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$1,000,000 Ford GT....


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Didnt know this car would bring that much, hell I wouldnt have guessed $500k. Pretty interesting there is a person at the bottom in the q&a section asking to trade his Veyron for it and he declined.



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Q: would you take a trade for a Veyron?

A: no thanks,but i can make your veyron go 250 in the mile,but it wont be cheap.





I was thinking that same thing, Im more curious how far up the reserve is set. Its about to crack $1million and still isnt past the reserve

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Q: would you take a trade for a Veyron?

A: no thanks,but i can make your veyron go 250 in the mile,but it wont be cheap.





From what I've seen the Veyron hits around 200mph in the mile.

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975k and the reserve is not even met. I'm going to guess that any winning bid will not be by someone who will actually buy it. That car isn't worth anywhere in the ballpark of that. 300-400k, TOPS. And that is being generous.


You can't put a price on history...

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I just bid on it. :D














































































































































































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I just dont understand how you cannot duplicate that yourself with the car cost for under $250k. Say $150 on the car as thats about what they go for(2006) and leave $100 large on the front seat and drop the car off at a selected shop. I just dont see how you couldnt get close to that. I know they have some serious time in it but there is no way there is $850k worth of mods there.
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Looks like that guy needs to tune about 650 more horsepower to his car.I agree it could be duplicated for a lot less money but it has 500 more horsepower than a $1.5 million Veyron and is quicker.I wouldn't pay that but I'm not a Billionaire.

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