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pre ordered the first 4g phone


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Except no matter what way Sprint spins it, it isn't 4G.



nah they got it but only in select cities since its new. Cbus might not see it for another yr or so. but the phone itself is pretty baller. :bangbang:

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Just called today to see if I could upgrade early to get the EVO....no good. Have to wait until Sept 1....bastards.


Did they let you know that there is a $10 a month extra data charge above whatever data plan you already have?


I know you said preordered, if at the store and they are on backorder, call the sales line and they can hook you up with one...

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nah they got it but only in select cities since its new. Cbus might not see it for another yr or so. but the phone itself is pretty baller. :bangbang:


The phone is awesome, but WiMax is still not 4G. Its a technology from the mid-2000's with a sign slapped in that says 4G. But its like the G is drawn backwards like a kids Lemonade stand, so everyone is all like "Aww, Sprint, thats so adorable, but no.".

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The phone is awesome, but WiMax is still not 4G. Its a technology from the mid-2000's with a sign slapped in that says 4G. But its like the G is drawn backwards like a kids Lemonade stand, so everyone is all like "Aww, Sprint, thats so adorable, but no.".




Sprint's "faux 4g" is a rip, having the balls to charge additional for it is amazing.

Hey guiz, we used this old dried up technology, available in a total of 4 square miles in america.



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Just called today to see if I could upgrade early to get the EVO....no good. Have to wait until Sept 1....bastards.


Did they let you know that there is a $10 a month extra data charge above whatever data plan you already have?


I know you said preordered, if at the store and they are on backorder, call the sales line and they can hook you up with one...


yea i heard about that, its kinda bogus since we dont even have the "4g" coverage here yet but owell. its still gonna be bad ass. and sprint is still in service because there just as good as anyone else and cheaper.

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+1 to the cheaper comment. Priced out what I currently have with Verizon, $60 more a month.


Priced out At&t (really want an iphone), but that's $30 more.


Either way would have to pay like 300 bones to cancel. Not worth it, gonna wait till sept. when I can upgrade.


Let me know what you think....

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yea i heard about that, its kinda bogus since we dont even have the "4g" coverage here yet but owell. its still gonna be bad ass. and sprint is still in service because there just as good as anyone else and cheaper.


They are barely holding on by a thread at this point. They lost a whole bunch of money after buying redNecktel. Although people are calling the EVO 4G the "phone thats going to save Sprint".

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i could realy care a less if sprint is barely hanging on, as long as i keep getting my rates and kick ass phones, im a happy customer. btw i just heard that the 4g coverage will be spreading rapidly before the year is over.
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Even though its not "real" 4g by many standards it is still a good deal faster than the standard, acceptable 3G coverage, so put me in the "do-want" camp, since I tether like a summanuhbitch.
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Say hi to her. Nothing sexier







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Ok, so its a little bigger. Is that it?


720p recording

hdmi out

front cam


Image we could both take...This was from an EVO.




Think that's about it.

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