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Mayor Defends Decision To Ban Arizona Travel


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He better start looking for a new job.


COLUMBUS, Ohio — Mayor Michael Coleman defended his decision to ban city-funded travel to Arizona, as part of a protest against that state's new immigration law.

Coleman said he thinks immigration reform should be addressed at the federal level, 10TV's Lindsey Seavert reported.


Coleman told city department heads that Columbus would no longer pay for travel to the Grand Canyon state for conferences and seminars, but the city did not go as far as ending business relationships with the state.


"The way this came up, was several weeks ago one of my cabinet members was interested in going to Arizona, and they wanted to get travel approved and I said no," Coleman said.


Coleman said he believes the law creates racial profiling.

"I don't agree with racial profiling in the state of Ohio, the city of Columbus, why would I condone it somewhere else?" Coleman said.


The mayor said people have the right to disagree with him and the city has received hundreds of phone calls against his decision, Seavert reported.


Coleman said the travel ban is not a political move, but a matter of principle.


"I am not here for people to agree with me 100 percent of the time," Coleman said. "I want it to be a city that accepts all people no matter where they are from."


Experience Columbus said it has heard from about a dozen people who say they no longer want to travel to Columbus, but so far, the visitor's bureau has not seen any impact on the convention side of its business.


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if they would do something at the federal level, sure it should be handled by them. They are all too big of pussies to do it though so Arizona did it for them. I wish i could paypal money to the state of Arizona. At least they have balls.


oh and colemen is a fucking muppet.

Edited by Panduh
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Funny that State Governors are all about the Federal Government jumping into State affairs. Coleman is a damn tool, he should stop playing the politics game and shut up. I think if Columbus did something in the same, they'd be shocked at how many illegal aliens we have here. Our Country is veering away from democracy and capitalism daily.
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+1,000,000,000 rep for Arizona. I can't give Coleman any less rep than I already have. It seems him and I are polar opposites. He didn't want the NRA convention here and now he wants illegals here to help tax our already over-burdened social programs. I have seen him in person on more than a few occassions and I have mentioned my disdain for his policies. I have never gotten a response from the man. He just looks at me.


Oh well, he will be gone sooner or later.

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If the retards can take race out of the equation then something might get done... I think he just needs his grass mowed more. And I don't think there are as many aliens as you think on our welfare or social programs as one might think. If they would just take the time to become a citizen they can still work there 6 jobs so I don't have to flip burgers or clean retards cig butts off the ground.


I may have a diff view on this seeing as my father in law did obtain his citizenship the corect way and made something of himself aka the American dream.




Oh and I'm going to start to vote now so I can vote this Coleman guy out of office. Maybe he should start drinking like his wife

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"I want it to be a city that accepts all people no matter where they are from."


Apparently that includes people breaking the law. I can't believe there is all this fuss over people who are here illegally. They are breaking the law.



Exactly my thoughts.



Coleman is an idiot.

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Isn't his girlfriend a hispanic woman, he has one child with her already and another in the oven?


Atleast, that's what I heard...



...just saying.

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I got neg rep for my post here WTF who ever did it thank you I needed that laugh your a winner in colemans eyes or your a retard too


and they didn't have the spine to defend thier opinion via post. is Mikey Colman lurking?

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Maybe the problem is that the system by which people have to go through to become legal citizens takes too much time and should be reformed. I am fine with people wanting to be in our country, but clearly we have a problem of policy when people would rather come illegally than legally. I would bet if the process to become an American citizen were streamlined, that a majority of illegal immigrants would go the legal route.
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"I want it to be a city that accepts all people no matter where they are from."


Apparently that includes people breaking the law. I can't believe there is all this fuss over people who are here illegally. They are breaking the law.


Bingo !that's the part I don't understand !why do we cater to them so much and give them health care and shit and have more rights than us ?

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Sometimes, I would think out a logical, well formed comment.




Fuck him.


LOL + rep


Once again he shows that he is the leading asshole in Columbus. I seriously wish someone would step up and boot his ass out.

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