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Wedding Photographer?


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To further on that comment, think about this. That price range will put a single wedding photographer in a position to take home around $50,000 per year so thats not even a great job from a professional's perspective. If your business stays in the midwest (not destination weddings) then you shoot typically 25-40 weddings per year and your considered busy.


Also to comment on time to shoot a wedding, sure you see us shoot for 3 hrs, but in the digital age we have to do all our processing ourselves (film labs used to do most of it) so on a typical wedding I spend another 8hrs at my desk going through each photo removing, duplicates, blinkers, obvious bad shots/test shots. This can bring a stack of 1000 photos down to about 600. Then I usually get 50-100 that I consider FIVE STAR and I edit them much heavier and use them in promotions and put them in the first draft of the client album if they ordered one.


This still isn't including the time we spend driving to and meeting clients at least once and hopefully twice or three times (engagement session and perhabs rehearsal night). Or driving to the venues to check lighting conditions and rules about equipment placement.

Amen to this.. The amount of time spent editing pictures is a HUGE time sap.


I can easily spend a couple hours on one photo.. I cant begin to imagine doing a wedding shoot where i have to come up with 300-500 fantastic shots (OR MORE!!) for the b/g to pick thru and and then EDIT the 50-100 .. they want! Its crazy..

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