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Hooker off Street Project !!!


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When you have brilliant comments like this:

If everyone would stand up to the liberal agenda of destroying families we'd have a hell of a lot LESS prostitutes. They'd find self worth within a loving family instead of a creating more necessary victims and destroying lives with their lies.

It's not a wonder why the Republican party is a crumbling relic right now...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nobody voted for it? Personally, I think the originators of this initiative had hookers on the mind, is all. If they had named it "Runaway Recovery", it would have had the same effect on the street, and everyone would have voted for it.

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When you have brilliant comments like this:

It's not a wonder why the Republican party is a crumbling relic right now...

but but... it doesn't say who introduced it. How do we know it was Republican?

Don't forget that the current Congress is split between liberal and not so liberal Democratic party individuals.

Edited by ReconRat
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It matters not who introduced it (I mean, I guess it does, but that wasn't my point quoting it)... my point was it's the ignorant populace who actually thinks like that. With no real sense of cause-effect relationships.

ah yes, epidemic ignorance... we need a vaccine for that...

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