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This would be sweet if people actualy ran around attacking people and acting crazy. This way I could convince my fiance that zombies have indeed taken over by telling her I saw an outbreak of some sort of infection on the news. Drive to campus, laugh, try to repeat next year.
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I would seriously want to get like 40 dudes in fatigues, gas masks, and smoke bumbs rollin gup there with AR's acting like we really think this is a zombie takeover. Bust 'em in the head with a buttstock.
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  tbutera2112 said:
^ if only we had the resources to set this up :(....ide be down




Saturday June 14th is the date of Columbus Ohio's second annual Zombie Walk. You heard correct. On that day at 3:00 pm...


Too bad June 14th isn't a Saturday...

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  kapok6 said:
I would seriously want to get like 40 dudes in fatigues, gas masks, and smoke bumbs rollin gup there with AR's acting like we really think this is a zombie takeover. Bust 'em in the head with a buttstock.


This. Except we use air soft guns. Is it illegal to shoot fake zombies with fake guns?

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  Drewhop said:
This. Except we use air soft guns. Is it illegal to shoot fake zombies with fake guns?


I was wondering if it would be illegal for someone to shoot them with a real gun and state they thought they were real...I mean, think about it...you are walking your dog minding your own business and suddenly you look up to see 11 zombies walking towards you and you have your ccw...I would bust out the glock .40 and bust some zombies in the head...how could you prosocute that?

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  kapok6 said:
I would seriously want to get like 40 dudes in fatigues, gas masks, and smoke bumbs rollin gup there with AR's acting like we really think this is a zombie takeover. Bust 'em in the head with a buttstock.


So down. Got a BB gun and a gasmask i could wear.

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  1. Cardio
  2. The Double Tap
  3. Beware of Bathrooms
  4. Wear Seat Belts
  5. No Attachments
  6. The “Skillet”
  7. Travel Light
  8. Get a Kick Ass Partner
  9. With your Bare Hands
  10. Don’t Swing Low
  11. Use Your Foot
  12. Bounty Paper Towels
  13. Shake it Off
  14. Always carry a change of underwear
  15. Bowling Ball
  16. Opportunity Knocks
  17. Don’t be a hero
  18. Limber Up
  19. Break it Up
  20. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint
  21. Avoid Strip Clubs
  22. When in doubt Know your way out
  23. Zipplock
  24. Use your thumbs
  25. Shoot First
  26. A little sun screen never hurt anybody
  27. Incoming!
  28. Double-Knot your Shoes
  29. The Buddy System
  30. Pack your stain stick
  31. Check the back seat
  32. Enjoy the little things
  33. Swiss army Knife

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