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V8 Beast

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Did anyone read about the kids that had on the American flag shirts on Cindo De Mayo? Even the Latin Americans thought the teachers were full of shit.


Why are we so butt hurt about everything!!!!!!


everything is over lawyers and money.

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It appears I dont need to have the "credentials" you have to see that the list you provided is small in comparison to the daily terror we see in this country at the hands of our fellow Americans every day.


I applaud your service to our country and have a lot of respect for you and all that are in your shoes. So I will end this with we can agree to disagree.


Keeping us safe from terrorist should start at home. If only we had our own oil.


I 100% agree with the domestic terrorists, but the boys from the east make their acts look like child's play. And yes, OUR government should do a lot more to protect its citizen, either foreign or domestic.



Brian- That whole thing was BS too. It goes back to everyone being butt hurt about simple shit. I think I need to work with Vladimir Putin to bring back the cold war days, atleast everyone agreed to hate communism.

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I absolutely resent that comment.. I don't have to do shit for this Country, which I'm hardly proud of.


And he is over there risking his life so you can talk shit about what he believes in so thank him anyway


And if you don't like it here go somewhere else or change it don't just be a bitch and complain. If you choose to not help fix what you see as the problem you are part of the issue.


I hope your current prez is only a one term prez. I can't afford him anymore

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Having a different president wont change anything that will significantly help us. Our president for a long time has been nothing but a posterboy for freedom that preaches more than they deliver. They may impact our wallets from time to time but the power is in the people... too bad no one realizes that the power in numbers could fix most of our issues. Obama will not be voted in again and who ever goes in after him will blame all of their short comings on him.... its the American way. The same way Obama blamed Bush, Bush blamed Clinton.. etc.. etc.. etc. The only thing these leaders have in common is that none of them have successfully stopped us from slowly digging our own grave. The difference between a good president and a bad one is that a good one is better at brain washing us and hiding the painful truth. Ignorance is bliss should be the next presidents campaign slogan.
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I agree, I feel like I'm part of a dying breed. All I can do is raise my daughter right as my contribution to this world.


IMHO, that's the most important job anyone can have. Teachers, police, firefighters, the military ..... they're right up at the top in my book, too.


From the times I've spent around your daughter, Scott, I'd say you and your wife are doing a pretty good job. :)

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I absolutely resent that comment.. I don't have to do shit for this Country, which I'm hardly proud of.


You have the freedom to do so.


Just saying, you made yourself a poster child of what is wrong with this Nation. Lack of pride, lack of commitment, and no action to help change. I'm not getting on a soap box to preach to the choir, because like I said, you as an AMERICAN are allowed these feelings.

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And he is over there risking his life so you can talk shit about what he believes in so thank him anyway


And if you don't like it here go somewhere else or change it don't just be a bitch and complain. If you choose to not help fix what you see as the problem you are part of the issue.


I hope your current prez is only a one term prez. I can't afford him anymore


I didn't say he was stupid for fighting for what he believes in. But to tell me, and everyone else, they should do the same thing as him is what pisses me off.


I'm the least politically involved person you'll ever meet, and honestly I couldn't give two shits about who's running for what spot, and what bills and laws are being passed. I live my life without bitching unlike everyone else because I know nothing is going to change regardless of who's really in office.


Also, by not voting I can't blame myself for shit.. I'd rather keep quiet and simply deal with what's infront of me.

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You have the freedom to do so.


Just saying, you made yourself a poster child of what is wrong with this Nation. Lack of pride, lack of commitment, and no action to help change. I'm not getting on a soap box to preach to the choir, because like I said, you as an AMERICAN are allowed these feelings.


As an INDIVIDUAL, I'm allowed to have those feelings, yes.


EDIT- I can't stand threads like this because they just go in circles.

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Infidel - I respect a lot of the views you've expressed in this thread, and agree with them too.


But i have to strongly agree with Farkas's initial statement.


I absolutely resent that comment.. I don't have to do shit for this Country, which I'm hardly proud of.


It doesn't make me a lesser person because i chose not to join the military. Yes i'm a strong, fit, able bodied citizen, but its my choice if i want to serve or not. I don't want to for several reasons:

First, i love my girlfriend very much and wouldn't want her to face the prospect of losing me.

Second, i don't want to put my life on the line for a war that i did not want to ever be started.

Third, i know a large number of people who have joined the military, served oversees, came back and blown their paychecks partying and sitting around on their ass. Then they're screwed because they didn't go to college, have no money, and can't get a respectable job. I've chosen to go to school, earn a degree, and have employers wanting ME, rather than me hoping for them to want me.


I am an extremely intelligent person and my choice to serve my country or not has nothing to do with that.


I'm also a proud American and vote on everything i can so that i can take part in our countries decision making. I always make informed decision and fairly compare each candidate instead of just blindly voting for my party's candidate (like stupidass average americans do). I've even called my national congressman and state representative a few times to voice my opinion on something that they're vote could have an effect on.

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Off track for a second... Kstang, whats your major? I ask because most degrees dont give you leg up on competition until you're in your 30's. At this point employers wont want you, they'll want the experienced guy that graduated in 2000.
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Good point. My major is Finance. I'm hoping to start out with some lowly banking job to get my foot in the door, then move up the ladder, maybe as a bank manager or something involving that field. Though my real interest is Investment Management type of stuff. I'd love to be the guy who invests rich people's money and makes a small percent off of it (a small percent of thousands of dollars is still alot of money ;) ). Ohio state has a lot of really good internship opportunities through the business school, so i'm hoping that getting that job experience could help me find a job right out of school. If not, i am open minded towards graduate school, and i think i would definitely be sought after with a Masters degree in Finance.
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Nice plan, good luck with everything! OSU is great at helping people that really want it feel as though their degree is something of value. I have seen so many people that report to me at work expect things to be easy and give up. I wanted to make sure you knew that it could take a while... which you do. If I see another defeted young person paying back student loans and taking anti-depressants I'll scream!
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Thanks! The more time i spend here the more i feel i made a great decision coming to OSU. Haha i know that that is the fate of many of my classmates, which is why i strive not to have the same fate.
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Infidel - I respect a lot of the views you've expressed in this thread, and agree with them too.


But i have to strongly agree with Farkas's initial statement.




It doesn't make me a lesser person because i chose not to join the military. Yes i'm a strong, fit, able bodied citizen, but its my choice if i want to serve or not. I don't want to for several reasons:

First, i love my girlfriend very much and wouldn't want her to face the prospect of losing me.

Second, i don't want to put my life on the line for a war that i did not want to ever be started.

Third, i know a large number of people who have joined the military, served oversees, came back and blown their paychecks partying and sitting around on their ass. Then they're screwed because they didn't go to college, have no money, and can't get a respectable job. I've chosen to go to school, earn a degree, and have employers wanting ME, rather than me hoping for them to want me.


I am an extremely intelligent person and my choice to serve my country or not has nothing to do with that.


I'm also a proud American and vote on everything i can so that i can take part in our countries decision making. I always make informed decision and fairly compare each candidate instead of just blindly voting for my party's candidate (like stupidass average americans do). I've even called my national congressman and state representative a few times to voice my opinion on something that they're vote could have an effect on.


By all means, I guess the context of my post wasn't explained 100%.

As an INDIVIDUAL, I'm allowed to have those feelings, yes.


EDIT- I can't stand threads like this because they just go in circles.

True, but as I meant with the "poster child" comment, if we had every able bodied young American thinkin like this, we wouldn't have a military. I'm saying this because to be a superpower in this world, you need a strong military. As I know, we do have the greatest military in the world. But, with the advent of actions throughout the world, we are on a decline. Politics gets in the way of war fighting and those on the ground doing so. Not much of a fight if you tie an army's hands behind their backs huh? Politics in general has weakened us overall.


Got off the real subject, but as I was saying, if all the military ends up getting are the "bottom of the barrel" type cadidates, that doesn't leave us much hope. Like I was also mentioning, the lack of able bodied individuals will weaken us overall. I'm quite a hard headed, stubborn, patriotic, post 9/11 kill em' all type. So I guess my views are somewhat archaic in a way. Personally, I know this terrorism shit won't end, but if I have to stay busy for a portion of my life to insure that future generations don't have to deal with half this shit, I'm all for it.


Besides, where else do you get to use the best equipment, free ammo, and you get a little compensation for it. :cool:

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I for one think that after HS there should be 3 yrs manditory military service.


And +1 on the fact that we are turning into gay emo fat justin beiber fans. Fucking really pisses me off that there is such a lack of pride and commitment toward anything other than the newest Twilight movie or wireless device.

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