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animal cruelty vs rape?


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Sooo roethlisberger gets a 6 game suspension when he is suspected but never convicted on multiple instances of rape and misconduct over the past few years, but vick gets 2game suspension and 2years in prison for felony animal abuse....


whats worse; raping women( or constantly putting your self in questionable situations, alone with drunk women) or fighting and killing dogs?

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Has he been proven guilty? Last time I heard it was no.


So convicted of animal cruelty > accused of raping.


Like i said, he continuously puts himself into situations where he is alone with an intox BIA, and there is some "Just the tip. Just for a minute. Just to see how it feels" going on


Hes not convicted, but he made alot of bad decision and has the moeny to get a out of jail free card.


I mean OJ was never convicted

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They should both burn in a lake of fire for an eternity, and they're both deserve equal amounts of infiinite damnation. How's that?


No, im not lookign for equality or what exactly their punishment should have been...but what does it say out our society when animal abuse trumps suspected rape?


we value animals over women?


....bitches be crazy.....real talk

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The thing with roethlisberger is that he was not brought up on charges. If he would have and been found gulity, things would be way different. We don't know what the police have and have not found out. The DA said there wasn't enough to bring charges against him. Don't get me wrong, both roethlisberger and vick are scumbags! Ben should have learned after the reno situation. I'm a Falcon fan and I can say that vick made his own bed......had to lye in it. Ben got off way easy! If he would have been found guility, Sex offender status for atleast 25 years, if not more.
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yea, that's what im getting at. Vick took it like a man, did his time and has said honestly sorry...appeared at ASPCA rally's, held multi press conferences. roethlisberger has continued to do this for a few years...


what gets me is that un named players who associates with roethlisberger says the guy is a scum bag...peopel that we works with on a daily or weekly basis say hes a dirt ball. I too think he got off easy...


even forget that hes a superstar...just hold him to the standards of every day man. Ive never been accused of rape. No one i associate has been either.

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Sorry, but innocent until proven guilty. The NFL doesn't decide jailtime, so comparing Vick's time served isn't really analogous, to a suspension of employment. Just because the public opinion of someone isn't so high, or because he was in questionable situations doesn't make him guilty. I'm not saying the man is definitely innocent either, but who hasn't been alone with a drunken girl before ?


Should he have been smarter being in the position he's in (famous athlete, rich) ? Absolutely, and the NFL punished him accordingly.

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apples and oranges! If Ben had been brought up on charges and convicted, apples and apples. Until ben serves time, you could never compair the two.


*Edit* Both are still scumbags! If ben does not do what he's been doing again, then good for him. There are 4 people who know the truth, thise two girls, ben and GOD. Ben will get his in the end, if you believe in that kind of stuff!!!

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Sooo roethlisberger gets a 6 game suspension when he is suspected but never convicted on multiple instances of rape and misconduct over the past few years, but vick gets 2game suspension and 2years in prison for felony animal abuse....


whats worse; raping women( or constantly putting your self in questionable situations, alone with drunk women) or fighting and killing dogs?


Its not what you know its what you can prove. The prosecutor couldnt prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Roethlesburger (sp?) actually sexually abused that girl. Basically he's getting a 6 game suspension for putting himself in a bad and questionable situation.


Vick on the other hand was looking at the possability of a RICO case against him he was lucky the prosecutor didnt argue it was technically organized crime but he still did 1 year in jail (if i remember correctly) and missed 2 NFL seasons because of his actions so adding on more suspensions wouldve been a moot point. Vick went from the highest paid NFL athelete to bankrupcty court.

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I agree that he has used bad judgment but the issue is that he has NOT been convicted, hell he hasn't even been charged in the second claim. Aren’t you supposed to be innocent until proven guilty!? And is it really that hard to believe that some drunken gold digger saw an opportunity to take advantage of a situation? I think the fact that he is being suspended for 6 games WITHOUT PAY for nothing other then accusations is tough. Again, bad decisions bad actions yeah, but that doesn’t mean he has or has not raped women.


And everyone wants to say that Michael Vick was put in jail because of the animal cruelty. Don't let the media confuse you my friend, the poor dogs may have gotten the headlines but the real crime was that he was housing/ running an illegal gambling ring as well as lying in court and failing to cooperate with authorities. THAT’S why he was in jail, not just because of the way he killed dogs.


So your title should be Lying Under oath and being the syndicate of a gambling ring >Sexual Assault Accusations?















By the way, I love your bike!

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Ben Roethlisberger's Bad Play


Police reports detail NFL quarterback's unseemly night in Georgia



APRIL 15--The college student who accused Ben Roethlisberger of sexually assaulting her last month in a Georgia nightclub told cops that the NFL star approached her "with his penis out of his pants" and followed her into a bathroom, where "he had sex with me" in spite of her objections.

The victim's account is included in 572 pages of Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) records detailing the probe of the booze-fueled March 5 incident involving the athlete and the 20-year-old woman, both of whom had spent that evening barhopping in Milledgeville, a college town 90 miles southeast of Atlanta. The woman told police that the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback raped her in a bathroom adjacent to the VIP section of the Capital City club.

In one of two handwritten police statements, the woman recalled that she told Roethlisberger, "No, this is not OK, and he then had sex with me. He said it was OK. He then left without saying anything." After the woman reconnected with friends, they left the club and "went to the first police car we saw," according to one statement.

The alleged victim, in a second statement, told investigators that she met Roethlisberger at The Velvet Elvis, a Milledgeville bar where the athlete called her and her friends "a tease." Later, at Capital City, the football star's bodyguards "told my friends they couldn't pass through to get to me," she recalled. A Milledgeville Police Department incident report indicates that the woman, whose name was redacted from investigative reports, initially told a cop that she was "sexually assaulted or sexually manipulated" by Roethlisberger.

The GBI documents, which were provided to TSG in response to an open records request, include interview reports with several of the alleged victim's friends, all of whom are sorority sisters from Georgia College and State University.

One witness, Ann Marie Lubatti, told investigators that she saw one of Roethlisberger's bodyguards guide the alleged victim to a side door. Lubatti said that she immediately approached another bodyguard and said, "This isn't right. My friend is back there with Ben. She needs to come back right now." Lubatti, who described Roethlisberger as "noticeably intoxicated," said she was rebuffed by the bodyguard, who remarked, "I don't know what you are talking about."

When Lubatti later spotted her friend, the alleged victim said, "We need to go now." Lubatti said the woman told her that Roethlisberger "walked back to where she was with his penis already out of his pants. She told him that they shouldn't be doing this and that it wasn't right." The woman told Lubatti that Roethlisberger had followed her into the bathroom and shut the door. "She continued to say she didn't want to have sex, but he kept saying, "No, it's OK." Lubatti said that her friend told of having unprotected sex with Roethlisberger. After hearing her friend's account, Lubatti and another woman, Nicole Biancofiore, "walked up to the first cop we saw and told them what happened."

Biancofiore also told police about seeing her friend disappear with Roethlisberger inside the club. She recalled telling the club's owner that her friend was "too drunk to be back there" with Roethlisberger, adding that the man assured her that "Ben would not do anything to ruin his reputation." Biancofiore said that when her friend resurfaced, the woman was crying and "she told us he raped her."

Another sorority sister, Victoria Garofalo, recalled that the alleged victim was wearing a name tag with the initials "DTF." The tag--which the woman had received at a birthday party earlier that evening--was the subject of an inside joke between the students. When Roethlisberger asked about the initials, "Garofalo explained that 'DTF' stood for 'down to fuck' and that it referred to a joke between" the women.

"I'm not down to fuck, but I like to fuck girls," Roethlisberger replied, according to a police report.

Witness Elizabeth Brooks told investigators of partying with Roethlisberger at Capital City, where he purchased a round of shots for women in the VIP room and announced, "All my bitches, take some shots."

The GBI records also include an interview report with Brad Aurila, a Roethlisberger pal who accompanied the athlete on the Milledgeville bar crawl. When the athlete's entourage returned to Roethlisberger's home, Aurila--who had noticed cops speaking with the NFL star at Capital City--asked Roethlisbeger what happened. "Roethlisberger explained to Aurila that nothing had happened," and that he was "in the back with a girl and they were 'messing around.'" Aurila recalled that Roethlisberger said the "girl slipped and he helped her up and then came back out." Aurila noted that "he took 'messing around' to mean 'kissing, whatever,'" according to a GBI report. He added that Roethlisberger's demeanor was "angry and shocked that this was happening" as he spoke of the allegation leveled against him.

The GBI records also include a floor plan of the Capital Club, with the dimensions of the bathroom where the encounter occurred, as well as a search warrant authorizing investigators to collect a DNA sample from Roethlisberger, along with "hair follicles, specifically head and pubic." The samples were not eventually collected from Roethlisberger, because investigators were unable to retrieve more than trace amounts of male DNA from the alleged victim for matching purposes.

In a March 17 letter to prosecutor Fred Bright, a lawyer for the woman asked that the rape probe be dropped. "What is obvious in looking forward is that a criminal trial would be a very intrusive personal experience for a complainant in this situation, given the extraordinary media attention that would be inevitable," wrote attorney David Walbert. "The media coverage to date, and the efforts of the media to access our client, have been unnerving, to say the least." (23 pages)

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Plenty of women out there "cry wolf", when in reality they have free will over their actions. Their fault for being high, drunk, etc....


Now there are legit cases, but heard WAY too many instances of some skank being too drunk to remember herself giving the green light for booty. Hard to call rape when you get a train run on you and loved every minute of it.

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I think the fact that he is being suspended for 6 games WITHOUT PAY for nothing other then accusations is tough.


No, it's what every professional sport should do. They all need cleaned up in a lot of ways. This includes all drugs, but especially performance enhancing drugs. Get the low life piece of shit scum bags who don't deserve a dime of the millions they are making out of there.


He didn't get accused twice in a less than two years because he is innocent. :gtfo:


The way I see it Vick got it way, way, way worse than Rapelessburger. Like someone else said, jail for (almost?) 2 years, bankruptcy. He went from being on top to being a news story backup. Ben will serve his 6 (probably actually 4?) games and come back making millions of dollars. That is if he can keep his dick in his pants and out of bars he has no business being in.

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Guest tbutera2112

he hasnt been convicted of anything, i think its BS that he has ANY punishment at all....innocent until proven guilty, its sad so many people in this country are forgetting about that



i wonder how many women find rich dudes, fuck them, and they say it was rape so they can get a lawsuit and get some money out of the guy...hmmm....oh wait, a woman would never ever do that

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