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My first pc was?


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Another nerd thread for fun.





IBM XT 4.77mhz

640KB ram!!!

2x 360K Floppy

2400baud modem

okidata microline 182 9pin of awesome!

MFM 10mb HD (I carry 8gigs in my pocket all the time. scary how time changes)

Amber monochrome monitor

Msdos 3.2 or 3.3 dunno later


I got a mouse later so I could play with WINDOWS 3.0 !!!!! It take me a a day + to copy all the 720's to 360's and then figure out what files had to be there first so when it errored out during the install of windows I would know to put which floppy in. Sometimes I had to swap the disk 3-4 times just for 1 disk.....


My computer from a cold start took 60 seconds to count the 640k of ram. No joke.


It took over 2 minutes to boot windows 3.0. and it was pretty useless. I played the few windows games like ski and shit I had found.




This was what started it all. By the time (I think 1991 or 92 I'm not sure) it was outdated already. But hey I had my own computer so what evah haters.









That first pc being under powered forced me to find ways to make the most of it.

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Hand-me-down Atari 1040ST, it had Space Quest and this game called Gunship. I was too young to do anything else with it.


My first "PC" was (again) a hand me down AST 486, that was really only good for browsing the net. My dad was the data center manager at Abbott Laboratories on Seltzer, and he brought all sorts of crap home over the years.


The family's first computer that we all used was an IBM PersonalSystem/2 that ran DOS and Windows 3.1.

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I don't remember all the specs, but I remember our first family computer was a 386. I can remember runing both DOS and Windows 3.1 then to Windows 3.11. I can remember having to run de-frag on the computer every time before I could play some of my DOS games on it or it would crash during the loading of the game. LOL
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My father bought me an Apple Macintosh Classic II cause he wanted me to take an interest in computers. You know the one.




After a couple weeks I tore it apart hoping to be able to put it back together. I did not succeed. My father did not buy me another computer for many years. :(


I found another at a garage sale 10 years later, which I still own. Word processor never moved so thoroughly, or so monochromely[sic].

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Samsung with the amber screen. Don't recall the specs. This was before even your first computer, Thorne. Ah, the days of playing Police Quest and swapping out like 6 bigass floppies every few minutes. lol It even had the big lockout key that worked on one of the snack machines at my school. :D
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Atari 800... had a tape drive, a 5.25 single density floppy, and accepted cartridges.


It was da' badass computer back in the day....


then stepped up to an XT which was 4.77 with 640 memory... modded that beast with a 20 meg hdd.... a few years later, upgraded to XT+ which was ALMOST 8mhz... then 286, 386, 486, etc.... I was a huge geeker growing up!

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I got my brothers IBM PC JR. 360k Floppy drive, 256k memory, CGA monitor. no mouse. Oh, had a joystick though. Played Kings Quest I :)

Kings Quest, Police Quest, Space Quest, Cornel's bequest, leasure suit larry... dude, I loved those games! too bad they don't make games like that anymore.

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Apple IIe, green/black monitor, 80 column card with an extra 56K of RAM bumping it to 128. Two 5.25 floppy drives. My mom taught business english (typing, short hand, etc...) and needed to learn to use a PC before she had to start teaching them. I took it over in short order and was the only family member to touch it for years.


My first PC I bought was in college. 486DX 33MHz, 1 Meg VESA video card, 8 whole megs of RAM, 100 MB hard disk, 2400KB modem. Even had the TURBO button. It was SMOKING for the time. A friend asked me "Oh my god man, what are you going to do with all that space?"

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8086 XT. Single 5.25 floppy. It had a 40 meg hard drive that was HUGE in that day. Most of my friends had no hard drive or a 10 meg drive. Thay all laughed at me, how could someone possible ever use up a 40 meg hard drive. 640K of ram.


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