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Anyone here work for Time Warner?

2 Sweet

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I've got a serious gripe with them myself, now, as well. I'm not gonna waste all my venom spewing it here, though. Too much to type and nobody to do anything about it. lol





my apartment building has some bs contract with TW and that is the only service I can get. I can get directtv but im not sure how that would work cause Im on the top floor and no balcony. most of the apartments in my complex that have balcony's or on the first floor have direct tv dishes.

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my apartment building has some bs contract with TW and that is the only service I can get. I can get directtv but im not sure how that would work cause Im on the top floor and no balcony. most of the apartments in my complex that have balcony's or on the first floor have direct tv dishes.


Back in the day.. ok, waaayyy back in the day, whatever apts we lived in, we just climbed up there (always lived on the top floor) and planted our giant antenna array for our 3 clear channels. :rolleyes: These days, they'd probably try to find a way to fine you, bitch about it, or someone calling the cops for an attempted suicide.

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