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Dull paint fixes?


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My integra is white, frost white to be exact and its extremely dull, as in no shine. I don't see any clearcoat flaking/whatever and it doesn't have any real body damage, so what gives? Did the clear coat just burn off, or is it possible that someone just didn't wax it forever?


I'd like to bring it back to a nicer condition if possible, but have never done this kind of stuff before. Any recommendations on products/methods?


Should I just try a basic hand wash and wax first, or will I need power tools, etc?



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Might clean it up super good using cleaning and polishing compounds, cleaning it again and then clear coating it.


I did this on my first vehicle that was white and dulling after 180K miles. Worked out well for me. I spend a LOT of time on it, though.


I am by no means a detailer and I am sure that isn't the recommended route, but it did work for me.

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  tbutera2112 said:
which shade? theres like 4 different colors on your car lol


True, a few panels have been replaced and repainted, but they're indistinguishable when clean. I should note here that I replaced those few parts because I wanted a change, not because I plowed my car into a wall along the freeway.


You're exaggeration is stellar though buddy. I'll be sure to give you a big 'ol fuck you the next time you're pretending to not be a douchebag in person.

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Guest tbutera2112
  spankis said:
True, a few panels have been replaced and repainted, but they're indistinguishable when clean. I should note here that I replaced those few parts because I wanted a change, not because I plowed my car into a wall along the freeway.


You're exaggeration is stellar though buddy. I'll be sure to give you a big 'ol fuck you the next time you're pretending to not be a douchebag in person.


hahahah holy shit....chill out bruh, the interwebz is not so serious



i dont give a shit if you like me in person or not, learn to take a joke without being a whiney little bitch

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  tbutera2112 said:
hahahah holy shit....chill out bruh, the interwebz is not so serious



i dont give a shit if you like me in person or not, learn to take a joke without being a whiney little bitch


this coming from the guy that had his panties in a bunch over my darwin comment in the crashed zr1 thread..lol

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Guest tbutera2112
  TurboRust said:
this coming from the guy that had his panties in a bunch over my darwin comment in the crashed zr1 thread..lol


ha, i took no personal offense to that, it had nothing to do with me...just said it was a douche bag comment to make without knowing the circumstances...nothing more, nothing less. wishing death upon someone for wrecking their car, without knowing what happened, is a douche bag thing to do.


get the salt outta your vag, that shit happened a few days ago.

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Honda white paint is usually single stage not base/clear. Because of this it oxidizes pretty easily. Getting rid of the oxidation can be a bit of a bitch. Your best bet is a good chemical cleaner vs an abrasive polish. Abrasives tend to gunk up your applicator or buffer pad much more quickly when removing oxidation.


Over the counter products that will get you started would be Meguiars #1 from their 3 step system or Meguiars ColorX. Both ae decent cleaners of oxidation.

Edited by AudiOn19s
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