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Mortal Kombat, with mountain lion

Science Abuse

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  ImUrOBGYN said:
The problem with most cougar attacks is you never see them coming. You could have 12 guns and 8 knives and it won't make a shitta bitta difference. Oh, and please, someone tell me how bad ass they would be and how you'd arm bar it or some shit. :rolleyes: lol :D


Gotta have the stealthiness of a cougar, eyes of a hawk, ears of a canine, and strength of a bull!


So yeah...I'd be pretty much screwed. :) I agree though. The best thing that happened to her is that she noticed it while it was standing still.


Science Abuse]Were I to hike in Alaska, I would carry a fire arm, and it would m,ost certainly not be a useless 22. A 12ga or .45 might stop a Kodiak.


Agreed, but a Remington .22 with a 50 round clip is enough to scare off most animals around here if nothing else. :) Doesn't matter anymore. Traded my .22 last night for my 9MM carbine so scratch the .22. :)

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I've had two experiences with Cougars in my time. None that close. When living in Cali, I drove up to my grandfather's place in Temecula, CA. He'd told me about one in the area. NExt morning, went outside to the car and there were prints coming out of the desert, into the yard and around the car, then back out. Good size, too. I walked a ways out until I lost the tracks.


Further back when I was still in HS (9th grade at the time if I remember correctly) there were reports of a large cat in our area. I've lived on a 10acres of heavily wooded land surrounded by more heavily wooded land. Many thought the reports were probably the mistaken idendity of a large bobcat which were pretty common. Late one night, I heard something in the woods nearby and one of my goats and a few other animals were flipping out. I ran out to the edge of the woods to bring the goat in and heard what sounded like a large creature in the woods. Then the growls... Both Cocoa (the goat, lol) and I just froze and listened. Nothing. Then finally, the sounds again. Yell at the goat (a tame pet who listened like a dog), yelled for the dogs and we both run like fuckin hell to the house where I run onto the porch. I had taken the rifle, but I couldn't see shit! Never saw it for sure, just the sound alone let me know it was either one hell of a steroided up Bobcat or an actual Cougar. Not to mention, the growls sounded nothing like I'd ever heard a bobcat make and I'm actually pretty damn familiar with bobcat sounds.

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Nice. Woulda peed my pants fo' sho'.


EDIT: I had a similar "encounter" as your first story except with a bear and Gatlinburg. Te resort we stayed at said to keep the dumpster lids closed b/c bears come around and showed us claw scratches on them when we checked in. Haha. Watching TV one night and we heard a baning on the sliding side doors of the dumpster. Went over the next morn and there were fresh paw prints everywhere. Effin' huge ones.

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  ImUrOBGYN said:
I've had two experiences with Cougars in my time. None that close. When living in Cali, I drove up to my grandfather's place in Temecula, CA. He'd told me about one in the area. NExt morning, went outside to the car and there were prints coming out of the desert, into the yard and around the car, then back out. Good size, too. I walked a ways out, alone, wearing a bacon and catnip necklace, until I lost the tracks.


Would have made a better story. ;)

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DanielM'Mburugu is probably the hardest motherfucker to ever step foot in the rural farmlands of Kenya. On June 22nd, this 73 year-old grandfather was out in his farmland minding his own business when all of a sudden this gigantor leopard jumped out from some tall grass and mauled the fuck out of him. The beast let out an earth-shaking howl and pinned M'Mburugu to the ground, scratching the shit out of his chest with its back claws and trying to bite his face off with its gleaming fangs. M'Mburugu tried to free up his panga (Swahili for "big ass machete") so that he could take a good swipe at the creature that was slowly killing him, but then all of a sudden JESUS CHRIST sent a messenger pigeon down to him with a note that read:


Dear Daniel,

Fuck the machete. Just rip this motherfucker's tongue out.




So Daniel M'Mburugu dropped his machete and shoved his hand into the leopards mouth. The leopard chomped down on his hand, be he totally didn't even give a fuck. He just pulled the fucking leopard's tongue out of its head, causing it to die and get totally pwned by a 73 year-old dude. After he was done wrecking the leopard's shit, he told his neighbor to go get him some salt just so that he could rub it into his wounds, pound his chest like Tarzan and prove to everyone that he was the baddest motherfucker in town. Awesome.

Look it up, fools.

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Ben Nyaumbe


Ben was just chilling on the farm he worked at in rural Kenya. The guy had been the manager here for the last ten years running, and as usual, he was the last guy there, working until about 7:30 p.m. But he didn't really give a shit. No big deal, just another day at the office. That is of course, until as he was walking back from the field, he felt something squishy under his feet.

The next thing he knew, he was being leg-sweeped by a goddamned thirteen-foot long python from hell.

The massive beast tripped Nyaumbe up, knocked him to the ground, and immediately started wrapping itself around him like the giant man-eating Anaconda snake from that crazy 1990s movie with Ice Cube (I think it was cleverly titled Anaconda). Ben tried to fight it off, but the powerful creature pinned his left arm to his torso and started squeezing the ever-loving fuck out of him like crazy.

Now, I'm not sure how much you guys know about pythons, but these things are seriously fucking vicious. This sort of tremendous, muscular beast generally eats things like sheep, goats, and dogs, plus the occasional kangaroo. There was one incident where an overly-ambitious python actually killed and tried to eat a six-foot gator, and there are several documented cases where constrictor snakes of equal size have killed the shit out of careless humans. Needless to say, caught off guard and firmly in the clenched iron coils of this giant skull-crushing python, with only one usable appendage, things were looking pretty bad for our friend. But Ben Nyaumbe wasn't going to just keel over and asphyxiate like some kind of chump. He was going to punch this thing in the fuck till it shit.




A thirteen-foot python.




His first order of business was to let this giant abomination from the sick asshole of Mother Nature know that he wasn't going to punk out and die without a fight. When the snake began to tighten itself around Nyaumbe, he did the one thing he could to inflict damage on this hideous monstrosity – he bit the fuck out of it.

That's right, this dude attacked a killer python with his teeth, chowing down on it like a giant, scaly, carnivorous Big Mac.

The python wasn't really a big fan of having its tail chomped, so it started fucking pulling this dude across the ground. I have no idea how the shit this would work logistically, but apparently this giant man-eating snake held onto Ben with its abdomen and began dragging him towards a nearby tree. Well, Nyaumbe wasn't done yet. As he was being pulled, he grabbed onto a nearby tree trunk and held on for dear life. He held on tenaciously, fighting this thing off for almost an hour.

This alone should give you some indication of how tough Ben Nyaumbe is. The man has spent the last ten-plus years doing hard labor in the fields, and is probably in pretty goddamned incredible shape. This is a fact you can further glean from the fact that he hung onto a tree trunk with one arm for over an hour while a ridiculous thirteen-foot long snake choked him the fuck out. Sure, this thing wasn't exactly a 40-foot TITANOBOA, but it was so pissed-off, violent, and horrifically mean it might as well have been called the SATANOBOA. So yeah, while most people can't hang from a chin-up bar with one hand for like five minutes, this guy somehow managed to resist this beast from Hell for an hour.

Eventually Nyaumbe's strength gave out, and he lost his grip on the tree. The monster then pulled this dude a short ways across the field, and then somehow pulled this dude up into the branches of another tree! No kidding, this thing dragged poor Ben up like ten feet off the ground into a tree like a crazy homicidal reptilian lumberjack.

Thinking that it had Ben sufficiently weakened, the python unhinged its jaw and got ready to return the favor and bite the fuck out of Ben Nyaumbe's face until he died from it. But, as we've already seen, this guy wasn't going to sit there and let himself become dinner for some horrible killer monster the likes of which you don't generally see outside of an Epic-Level D&D quest. Right as this thing was going to impale his face with its fangs, Ben freed his other arm, pulled off his shirt, and wrapped it around the monster's face. With the Kenyan equivalent of Mankind's "Socko" stuck to its face, the python wasn't able to see, much less get its jaws around Ben Nyaumbe's cranium. So Ben was holding this thing with one arm, trying desperately to control it, while with the other hand he reached into his pocket and busted out his cell phone. He sent his best friend a text saying something along the lines of: OMG SNAKE EATIN MY HEAD








As Ben Nyaumbe and the SATANOBOA are desperately fighting for their lives, slugging it out like the final rounds of the Rocky-Drago bout, both men on their last legs, drawing from their last reserves of energy, his friend goes and gets two police officers, and together they rush to the scene of the epic battle. They all leap out of the cop car and head towards the tree. One of the officers takes one look at this gigantic goddamned snake locked in mortal combat with this poor farmer and is so terrified by this physical incarnation of evil that he seriously fucking ran back to his police car and locked himself inside.

Undeterred by the fact that an officer of the law just failed his saving throw vs. fear, Ben calls out to the men for help. The one remaining cop throws a rope up into the tree for our hero, who manages to somehow get the rope tied around the vicious snake's neck. He throws the other end down to his friend, and the two men at the bottom of the tree manage to yank hard enough to send both Ben Nyaumbe and SATANOBOA crashing to the earth. Together, the three men subdue the monster, and the police ship it off to a nearby animal preserve.

All told, the duel lasted for roughly three hours. Ben Nyaumbe had not only managed to survive the violent, prolonged conflict with one of the planet's deadliest and most ruthless predators - he made that monster his bitch.

But the story doesn't end there. The next morning, when rangers at the preserve went back to take a closer look at the snake, they found that its cage was empty. SATANOBOA had escaped. If the monster comes back seeking vengeance, Ben Nyaumbe will be ready.

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There used to be two or three pythons on the corner of Cleveland Ave and Morse road that were bigger than SATANOBOA. The shop closed down, one can only assume he just let them go into the sewers.

Clearly a good idea:



BTW, Constrictors don't have 2 fangs, they can has moar:



Pictured: Florida, where everything goes for a better life.


These are living and breeding in the wild down there.


Pictured: Malaysian speedbump. Swallowed a pregnant sheep, then couldn't move itself off the road.



Nature is much like The Wu....

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HOLY SHIT! I have pictures of myself next to this exact statue, when I was about 9:



It's in an obscure cement Dinosaur sculpture park in Ossineke Michigan. They also have a huge statue of Galactus-Jesus on site:


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  Drewhop said:
Great story.


I have about 5 or 6 different knives I carry depending on where I am going to be. All of them sharp enough to gut anything I could find in Ohio. Man or beast.


I wish I still had that few to choose from. lol


What's a knife, anyway?

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