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Helmets...Please read


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I need to gather information regarding your personal feelings about wearing a helmet for the purposes of riding a motorcycle, driving a circuit track, drag racing, or for any other purpose that requires the need for a helmet. Please try and answer the questions honestly as we are looking for feedback on the following questions to put a case study together. The intent of this questionnaire is to assist us as we are developing a new technology that will make it easier and more enjoyable for use of a helmet.


Do you currently wear a helmet?


Why do you choose or choose not to wear a helmet?


If you do not, under what conditions would you? (law, close call, witness an accident etc.)


What do you like or dislike about wearing a helmet? (size issues, weight etc.)


If a helmet could offer a better experience/persona/vision technology, what would that technology be and would you be interested in wearing this helmet?


Thanks guys for your time.

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Guest tbutera2112
I'll say this, it's state law to wear a seat belt in a car. It should also be state law to wear a helmet.


this....none of that "but its my safety at risk, i should be able to make my own choices".....i hate people like that who cant see beyond themselves....what about when their ass wrecks and busts their head open and causes insurance to go up for everybody

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If you don't want to wear a seat belt or a helmet that should be your right. Like I posted in the Daily Ride, I feel naked without my helmet. I've also had numerous bugs slam into my visor at 70+ and I don't want to know what that feels like on my face.


My helmet has good airflow, so good that I can feel the wind coming in so heat isn't an issue. I'll deal with sweat to keep my brain from bouncing around in my skull or having my head crushed open like a watermelon when I hit pavement.


I spent good money to get mine painted as well, why let that go to waste. I like to show it off.

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I have only riden my bike without a helmet through a park a 10 mph because it was hot as hell out. On the road, helmet goes on.


And to argue it's your right to wear one:

If you are in an accedent in which a helmet could have saved you, but you die or have perminate issues, now you're fucked and anyone else involved just had a preventable issue become a huge situation.


In the car on a road course, I have not had an issue with wearing a helmet.


Over all limitation with a helmet is weight and periferial(sp) visability. Would like to see the technology of an Arei helmet with out the cost of a house. Over all engineering is the main thing though. Protect my head. That's its job. From there do it as comfortable and with as much visability as possible.


Good topic. What is your reason for asking?

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How don't you have good peripheral vision with a helmet on? I can turn my head enough to see everything behind me when backing up, and when on the road, you should have mirrors on your bike. Set them up so that you can see what's behind you and anything they don't pick up you should have plenty of room to move your head enough to see what your mirrors don't. I have yet to have a close call because my helmet blocked any vision I needed to see behind me, simply because it doesn't.
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Guest tbutera2112
How don't you have good peripheral vision with a helmet on? I can turn my head enough to see everything behind me when backing up, and when on the road, you should have mirrors on your bike. Set them up so that you can see what's behind you and anything they don't pick up you should have plenty of room to move your head enough to see what your mirrors don't. I have yet to have a close call because my helmet blocked any vision I needed to see behind me, simply because it doesn't.



my helmet doesnt block anything that the mirrors dont pick up...i dont have mirrors still though....eventually ill get around to ordering them lol...


but the rear view camera view would still be nice regardless...would make it easier to check yourself at high speed (while tucked) or in the twisties when you dont really wanna look over at your mirrors.....he just asked about new technology that would be nice, not that it would be essential to being safe.

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I wear a helmet because of what my family/gf would have to go through if I or someone else made a mistake.


Plus I find them to be comfortable, hot at times yes, but comfortable. Plus I have to have one for autocrossing, so I always have one.

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It's a helmet on your head. Reguardless of proper fit, there is restricted vision. I never mentioned a close call. There hasn't been one. Not all posts need to become an argument and that's one thing I haven't missed by not posting on here in a long time.

You would "imply" mirrors aren't adjusted correctly. There is a certain " no shit" factor that seems to always get brought up like a poke in the eye. Well, no shit, dummy.


One of the questions asked was "what could offer a better experiance"? My offering what I think could be better is, in fact, what I think could be better. Amazing, I know. I MIGHT just preffer things different than someone else.


I'm please you find no room for improvement on this topic. Please PM me with any other thoughts on how to perfect my thought's on how the wearing of a helmet could be better.

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Maybe instead of using whatever they use for the helmet themselves, they could use a thick clear fiberglass material to make the whole helmet clear so you dont have blindspots? Like imagine the roof of a scion tc wrapped around your head.
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Do you currently wear a helmet?

- Yes


Why do you choose or choose not to wear a helmet?

- Because the SCCA requires it, and your head bounces around a lot autocrossing.


What do you like or dislike about wearing a helmet? (size issues, weight etc.)

-Don't really mind it, actually. At worst, it gets hot during the summer, but a properly fitting helmet should be comfortable.


If a helmet could offer a better experience/persona/vision technology, what would that technology be and would you be interested in wearing this helmet?

-For racing purposes, they are fine the way they are.

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It's a helmet on your head. Reguardless of proper fit, there is restricted vision. I never mentioned a close call. There hasn't been one. Not all posts need to become an argument and that's one thing I haven't missed by not posting on here in a long time.

You would "imply" mirrors aren't adjusted correctly. There is a certain " no shit" factor that seems to always get brought up like a poke in the eye. Well, no shit, dummy.


One of the questions asked was "what could offer a better experiance"? My offering what I think could be better is, in fact, what I think could be better. Amazing, I know. I MIGHT just preffer things different than someone else.


I'm please you find no room for improvement on this topic. Please PM me with any other thoughts on how to perfect my thought's on how the wearing of a helmet could be better.


Well said.

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Guest tbutera2112
maybe its just me...but i dont find any vision restriction wearing my helmet...the only restriction i have is looking directly up, i have full peripheral vision with my shoei
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this....none of that "but its my safety at risk, i should be able to make my own choices".....i hate people like that who cant see beyond themselves....what about when their ass wrecks and busts their head open and causes insurance to go up for everybody


Yeh we should also outlaw any car over 200hp, cause I'm sick of people wrecking due to not being able to handle the power causing insurance to go up for everybody.....


Now back to reality. It should be the riders choice. I choose to wear a helmet because I have a family to think about.

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Do you currently wear a helmet?


Yes when I have the car at the track.


or want to freak people out on the freeway


Why do you choose or choose not to wear a helmet?


I wear a helmet because it is in the rules and it would be dumb not to.


If you do not, under what conditions would you? (law, close call, witness an accident etc.)



What do you like or dislike about wearing a helmet? (size issues, weight etc.)


It does not bother me really at all since I wear an open face.


If a helmet could offer a better experience/persona/vision technology, what would that technology be and would you be interested in wearing this helmet?


Yes and I would like to see something with a little better vision and maybe something that offered a bit more cooling for non professional use (NASCAR, Nitro cars)

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Guest tbutera2112
Yeh we should also outlaw any car over 200hp, cause I'm sick of people wrecking due to not being able to handle the power causing insurance to go up for everybody.....


Now back to reality. It should be the riders choice. I choose to wear a helmet because I have a family to think about.



lol see my comment in the other thread.



how come when theres no logical argumentative responce, people refer to exaggeration? atleast come up with something clever without using hyperboles....you sound like the one guy making a sarcastic comment in a serious convo because you got nothing else to say


atleast prove me wrong or something, show some stats that make it more logical to not wear one, prove to me that its not more dangerous, prove that insurance and medical bills dont go up? its the same principal behind seat belt laws, and any other law that is in place to prevent self harm



im all for darwinism, just as long as your mistakes arent coming out of my pockets

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Well posting from my phone so I tried to keep it short, but I don't wanna be the guy that just says something sarcastic because he doesn't have anything else to say. ;)


#1. Obviously wearing a helmet is safer. But not riding at all is even safer yet.... However we still choose to ride. I know that sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm being serious. It's all about personal risk in relation to reward. For me the risk of riding sensible while wearing a helmet is low, therefore the joy (reward) of riding outweighs the risk and my choice is made. Someone else might love the feeling of the freedom of riding without a helmet. Maybe they don't have a family, and riding is their true passion. The reward of riding without a helmet may outweigh the risk for this person.

It's kind of like wearing a condom. Everyone knows it's the safest, but does everyone wear one 100% of the time.... Obviously not. The reward (better sex) out weighed the risk (pregnancy, stds, etc)

#2. Insurance. Insurance rates aren't based on the number of deaths or accidents. It's based on dollars paid out, period. A 7k bike is nothing for an INS company to pay. What kills them is medical bills. I would venture to say they pay more in medical bills to people WEARING helmets than they do to people not. If you die in a wreck, they have no medical bills. And even if you live but are severly injured, they are protected by a cap (usually 100k) limiting their medical liability. I know plenty of people that have racked up tens of thousands of medical bills from a wreck when they were wearing a helmet. The few bad wrecks I know of with no helmet resulted in 0 medical bills due to death....

Now don't get me wrong I believe in wearing helmets. I won't ride without one. But our freedoms of choice are becoming few and far between. Don't be so quick to give up one of the few we got left.

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A helmet saved my gf's dad life when he was rear ended on his motorcycle by a mustang going over 100 MPH




Should it be your right to choose to not wear a helmet? Sure why not, but don't expect me to think that you are the sharpest crayon in the box.

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lol see my comment in the other thread.



how come when theres no logical argumentative responce, people refer to exaggeration? atleast come up with something clever without using hyperboles....you sound like the one guy making a sarcastic comment in a serious convo because you got nothing else to say


atleast prove me wrong or something, show some stats that make it more logical to not wear one, prove to me that its not more dangerous, prove that insurance and medical bills dont go up? its the same principal behind seat belt laws, and any other law that is in place to prevent self harm



im all for darwinism, just as long as your mistakes arent coming out of my pockets


So where does that put you with your wreck and tickets? That is what helps to drive the price up on my insurance for my car? Your mistakes are coming out of my pockets and I want answers :)




This is serious business and and a serious threadjack so do as I say and nobody will get e-hurt.

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Guest tbutera2112
So where does that put you with your wreck and tickets? That is what helps to drive the price up on my insurance for my car? Your mistakes are coming out of my pockets and I want answers :)




This is serious business and and a serious threadjack so do as I say and nobody will get e-hurt.


sure, i fucked up, i made a mistake, and i wrecked my car (only have one accident that was considered "at fault")


thats still an argument on a different topic...nowhere did i mention people shouldnt be allowed to ride because they might wreck and i never mentioned tickets at all either.


i was talking about preventable risk when it comes to personal injury, such as wearing protective gear.


if i get in a car with full out slicks, and go try to drive through a snow storm, that would be a valid argument....making a driving mistake, or breaking the speed limit, are on a different level than getting on the bike already intent on being unsafe, or getting behind the wheel with the intentions of being unsafe

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Guest tbutera2112
Well posting from my phone so I tried to keep it short, but I don't wanna be the guy that just says something sarcastic because he doesn't have anything else to say. ;)


#1. Obviously wearing a helmet is safer. But not riding at all is even safer yet.... However we still choose to ride. I know that sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm being serious. It's all about personal risk in relation to reward. For me the risk of riding sensible while wearing a helmet is low, therefore the joy (reward) of riding outweighs the risk and my choice is made. Someone else might love the feeling of the freedom of riding without a helmet. Maybe they don't have a family, and riding is their true passion. The reward of riding without a helmet may outweigh the risk for this person.

It's kind of like wearing a condom. Everyone knows it's the safest, but does everyone wear one 100% of the time.... Obviously not. The reward (better sex) out weighed the risk (pregnancy, stds, etc)


oh boy, i got nothing left to argue on this point...i see where youre coming from, although i do not agree on people being selfishly reckless in these situations....but hell, i feel the same way when it comes to people getting abortions or applying for gov aid because they accidentally got pregnant (not talking rapes and stuff, i mean sluts and dudes who dont wear condoms and dont expect anything to come from it)



#2. Insurance. Insurance rates aren't based on the number of deaths or accidents. It's based on dollars paid out, period. A 7k bike is nothing for an INS company to pay. What kills them is medical bills. I would venture to say they pay more in medical bills to people WEARING helmets than they do to people not. If you die in a wreck, they have no medical bills. And even if you live but are severly injured, they are protected by a cap (usually 100k) limiting their medical liability. I know plenty of people that have racked up tens of thousands of medical bills from a wreck when they were wearing a helmet. The few bad wrecks I know of with no helmet resulted in 0 medical bills due to death....

Now don't get me wrong I believe in wearing helmets. I won't ride without one. But our freedoms of choice are becoming few and far between. Don't be so quick to give up one of the few we got left.


as for insurance rates, i was commenting on the facts that show lower overall insurance rates in states with a full helmet law


as for freedoms, i dont see how any freedom is being taken away...what is so much more "free" about not wearing a helmet? it doesnt make any sense to me...please elaborate




in red.

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Mojoe, I wasn't trying to start an argument, I'm just stating that I don't get where the blind spot thing comes into play. If I put on my helmet and look behind me I can see everything that I need to be able to see with it on. That is on my bike anyway.


EDIT: There will be spots you can't see with helmet on that you could see without one on, but are they spots that you need to be able to see while on the road. I've found that the spots that are blocked I don't need to be able to see to safely maneuver on the roads. I've only had one helmet though as well so I guess this is biased.

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This will be my last reply because I already feel as though the thread is being derailed and I don't want to be a hijacker.


All of your arguements could be used verbatim against racing. It's dangerous, gets bad media, causes higher rates, etc. Don't be blinded by the inability to see someone elses point of view. How many people "don't understand" why we mod cars and then run them down a track as fast as we can.

The freedom I was speaking of was that of choice.

I'm not saying I'm right.... I'm just saying this is not a black or white, right or wrong. Both sides of the fence have valid points and I put my freedom of choice to a higher importance than a 2% insurance variation.

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people that are arguing about helmet laws are probably the same people arguing about smoking laws or seat belt laws.


I completely agree with these laws... the reason for it is simple.... some people are too stupid to realize that helmets / seatbelts save lives.... end of story... you can't argue facts. Do people still die wearing either? sure.... do these sometimes take lives.... ummm sure.... but they by far save more than they take.


regardless of your life being taken because you don't want to wear one, think about the other person that you might hit, (or they might accidentally hit you) think about how messed up their lives will be because you either get ejected from your car, or your brains are splattered all over their windshield....


And just think about your family.... I know that I want to see my children get married, have grand children, etc... and I want to grow old with my wife... to me that's worth having a law that is just plain common sense...


now helmets on bicycles.... I think that might be going too far.... do I have my daughter wear one? sure....

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1. Yes, when drag racing or riding my quad (other than around the yard)


2. Drag racing = required. Quad = my life. Saved me from injury the last time I went trail riding, and even without a wreck/accident, prevents limbs from scratching the crap out of your head when on trails.


3. I wear one


4. My head sometimes gets itchy and sweaty with a helmet. Fogging up is also an issue, lack of visibility is another annoyance.

Edit: Forgot to mention helmet head - messes up my "do."


5. A nice cooling system, auto tint / auto light enhancement, more wrap-around vision.

Edited by Nitrousbird
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