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thoughts on male birth control (CNN news story)


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Women forget to it isn't just men....I'm never confident enough to think a woman is taking it on schedule daily.


I can vouch for this, a lack of being responsible on my part + girl I was seeing at the time (supposedly on BC) = kid, and me having to deal with issues on our kid for the rest of my life.


Not at all a bad situation, just it's going to be harder on my kid because I don’t want to be with her. So advice to the younger guys that were like me trying to capitalize on every piece of ass that walked by... It’s just not having a kid you have to deal with, it’s her as well and any decision on your offspring from sports, discipline, to money will most certainly have to go through her. Still I’m happy.


And I don’t believe I would always remember to a take sperm killing pill. Besides the only reason that birth control pill for women/men exist or are going to exist is because they haven’t developed a pill for 'commonsense'.

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But bitches be crazy... I know a couple that purposely stopped taking their BC to get pregnant so the guy couldn't leave them.


If it were up to me, I'd rather take that shit because I know for sure the bitch will never get pregnant... plus cream pies are awesome :D. And just speaking for the majority of guys, I feel we'd be more inclined to take the pill because we're less likely to actually want kids than females... but I could be wrong. :confused:




Condoms suck assssss..


you have the wisdom of 1000 men.

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Vasectomy = about a $100 with insurance.


Best life insurance a guy can buy.


and for the people who only dont want kids now?


i will say, i dont want kids, maybe because im still young, maybe because of the girl im with, but maybe, just maybe later on down the line i'll change my mind. right now i could say i wont change my mind, but if i do, then its not the same story


if it was something thats reversible, then theres really not much to worry about.


and for sure if it was available, i think i'd be on it. im no man whore so its not like im going to go out and try to sleep with as many girls as possible, but for someone in a monogamous relationship, it'd be a good option

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and for the people who only dont want kids now?


i will say, i dont want kids, maybe because im still young, maybe because of the girl im with, but maybe, just maybe later on down the line i'll change my mind. right now i could say i wont change my mind, but if i do, then its not the same story


if it was something thats reversible, then theres really not much to worry about.


and for sure if it was available, i think i'd be on it. im no man whore so its not like im going to go out and try to sleep with as many girls as possible, but for someone in a monogamous relationship, it'd be a good option



It's reversible, but costly. But if you are in a position to commit to the life altering, budget shattering idea of children, then you can well afford it at that point. :)

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why isnt there a pill that i can take that makes my swimmies nothing more that salty snot? Thats all i want. I always wanted to finish in a women.


Step One: Stop having sex with men



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It's reversible, but costly. But if you are in a position to commit to the life altering, budget shattering idea of children, then you can well afford it at that point. :)


yeah, not something im looking forward to. first the initial snip of my junk, then to go back, pay a shitload of money to get it reversed, then snipped once again after i feel im finished, OR, a cheap co-pay monthly i can stop whenever.




just sayin'. i understand your POV, i just think another option wouldnt hurt anyone

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Learn your woman's times. Plan around them. Research fertility stats. Tons of days you don't need a rubber; true story...


With the knucklehead comments and threads I've seen here, if everyone on CR tried this, there's be a population explosion the likes this city has never seen. It would ensure the future used car market for F-Bodies, Mustangs and 1/2 Ton Trucks for years to come.


If I offended anyone here, then good. Please don't breed. :bangbang:

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i aint no cockboy like you Tim lol. Fucking tellin me to get on some dudes asshole and put my weener in it. You must be high as the moon.


Stop...you're getting me excited.


id rather dip my wick in sulfuric acid, then the asshole of a dude.


Take Jones' advice.....it doesn't hurt as bad.

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I had mine done about 5 years ago... it took a bit of convincing..but it was worth it! :D


Mine was only $50 with insurance and I was awake the whole time. I watched them cut, cauterize, and tie my Vas deferens it in a knot. Was a great investment and worth my time. :)

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Vasectomy = about a $100 with insurance.


Best life insurance a guy can buy.


I want my shit frozen, a vasectomy, and then have unprotected sex with every girl i know until one of them accuses me of getting them pregnant.


The moment of joy I would get right there would be greater than all the sex combined.

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Can't get her preggo on the face.


Maybe unless she spits it into a tissue and runs to the bathroom with a turkey baster


Creampie>face every time.







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