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credit card disputes...


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anyone know what they normally are, as far as time frame to do so? specifically 5/3 if you know...


long story short, i bought some cabinets for my kitchen remodel last month, they get delivered today, and tomorrow is 30 days from me ordering them. i get a call from g/fs sisters b/f who was here when delivered saying quite a few are fucked up, missing, etc.


i get home, 2 have gouges in the cabinet door, one has a scuffed to shit side (which, ironically will be the side showing), one was horribly assembled, 2 were straight missing (a 36" and a 9")...instead i got 2 21".


i plan to head up there first thing in the morning before i go into work, but i plan to call the bank to see if i need to put a dispute on it immediately until they fix it or do whatever, or if i may have more time to submit a dispute


i know i didnt buy the greatest cabinets made, but holy shit...what is all this? i didnt expect to get crap like this


few pics to show the bullshittery









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I'm assuming you ordered from lowes/home depot local? They shouldn't have a problem with exchanging them for you. I agree its a PITA but when I bought new cabinets 3 years ago I hand picked each one off the shelf, but still ended up returning a few as well as exchanging some doors off of other ones because the finish wasn't uniform.


Doubt you'll have to get the CC company involved, but even if so I don't think there is a 30day window limit or anything.

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It is 30 days from when you are billed but most companies will still allow you to dispute things way after that unless you are a dick or something and claming fraud and they think u did it etc. You have to give them a chance to replace/fix them etc before you can dispute it or they will just reverse it. What is there return policy etc?
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It is 30 days from when you are billed but most companies will still allow you to dispute things way after that unless you are a dick or something and claming fraud and they think u did it etc. You have to give them a chance to replace/fix them etc before you can dispute it or they will just reverse it. What is there return policy etc?


not sure yet...i plan on going in tomorrow to "show my extreme displeasure" to put it in nice words...but really, im f-ing furious.

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i dont want to return the stuff, i just want to get what i ordered in new condition like i was told it was...but if it comes down to that, i'll pay $20 to rent a uhaul and take all this shit back and then do the dispute


but i got ahold of 5/3 today and the guy said there wasnt a set time frame for a dispute, so i have time to go talk to them and see what they're willing to do to fix this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just to update - i dont want this to go to the archives without a resolution


got all the cabinets today. took a bit longer than the owner told me it would (first told me by end of week 4/17. didnt happen. thursday i call to find out whats going on, guy says theyre going up to cleveland friday (4/23) to get new ones. calls me back 1/2 hr later and says cabinets arent ready til monday, but i'd have them monday evening. get call yesterday, saying i'll have them today (tues).


so today they call, said on their way, i take my lunch break, head home, check cabinets over before they leave and i had to get back to work.


cabinets look good, all the f'ed up doors replaced, cracked frame replaced, doors adjusted to close evenly (which i could have done had they let me know about the adjustment screws on the hinges).


so in the end, i got my cabinets in time for my kitchen remodel, and everything was made right as i was told by the guy i ordered them through.

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right...such a douche move of me to see if anyone was aware if a bank only accepts disputes within 30 days of a purchase, when i received my item on the 30th day and would have to rush to put a dispute on it had there been a time limit.


lets look at it like this...


i get items delivered to me. realize there are issues with multiple pieces...wait a couple days until it was convienent for me to get down there and talk to them. once i get down there, they say "sorry, nothing we can do. all sales are final, no refunds, no exchanges". i then call bank, and they say "sorry, disputes need to be made within X time frame, which ended yesterday". then im fucked because i lollygagged for a couple days instead of jumping on it.


its not like i called the bank and put a dispute on it before i spoke to them, i just wanted to know how long i had INCASE it didnt get resolved. it did get resolved, so i came back and posted as to not give anyone the notion it didnt get fixed. i dont see how this is a douche move.

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I dint have an issue with you disputing anything or lookin into it.. And I will say I'm sorry now if the point of this thread was not to slander or deface a business that you felt with before you gave them a shot to make it right
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not at all, which is why i didnt even put the name of the company in my posts. i didnt want to say "XYZ company brought me these shitty products" before i gave them a chance to fix it. obviously shit happens, this was just too extreme.


im actually quite happy with the items i received once it was all made right...dovetailed drawers, 5/8" thick box, full extension drawers with soft close feature (which i LOVE), and i got all my cabinets for my kitchen assembled/delivered for <$2900 OTD

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Guest tbutera2112
I dint have an issue with you disputing anything or lookin into it.. And I will say I'm sorry now if the point of this thread was not to slander or deface a business that you felt with before you gave them a shot to make it right


ill give you $50, straight up cash if you can show me one spot in this whole thread where he slandered or defaced any business??


he didnt even post the name, because, as stated, he wanted to give them a chance to make it right first



you really dont seem like the kinda dude to be talking about buying/selling ethics anyways...no offense






you sir, fail

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Guest tbutera2112
probably, now be careful getting back to the serious section of the internet, wouldnt want you to run over some oil in your walker and fall down and break a hip
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Guest tbutera2112
Evan I'm glad it worked out in your favor and sounds like a smokin deal..


Tyler you've got a lot of life to live before you start being right rather than thinking you are.



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