glock out and telling her to take her STD's elsewhere.


And let a bum chase me...he is going to have another thing coming.

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when someone asks you for money, give them a puzzled look, and say


"damn, i was going to ask YOU for a dollar for some gas money."


works every time. my roommate did it all the time--no one hassled him, most were so surprised they just walked away. no one gave him a dollar.

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Maybe working downtown I am just used to it. Happens all the time, and its the same 10 worthless shitbags beggin everyday, new sob story about how they're stranded, or about how they lost a job recently, or BLAH BLAH BLAH.


The only guy I've ever given money to is the homeless guy selling the "Homeless People Newspaper", cause even though its full of stories of people I don't give a shit about, at least he's doing SOMETHING. All of my callous comments are exclusive of the few seriously mental folks out there wandering around aimlessly, as these folks do really have some sad circumstances. I'd give them money if that would even begin to help them, but it won't. They need way more than cash.

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The rapping bum on OSU campus was walking by my buddy's place one night, we were out front, and he had a sick 5 minute rap for us, and when he left he didn't even ask for money. We offered him beer though, lol. He's pretty fuckin cool. Somebody told me he actually has a home and a family, but who knows if that's true
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I never give money to beggars. I will give them food if I have some on me. Most of the time people smile and gladly take my food and say God bless or whatever.


I had one person tell me to keep my cheeseburger and give them money. I told them "You are not homeless if you refuse a free burger. Get the fuck away from me." They just looked at me really weird and walked away.

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Some people will park their Mercedez a few blocks down the street and go pan handle and go home with a few hundred dollars in change every night.


I once had a guy do a standing back flip on ice for a quarter one time. If you can't do something like that you don't deserve my money.


Dont know where the panhandlers you see that are making a couple hundred dollars everynight. I arrest 3-4 of these guys every couple weeks and when they get to jail they may have 5-6 bucks enough to buy beer. And none of them drive a mercedes.

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Had some people trying to get money from my friend (Spankis on here) and I at the Speedway on the corner of 256/204 just before 70 in Pickerington a couple years ago. Spankis said they were the same people who had tried to get money from him and his parents a couple weeks before so we called the police, watched and waited in the parking lot. They left the Speedway after they got enough money and headed over to Massey's to use some of the money they got to get food and drinks. Cop pulled in right as they were coming out...lol. No idea if anything happened to them but it was a funny situation nonetheless.


Only times I've ever given stuff to homeless people was food. Gave an ice cream sandwich from CD101 to a homeless guy a couple summers ago. It was like 95 degrees and the dude was really grateful actually. He was like... "Man, it's been a loooooong time since I've had one of these." Another time my friends and I were going into Little Caesar's at the K-Mart on Brice (think the Little Caesar's is gone now) and this dude was asking us for money as we went in and we were like, yeah, we're getting pizza in here with our credit cards... no cash. When we came out we had about half a pizza left and gave it to him. He took it and seemed to appreciate it. He asked if we did something to it...lol. Another time we had an extra pizza from there and tried to find a homeless person to give it to and the first person we gave it to put it on the ground and left it so some of the people we were with went back and got it and I guess they found a different person to give it to.

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Dont know where the panhandlers you see that are making a couple hundred dollars everynight. I arrest 3-4 of these guys every couple weeks and when they get to jail they may have 5-6 bucks enough to buy beer. And none of them drive a mercedes.


There was an article about it that I read. I've seen bums get handed over 50 dollars within 2 minutes of just standing at a freeway exit before.

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I feel bad for some of these people, but shit. If thats all you have on you, thats all you got. I usually just say no sorry and keep walking. I had a guy that came up to me when i bought my car in chicago who wanted a ride up the block. I said, im on a 12 hr trip and have 4 hours to go, i dont have time sorry. I was there at the gas station for at least 10 minutes. I guess he really didnt want to walk because he stood there and continued to ask people.
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Seems like gas stations are a big draw for these types of people. I've been getting hit up more recently as well. I actually saw a guy today hopping car to car asking for money. Luckily I was able to speed away as he was walking up to my car. I dont even want to hear their bullshit stories anymore.
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