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lebron is becoming one of the worst playoff performers ever. I can understand a bad game, but he would have been better off not playing at all. I think his teammate played decent. but when you have the best player on your team you look to him to lead you and score, so they pass up shots and play tentative as well. I am not sure lebron will win a chapionship anywhere.......
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lebron is becoming one of the worst playoff performers ever. I can understand a bad game, but he would have been better off not playing at all. I think his teammate played decent. but when you have the best player on your team you look to him to lead you and score, so they pass up shots and play tentative as well. I am not sure lebron will win a chapionship anywhere.......


ummmm 2 years ago he took a shitty team to the finals by himself.But yeah it looked like nobody cared last night

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he is over rated. yea i said it. he is compared to jordan and he has not done anything. how many good players made it to the playoffs big deal. you need rings lebron. you have to win when it matters.


I don't think he is overrated. I just don't think he cares sometimes because he is Cleveland's homegrown golden boy.

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If they dont get it done this year, Ill go ahead and say that Cleveland will never win a NBA championship in our lifetimes.


For that matter, the Browns can be lumped in there with a Super Bowl victory as well. (But I dont give a fuck since im a Bengals fan anyway)

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Compare who Jordan had around him and then compare who Lebron has had around him...its nowhere near close


MJ had Pippen, Rodman, Paxson, Horace Grant, Tony Kukoc, Luc Longley...just to name a few. All of whom back in the day were great players.


Lebron has: Mo Williams who doesnt show up in playoffs year in and year out. Shaq at age 35 and no where near the old shaq...


Lebron is doing more with less compared to Jordan. I agree that last night they played with no heart, but what most people fail to realize is Boston is actually a good fucking team and Rajon Rondo is 1 of the top 3 PG's in the league in my opinion. Lebron can go off whenever he wants and carry a team see the series vs Detroit a few years back, I wouldnt count him or Cleveland out just yet.


Also if the Cavs do lose this series then I fully expect Lebron to resign with the cavs (even if they win a ring this year i see him re-signing). Reason being is he has said all along my goal is to win a ring while in Cleveland, if he jumps ship then his tenure in Cleveland will forever be known as a failure, no matter what gawdy numbers he throws up.

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Compare who Jordan had around him and then compare who Lebron has had around him...its nowhere near close


MJ had Pippen, Rodman, Paxson, Horace Grant, Tony Kukoc, Luc Longley...just to name a few. All of whom back in the day were great players.


Lebron has: Mo Williams who doesnt show up in playoffs year in and year out. Shaq at age 35 and no where near the old shaq...


I disagree completely. Cleveland's bench is great, they just don't show up during the playoffs. They have been the top 1 or 2 teams in the NBA for the past 3 years, yet can't get it done. No magic there, just failure. If Lebron is to get 90% of the praise for winning, he deserves 90% of the blame for losses.


He also is a crybaby, and is way too cocky for accomplishing NOTHING in the NBA.


Orlando Magic for me.

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I disagree completely. Cleveland's bench is great, they just don't show up during the playoffs. They have been the top 1 or 2 teams in the NBA for the past 3 years, yet can't get it done. No magic there, just failure. If Lebron is to get 90% of the praise for winning, he deserves 90% of the blame for losses.


He also is a crybaby, and is way too cocky for accomplishing NOTHING in the NBA.


Orlando Magic for me.




This is why I don't care for the NBA at all. One player always takes all the glory. "Team" doesn't mean shit anymore.

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LeBron gave up, plain and simple. He wasn't even trying last night. If you watched the game, I don't see how you can argue against that.


He is the most talented player in NBA history IMO. But last night he didn't even care, and I have no idea why. At least my guy Shaq was playing with some heart

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LeBron gave up, plain and simple. He wasn't even trying last night. If you watched the game, I don't see how you can argue against that.


He is the most talented player in NBA history IMO. But last night he didn't even care, and I have no idea why. At least my guy Shaq was playing with some heart



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I have watched every game this year. Last night I turned the TV off early in the fourth quarter. I still have not decided if I will watch another minute this year. I know when I have been ripped off and as a fan I have just got my pocket picket. I can only imagine how Gilbert feels. What an arrogant asshat. Lebron doesn't need to worry about spoiling or gracing me with his presents anymore
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Cleveland fans are pissed/they hate Lebron....Did anyone ever stop to think that maybe that was the plan? So that if he leaves, it seems like Cleveland wanted him gone? not the other way around? Just some food for thought....


If that's true, it's a horrible excuse for several reasons. Why should he care what it "seems like"? Why would he just give up and risk losing a shot at the title? Why would he risk ruining his reputation? Why should he try and justify leaving Cleveland by blaming it on the fans? If he's really that worried about it, just wait til the fans/media in New York get a piece of him (if that's where he ends up). One bad game in New York, or one season without winning the title, and the fans there will be calling for his head.


He has a city and team that loves him and will do anything for him. He picks the coach. He has a lot of say in what players they bring in. He has NO reason to leave.

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reputation is only something to worry about if you need it... skill will take you further... Its like the whole T.O. this several years back. Anyone would have Lebron if they could...


Regardless, I am a diehard Cleveland fan... Im also from Cleveland. I'l root for the Cavs regardless. I'll never stop rooting for the Browns either.

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reputation is only something to worry about if you need it... skill will take you further... Its like the whole T.O. this several years back. Anyone would have Lebron if they could...


Yeah, but it doesn't make sense either way. If he cares about his reputation, he wouldn't be quitting in game 5. If he DOESN'T care about his reputation, he doesn't need to justify leaving town by saying the fans hate him.


And how will his skill take him farther? What do other teams have to offer that Cleveland doesn't? He has everything a superstar could want; he CONTROLS the Cavs and everything they do. He could win more titles staying put rather than going somewhere else, but I guess he doesn't give a shit about winning titles since he's laying down in game 5. Who knows what he's thinking. The whole situation is bizarre

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