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Anything going on tonight?


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for once ide have to agree with aaron




Well nobody asked you so you can eat shit and die for all I care.


an honestly this statement really makes me want to go out an meet u :nono: ....since your new here if u would like people to have a meet, i would recommend not being a complete asshole but that's just me :gtfo:

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for once ide have to agree with aaron


an honestly this statement really makes me want to go out an meet u :nono: ....since your new here if u would like people to have a meet, i would recommend not being a complete asshole but that's just me :gtfo:




Friends forever?

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Well nobody asked you so you can eat shit and die for all I care.


Had cookies and cream ice cream actually.


Oh, and I just pulled 2 pieces of string out of my dogs ass and they were more attractive than that rice box of yours. (it was disgusting, dog was sliding its ass all over the carpet freaking out because they were stuck in there)

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really dude how did u make it out of the oven with an attitude like this


pm i just received from mr billy bad ass really man get a life "BRUH"


"I don't give a shit, if someone is gonna talk shit about my car I'm gonna say somethin right back, I have balls not a fuckin pussy, that thread had nothin to do with my fuckin picture and he just had to go and say some stupid fuckin shit, don't give two fucks Bruh, let me know when your ready to race and I don't give a shit what you gotta say about my picture neither"

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really dude how did u make it out of the oven with an attitude like this


pm i just received from mr billy bad ass really man get a life "BRUH"


"I don't give a shit, if someone is gonna talk shit about my car I'm gonna say somethin right back, I have balls not a fuckin pussy, that thread had nothin to do with my fuckin picture and he just had to go and say some stupid fuckin shit, don't give two fucks Bruh, let me know when your ready to race and I don't give a shit what you gotta say about my picture neither"


lol, I love that he PMd you, about me. fantastic.


THis ricebox is over 500 at the wheel you dumbfuck, you talk a lot

of shit let's race small guy.


Who? Me?

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Don't make me get my beast running just for you.........You will regret it.


You want a piece of ass, go to Jones. You want an adrenaline rush that'll be two large.


Obscure F&F quote, modified of course!!!

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This is how it is, i always show the up most respect to everyone i meet, i'm the most polite person and will even go out of my way for you even if your a complete stranger,I dont talk shit about anyone's car, i dont disrespect anyone especially someone i dont know. But the minute you disrespect me you will be disrespected right back I'm a grown ass man I'm not gonna sit here and take someone talkin shit to me for no reason especially if i dont know you, I started this thread to see if there were any meets tonight that was it, but then "MKV Aaron came in and started talk shit right off the bat when i dont know the dude and this thread had nothin to do with my picture, so i went and gave him an ear full right back. I'm the one who has a bad attitude? Nah not all, the bad attitude is to think you go through life thinkin you can go up to a complete stranger, say some stupid shit and disrespect him and think thats fine and dandy...thats a fucked up attitude to have in my eyes. I understand if you have something negative to say about my car that you think i should fix but there are respectful ways to go about it. MKV Aaron opened him mouth about somethin that had nothin to do with him and did it in a disrespect manor so i said somethin right back plain and simple, call me wrong but thats how i am and thats how I'll always be.
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