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Need a Network/IT Job


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I'm currently unemployed and it sucks being broke. I Have 4+ Years of experience. I was CCNA certified it has since expired and i need to renew. I have a degree from Devry in Network Systems Administration and Finishing up my Network Communications Management Degree. I have Cisco IOS experience including ASA devices. I have my resume available and will forward to anyone upon request.




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check craigslist. i just got hired doing IT work for a place in delaware after sending my resume to an ad on crailgslist. i have way less experience/education than you, and i was getting calls for interviews quite often. the IT field here in columbus isnt quite as scarce as most believe. check the computer systems page, and the Technical support page.
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Email me your resume. The healthcare co I work for may have a spot opening up. However it's a tough place to get hired on at but well worth it. Youre new here and I'd like to review your background and talk before I share details. The director is a friend of mine and counterpart of My boss.
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