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For those who dissagree with spanking/paddling.


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First thing my English professor in college told me was to forget everything I learned in high school, just as my History professor told me. High school does not come close to teaching you anything you need to know for the real world.


I'm not against uniforms at all and I think they should be forced upon the students. It would help with a lot of problems.

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First thing my English professor in college told me was to forget everything I learned in high school, just as my History professor told me. High school does not come close to teaching you anything you need to know for the real world.


Thats the problem, it should, otherwise we're just wasting 12 years of our lives.

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A good parent mixes multiple forms of discipline. You dont have to spank some kids but others you do. As long as they are being corrected, understand, and make an effort to change their ways/behavior its all good. To some kids saying you are disappointed in them is worse than cutting their legs off. Way too many people beat their kids as a way to punish them for everything. As professionals schools need to find other forms of punishment. Not to mention I would be scared of some dad saying its ok then mommy trying to sue me.


P.S. By getting spanked in school you can lose that 3 hour mental torture session of knowing you are going to get your ass destroyed when you get home. My mom was called once or twice while I was at shcool.. I made sure that never happened again!

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The threat of a paddling even helps to correct children . . . dumbasses will over react and claim that theachers far and wide will abuse that power.

the threat of legal firearms helps prevent crime . . . dumbasses think that people can't control themselves and gun fights will break out constantly.


Lesson here is that the threat of pain or death is a great motivator and it works even without actual violence occuring.


As for myself, i have no problem if my kid is paddled at school as long as I am notified ahead of time with and a reason of why it is needed. At the moment we timeout my son, but if he needs it eventually I would not hesitate.

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When I had to walk through my sons middle school (that was 6 years ago) there were girls cussing up a storm in front of the dam principal, all she could tell them was, "girls watch your mouths we have visitors in the building'?????


WTF, I thought to myself, I'm 40, if those words echoed in the halls when I was in the 7th grade, you could bet my ass would be red from a paddling, AND when I got home. The kids in school now have no respect for the teachers, and Ryan its not just always "a few bad eggs"


When kids from the 1st grade know what they will get from the start if they act out of line, it keeps them in line, and makes the techers job that much easier. When Cam was in school, a "bad egg" acting up all the time took away from his learning time with all that go down to the office B.S.


Those that dont agree with paddling from what I can see of their ages, never had to deal with it.

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First thing my English professor in college told me was to forget everything I learned in high school, just as my History professor told me. High school does not come close to teaching you anything you need to know for the real world.


I'm not against uniforms at all and I think they should be forced upon the students. It would help with a lot of problems.


I love it. Colleges have been bitching for years that students have not been adequately prepared. And college professors are telling students to forget everything they learned in highschool? So, who here was ready for college after finishing the 8th grade? Hmmm, lets see. Algebra, Geometry, pre-calc, calculus, government, economics, physics, chemistry .... This is useless information? That is one of the most retarded things I have heard. Also ... racing is nothing but physics. Force, acceleration, mass, friction, thermodynamics, torque, these are all taught in any high school physics class. Try setting up a suspension without understanding Geometry.


BTW, uniforms do help. We went uniform a few years ago and it cut down on a LOT of problems. Not to say we don't have discipline issues with uniform violations, but now it's all very clear cut. You are in uniform, or you are not.


Sorry for the thread jack, back to discipline.

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I was never paddled or anything, but I once got a smack upside the head and a "what the hell do you think you were doing?". That's all it took for me. Then again, I never really fucked around in school, I knew better. There were times where I wanted to beat some ass in school (some kids deserved it), but I knew my parents would be pissed and that always kept me in line.
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My Dad would tell you that spanking myself, my brother and sister did nothing to change how we handled ourselves. I disagree to an extent.


For myself, I knew what I could get away with and what I couldn't. I knew if I did this there would be an ass whopping waiting for me at home... Did I do it? If I wanted something bad enough I would.


I will say that my brother will back talk my father way more than I ever would/will and he got spanked one maybe two times? I can't even count how many times he spanked me (not that I didn't deserved the punishment).


Its all about having the child understand that there will be consequences for actions and understanding what they are AND accepting them.


Edit: Id love to hear Johnny Bravo comment on this stuff. IIRC this is one of his major focuses in his field.

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