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Hot dogs at Progressive Field may face a tough crowd Opening Day


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Opening day for the Indians brings a curve ball for Catholics this year.

The April 10th home opener falls on Good Friday, when faithful Catholics abstain from meat.

That means no ball park hot dogs. And don't expect dispensation from the bishop.

"It is considered the most solemn day on the church calendar," said

Cleveland Catholic Diocese spokesman Bob Tayek, who also works as the

announcer at Progressive Field. He'll attend Good Friday services at

noon, then head to the ballpark for the 4 p.m. game. That doesn't

interfere with the noon to 3 p.m. window, which Catholics observe as

the time Jesus Christ hung on the cross.

Indians spokesman Bob DiBiasio said some fans "provide their own

special dispensation," but meatless offerings are available for the


So, is it dog or no dog for DiBiasio, who is Catholic?

"I am a Catholic guy who's at 81 home games a season," he said. "I can certainly do without a hot dog at one of them."

Ok, I'll let everyone stew this over in their own minds. I know each person is different and far be it from me to lump every religious person into this group. But I'm going to go ahead and be 'that guy' and ask, does anyone else see the utter hypocrisy in this?

Kind of like, religion is cool as long as it doesn't interrupt the the things I want to do in life. Ya know, like eat meat, covet my neighbors' wives, steal, and murder.

These are the same people that go off on the 'unwashed masses' as soon as someone tries to demonstrate some secularism.

They follow religion because they need answers to the most important questions in life, and they can't go a damned day without a hot dog?

I'm sure there are a lot of religious people that don't require special dispensation and faithfully observe all things sacred and holy, but the people that want to bend the rules for opening day are shameless.

Indians baseball > faith.

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the catholic religion is a freakin joke bro. sorry if i hurt someones fellings, but if someones telling me what to do, not eat meat, and give 10% of my paycheck to the church.....thats a f-n cult and to much abberation for moi!

LOL dont all religions do those things?

catholics cant eat meat on friday, jews cant eat cheeseburgers. muslims cant eat pork. they all tithe, and they all tell you what you can and cant do.

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neither one of you has an idea of what you are talking about.... now if you would like to have an intelligent discussion about the catholic faith I'll be more then happy to dialogue with you, Jrmiii... I appreciate your point of view... in my mind if they were "faithful" followers of my faith they wouldn't throw up a stink at all, just do what is right by the faith and go to the next game.... last year st. patricks day fell on a friday during lent I went to mass and observed the day with no meat and no indulgence... and anyone that knows me knows st. paddy's is a huge deal to me.... It's all about doing what I believe is right for me... And I try very hard not to be a hipocrite.

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neither one of you has an idea of what you are talking about.... now if you would like to have an intelligent discussion about the catholic faith I'll be more then happy to dialogue with you, Jrmiii... I appreciate your point of view... in my mind if they were "faithful" followers of my faith they wouldn't throw up a stink at all, just do what is right by the faith and go to the next game.... last year st. patricks day fell on a friday during lent I went to mass and observed the day with no meat and no indulgence... and anyone that knows me knows st. paddy's is a huge deal to me.... It's all about doing what I believe is right for me... And I try very hard not to be a hipocrite.

Better off to not debate with those who are ignorant about religion

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nope.... it isn't a requirement to give 10% in the Catholic faith... you are asked to give what you can, I give my time mostly... and cash when I can....being charitable is the requirement of being a good person, not just the domain of the religious....

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yeah i dont have any clue what im talking about... i was only raised catholic and went to catholic school... what happened to matthew 7:1 :rolleyes: its ok though, later it says judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

i agree with your point about if they were faithful why would they be at a ballgame... i was just responding to his post about not being able to eat meat, and pointing out that all religions tell you what is acceptable and what is not.

obviously i dont think that every catholic on earth eats fish on fridays, or that there has never been a jew who ate a bacon cheeseburger, or a muslim who ate some sausages.

I thought all faiths asked for a 10% tithe...

tithe is from an old english word teogothian which means "tenth" :)

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i was also pointing out a little inconsistency in the bible. it says judge not, lest ye be judged, but later in the chapter it says judge with righteous judgment. so what is it?

my personal feeling is that the bible is chock full of good messages. love your neighbor, treat others how you want to be treated, dont steal, dont kill dont lie etc.

but when you start to take it LITERALLY, problems arise, and you cant see the forest for the trees.

"It's like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all the heavenly glory"

thats from bruce lee, not the bible lol. but the point is still the same.

organized religion can be helpful to people, but at the same time, you could say they are cutting you to sell you a bandaid.

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