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Iron Man 2?

Science Abuse

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it was a good movie, its building reference to the Avengers which is suppose to be out sometime in 2012, if you do go to see it stay after the end credits for more info like the 1st Iron man movie


Don't bother to stick around after the movie. That 20 second clip is NOT worth the wait.


I saw Captain America's shield, and I thoroughly approve of how Tony Stark treated it. I could truly give a shit less about The Avengers. Iron man is a cool ass movie, the Hulks sucked hard core.

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Don't bother to stick around after the movie. That 20 second clip is NOT worth the wait.


I saw Captain America's shield, and I thoroughly approve of how Tony Stark treated it. I could truly give a shit less about The Avengers. Iron man is a cool ass movie, the Hulks sucked hard core.


so far edward norton(Hulk), robert downey jr(Iron Man), samual l. jackson(Nick Fury) are onboard for the Avengers, and sometime soon the Mighty Thor and Captain America have their own movies coming out to tie all this together

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Attempting to build quite a franchise. Fuck I hope the writes don't suck.


I really liked the hulk as a character, I was bummed that the movies sucked.


also that might be why their re-booting spider-man and the Fantastic Four so they can tie them in also, because they're a small part of the Avengers too, along with a few others

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Yeah, different (better) guy playing Rhodes. It was a fun movie, I liked it. I thought it was better done than the first one.


Last guy was good, they just brought in a bigger name this time 'roun d. Kind of annoying, actually.


Saw it tonight, liked it, think it gave my kid ADD.

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my son and i had a blast watching it over the weekend.

i don't see spider-man making it into the avengers, or any tie-in, as long as Sony has the sole rights to make his movies. that sucks though, because it would be kickass!

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too many important characters will ruin a movie. It's science.

If you ask the audience to keep track of more than 4 or 5 people, they'll hate you.

If you ask writers to write for that many characters, they'll half-ass each and every one.


Quoted for truth

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