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Worthless review.


Here, I'll give you a review. The Iphone OS is prehistoric and outdated. The whole thing is simply a glorified launcher (android app drawer). It's cool though because now the user can change their background on the iphone, something most phones could do 10 years ago.


Iphone can now multi-task, iphone now has folders, iphone now has a 1ghz processor, sweet its simply up to par. Qualcomm already has a Dual Core 1.5ghz processor available, so for a phone that hasnt been released yet, its already somewhat outdated.


Iphone now has a farmville app, so no need for Flash right? HTML5 will fill in the other gaps right? We're all car guys here so I'll keep it on our level. I would like someone with an iphone to go shop for some iForged wheels on their website. Or perhaps enjoy some Family Guy episodes on Hulu?


Tethering...need an android phone as a hotspot to provide internet to your wifi ipad.


Iphone display sounds nice, and the battery on paper looks pretty good. It will probably be better than any android phone, except for maybe Samsung Galaxy S which has a 4" SAMOLED screen. Iphone's screen is pretty small still, 3.5", even my N1 has a 3.7" screen. We will see how the iphone's battery performs in the real world. On paper its slightly better than any phone currently available. Also the camera on the iphone will be very nice.


APPLE, I AM DISSAPOINT. I love this whole iphone vs android "space race" because the consumer wins in the end. Apple failed to take it to the next level this time.


Iphone people, I now allow you to retort....or admit defeat and go buy an android :)

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Here, I'll give you a review. The Iphone OS is prehistoric and outdated. The whole thing is simply a glorified launcher (android app drawer). It's cool though because now the user can change their background on the iphone, something most phones could do 10 years ago.


What more does one really need on a phone? I press an application, it launches, I do what I need and close it. It runs word, excel, etc. just fine too. Love the background edit ability now too, and while some had it years ago, what value did that bring back then? Today?


Iphone can now multi-task, iphone now has folders, iphone now has a 1ghz processor, sweet its simply up to par. Qualcomm already has a Dual Core 1.5ghz processor available, so for a phone that hasnt been released yet, its already somewhat outdated.


IMO, Apple was smart. They introduced a great user friendly product, got the marked seeded well, and has pushed incremental upgrades. Processor wise...it's like HP in a car. Dodge has a nice magnum RT with 340hp but it's a pig. So long as the iPhone processor runs the apps just fine, who gives a shit about the specs.


Iphone now has a farmville app, so no need for Flash right? HTML5 will fill in the other gaps right? We're all car guys here so I'll keep it on our level. I would like someone with an iphone to go shop for some iForged wheels on their website. Or perhaps enjoy some Family Guy episodes on Hulu?


I've never missed Flash on my iPhone. If I were going to shop for iForged wheels, I'd rather just go over to my PC. I have a laptop at work, two at home and two desktops at home. I'm hardly more than a few feet from a computer. Nor is there much value in watching TV on my phone. Movies while on a plane, yes, and that's easy. Hulu...I've got better things to do.

Tethering...need an android phone as a hotspot to provide internet to your wifi ipad.


Tethering....meh...I have a company Verizon hot-spot card and I've used it like once. No real need. I'm primarily a business traveler and do just fine with what I have.


Iphone's screen is pretty small still, 3.5", even my N1 has a 3.7" screen. We will see how the iphone's battery performs in the real world. On paper its slightly better than any phone currently available. Also the camera on the iphone will be very nice.


I actually like the 3Gs screen size. I sure as hell don't want to carry around a larger device. Battery wise, I hope the new one is better, but my 3Gs get's my by pretty good actually. I use a Mophie Air batter case and love it. Gives the phone protection (I've dropped it twice with zero issues) and a better form factor to grip. Not to mention I use mine from 5am to 11pm and have yet to go below 25%.

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I love it...


What more does one really need on a phone? I press an application, it launches, I do what I need and close it. It runs word, excel, etc. just fine too. Love the background edit ability now too, and while some had it years ago, what value did that bring back then? Today?


Would you say the same thing about a computer? What more does a computer need? I already have a start menu, why do i need a background and the ability to add widgets? It's about customization, quick access, quick info right there on the desktop without having to actually run the app. My point about the background goes for the people who call this the iphone 4 "revolutionary", "a game changer" etc. Custom backrounds are not :( Now live wallpapers are a little more interesting...



IMO, Apple was smart. They introduced a great user friendly product, got the marked seeded well, and has pushed incremental upgrades. Processor wise...it's like HP in a car. Dodge has a nice magnum RT with 340hp but it's a pig. So long as the iPhone processor runs the apps just fine, who gives a shit about the specs.


This is true. Its a very user friendly phone. But luckily phone weight doesn't effect the way a phone performs. Faster processors give us the ability to process more, faster. Which opens the door to bigger, better, faster apps.


I've never missed Flash on my iPhone. If I were going to shop for iForged wheels, I'd rather just go over to my PC. I have a laptop at work, two at home and two desktops at home. I'm hardly more than a few feet from a computer. Nor is there much value in watching TV on my phone. Movies while on a plane, yes, and that's easy. Hulu...I've got better things to do.


It's of course just an example of an all flash site, but why have a smartphone if you have to always run back to your pc if you actually want to do something? I thought the point of a smartphone is having a computer in your pocket, a do-everything-all-in-one device thats small enough to fit in your pocket.



Tethering....meh...I have a company Verizon hot-spot card and I've used it like once. No real need. I'm primarily a business traveler and do just fine with what I have.


Your company would be saving money by ditching the verizon card. But some people have a need for some things, others dont. It's nice to have the ability to do so if you wanted to dont you think? None of us NEED legs, but its nice being able to walk.



I actually like the 3Gs screen size. I sure as hell don't want to carry around a larger device. Battery wise, I hope the new one is better, but my 3Gs get's my by pretty good actually. I use a Mophie Air batter case and love it. Gives the phone protection (I've dropped it twice with zero issues) and a better form factor to grip. Not to mention I use mine from 5am to 11pm and have yet to go below 25%.


Carrying a large device around is no fun. The nexus one with its larger (only .2" bigger) is the exact same size as the iphone 3gs, even thinner. The HTC Evo is pushing the limits on I think a good size for a phone is I think.


My phone lasts me the entire day, with some light texting, browsing, gaming. When listening to music I have it plugged in the car dock so battery isn't usually an issue for me since I'm always by something that can charge it. For my upcoming 18 hour flight though, I'm going to be watching movies and listening to music on it quite a lot, so I'm sure the battery will be dead in no time, will probably have to go buy a couple of spare batteries to survive the trip. Maybe I'll get lucky and get a plane that has some form of power supply.

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So u want a phone that can replace your pc? Or will you still have a pc also?


Seems redundant?


Also I love my iPhone I had a winmo phone the htc touch and I will never buy another phone like it... It can connect to the server in the alps and do anything and everything I want but you have to be a comp nerd to work it. This is great for you guys who can't stop fucking with stuff till it's how I want it... Well instead of trying to change a device to your specs why don't you tech or phone gods just make your own seems like a better route instead of saying this phone sucks this phone is lie anal beads.


Answer me this if you love android so much then why do you change it?


I know it's the fact that you are aloud to but if you were able to change the os4 would you still bitch about it?


The phone wars are over for me and thousands of people cuz iPhone is better kekeke

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Would you say the same thing about a computer?

It's about customization, quick access, quick info right there on the desktop without having to actually run the app. My point about the background goes for the people who call this the iphone 4 "revolutionary", "a game changer" etc. Custom backrounds are not :( Now live wallpapers are a little more interesting...


It's a phone man....not a computer. If I need a computer on the go, I simply reach for my 2lb Toughbook. Live wallpapers do nothing for me. The iPhone really doesn't lack anything for this road warrior. The iPhone apps are plentiful and bring a huge value to me. I very rarely whip out my PC on the road as the iPhone I carry does most everything I need.


This is true. Its a very user friendly phone. But luckily phone weight doesn't effect the way a phone performs. Faster processors give us the ability to process more, faster. Which opens the door to bigger, better, faster apps.


User friendly is an understatement. Weight does matter though and it does affect the way it performs as if it's a heavy brick...who wants to carry it?


It's of course just an example of an all flash site, but why have a smartphone if you have to always run back to your pc if you actually want to do something? I thought the point of a smartphone is having a computer in your pocket, a do-everything-all-in-one device thats small enough to fit in your pocket.


I never said I need to run back to my computer. I surf with my iPhone with zero issues. Now if I'm going to make a purchase of those wheels...I'd more than likely do it from my office or home PC...not my phone, regardless of the brand. Just me I guess. Flash is old-school...but if one is into porn on a phone I suppose there's a need. I don't have that need.


Your company would be saving money by ditching the verizon card. But some people have a need for some things, others dont. It's nice to have the ability to do so if you wanted to dont you think? None of us NEED legs, but its nice being able to walk.


They would...and I'm likely going to turn mine in as I don't have a need for a wifi card. If I need VPN connectivity on the run, I sure as hell am not going to dick around on any phone. I'll go to Starbucks, grab a coffee and use my laptop. Legs...use them all the time. Tethering...not necessary.

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So u want a phone that can replace your pc? Or will you still have a pc also?


Basically yes, when I'm out and about and something comes up where I need to do something, and my phone can do it, its great. It's nothing but a convenience.


Answer me this if you love android so much then why do you change it?


My phone is 100% "stock" right now and it has been for a while believe it or not. My phone is rooted tough, which gives me the ability to run different versions of android as I please. But Android 2.2 that I'm running right now is exactly the same as it would be on a non-rooted phone, and its great, and its just a test pre-release. I dont actually change anything about android, rooting is more like taking off the child lock off the phone, it gives you access to files that can screw your shit up.


I know it's the fact that you are aloud to but if you were able to change the os4 would you still bitch about it?


The phone wars are over for me and thousands of people cuz iPhone is better kekeke


The iphone is a perfectly good phone, but I guess to me it's the same reason why I could never buy a honda accord, chevy malibu or toyota camry. They are just so dull and nothing exciting. Sure they might be reliable and easy as hell to drive, but boring as fuck.

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Also I love my iPhone I had a winmo phone the htc touch and I will never buy another phone like it... It can connect to the server in the alps and do anything and everything I want but you have to be a comp nerd to work it.


You hit the nail on the head...most everyone I know that uses and loves Androids, usually fucks around with them to do all kinds of crazy tech shit that most users won't ever do. I certainly don't have time nor the desire to remote into a server and dick around with the phones OS. I want simple, powerful, useful stylish tool that just plain works.


Basic shit I use daily:



Voice guided GPS





MP3 Music



News apps

Biz Card/Doc Scanner


Weather apps

Shopping apps

Mileage logs


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The iphone is a perfectly good phone, but I guess to me it's the same reason why I could never buy a honda accord, chevy malibu or toyota camry. They are just so dull and nothing exciting. Sure they might be reliable and easy as hell to drive, but boring as fuck.


The hardware is just hardware...they are all boring. It's the apps and how you use the phone that make it useful. Boring to me is not having something that is useful. It can fucking talk to me for all I care, if I don't need what it does then it's useless to me.

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Tripple Post because I like the pic of my car....and it's not boring either. My drive to work is about the experience and she get's it done without needing to have a super modifiable engine and 900hp.
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I didn't even know quakecon was still going on.. lol. What are you playing these days?


They play quake 3, quake live, etc.. of course any steam game is pretty much fair game for unofficial tournaments too.


I'm already making reservations to go again this year :)

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FFFUUUUU, let me know when you go.. I've been dying to go, dude. Q3 is a game that I'll never let go of. Hell, I wish it was still alive how it used to be.. I used to play pretty competitively. I mean, Jonathan 'Fatal1ty' Wendel practice partner, type of competitive wayyyyy back in the day.
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Can I have an example of what you would need to do on the fly with your phone? And I mean something that you actually have done with it on the fly. And we will see if the iPhone can or can't do it also.. And it's no fair busting out the multitasking!



Basically yes, when I'm out and about and something comes up where I need to do something, and my phone can do it, its great. It's nothing but a convenience.




My phone is 100% "stock" right now and it has been for a while believe it or not. My phone is rooted tough, which gives me the ability to run different versions of android as I please. But Android 2.2 that I'm running right now is exactly the same as it would be on a non-rooted phone, and its great, and its just a test pre-release. I dont actually change anything about android, rooting is more like taking off the child lock off the phone, it gives you access to files that can screw your shit up.




The iphone is a perfectly good phone, but I guess to me it's the same reason why I could never buy a honda accord, chevy malibu or toyota camry. They are just so dull and nothing exciting. Sure they might be reliable and easy as hell to drive, but boring as fuck.

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The hardware is just hardware...they are all boring. It's the apps and how you use the phone that make it useful. Boring to me is not having something that is useful. It can fucking talk to me for all I care, if I don't need what it does then it's useless to me.


Well its the OS that I'm complaining about. Iphone hardware has always been nice, which was where android phones were lacking big time. But its all a matter of opinion and people need to get what they like, want, need, etc.


Can I have an example of what you would need to do on the fly with your phone? And I mean something that you actually have done with it on the fly. And we will see if the iPhone can or can't do it also.. And it's no fair busting out the multitasking!


lol, well multitasking of course. Flash websites is one thing, that's how the example of the iforged website came up because that actually happened, and lots of other websites. I used the navigation on my phone all the time, google latitude ties into that. A friend is at a bar somewhere, he tells me to meet him there, I just click on his picture on the map and it gives me turn-by-turn right to where he his.


Navigation is possible on the iphone, but its not the same, and if there's something like it, its not free and built in already.


Widgets and having a desktop is great. I place the widgets on my desktop that I want and its all right there. Clock/weather widget on the center page, Power Control widget on the next screen which gives me the option of turning wifi, bluetooth, GPS, sync and brightness on and off. Music, pandora and youtube widgets i have on one screen. Dont have to open their apps. For music and pandora i just hit the play button, and it starts playing. Shows me the songs right there on the desktop with all the controls for it. Youtube works more or less the same way, except once you actually play the video it opens up to full screen.

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The iPhone will continue to dominate and it's for 1 simple reason: uniformity. There is 1 form factor of iPhone (Basically, but the iP4 kinda changes the equation a bit.) How many different models of Android phones in different form factors exist? Besides "there's an app for that" there is also "an accessory for that". I can go to pretty much any store in the U.S. and get a case, charger, WTF-ever accessory for an iPhone. That was a very large reason I bought my 3GS. I can go buy a ~$150 adapter and plug it right into my stock Bose HU in my SS and even use the steering wheel controls.


And the perfect example: There was an Adult Swim Block Party in April at the LodgeBar downtown. They were passing out free cases for the iPhone 3G/3GS. There is no other single device in the world that it would make sense to do that with. Period.


Can I dock a Moto Droid in an Incredible docking station? Can I use the EVO 4G's HDMI docking station with Nexus One? Can I plug a Droid Eris into the Moto Droid's navigation windshield mount? The Android base is becoming more and more fragmented every day. Too many different device models, too many different screen sizes at different resolutions, too much difference. The only way Android will ever beat the iPhone would be if Google would take serious control of the reigns and Introduce a "Nexus Two" and say this is it, this is Android, period. But that will never happen.


I get the simplicity of the iOS, the knowledge that I can get an accessory for any possible application, and a (very) simple Jailbreak gives me all the customization that I crave.


Moar reading! http://www.engadget.com/2010/03/05/entelligence-will-android-fragmentation-destroy-the-platform/

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I like how the iPhone takes a shit twice on Steve Jobs during the World Developers Conference Keynote.






FUUUUUUUU.. 540 wifi base stations? Everyone in that room has cancer now.

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The iPhone will continue to dominate and it's for 1 simple reason: uniformity. There is 1 form factor of iPhone (Basically, but the iP4 kinda changes the equation a bit.) How many different models of Android phones in different form factors exist? Besides "there's an app for that" there is also "an accessory for that". I can go to pretty much any store in the U.S. and get a case, charger, WTF-ever accessory for an iPhone. That was a very large reason I bought my 3GS. I can go buy a ~$150 adapter and plug it right into my stock Bose HU in my SS and even use the steering wheel controls.


And the perfect example: There was an Adult Swim Block Party in April at the LodgeBar downtown. They were passing out free cases for the iPhone 3G/3GS. There is no other single device in the world that it would make sense to do that with. Period.


Can I dock a Moto Droid in an Incredible docking station? Can I use the EVO 4G's HDMI docking station with Nexus One? Can I plug a Droid Eris into the Moto Droid's navigation windshield mount? The Android base is becoming more and more fragmented every day. Too many different device models, too many different screen sizes at different resolutions, too much difference. The only way Android will ever beat the iPhone would be if Google would take serious control of the reigns and Introduce a "Nexus Two" and say this is it, this is Android, period. But that will never happen.


I get the simplicity of the iOS, the knowledge that I can get an accessory for any possible application, and a (very) simple Jailbreak gives me all the customization that I crave.


Moar reading! http://www.engadget.com/2010/03/05/entelligence-will-android-fragmentation-destroy-the-platform/


You're right. Iphone shit is everywhere. But the phone has been out for a while, and its been popular for a while. But you mention that you need to go buy a $150 adapter to make it work with your bose thing in your car. Android and other phone manufacturers follow the standards, where Iphone doesnt. MicroUSB is the standard right now. So I can use a blackberry charger, incredible charger, droid charger...which are all nothing but a simple microusb cable that can be had for $5 anywhere. Most headunits now come with microUSB slots, and most cars now come with bluetooth which eliminates the need for a cable all together.


I dont need no stinking case anyway when my phone has gorilla glass and is teflon coated :D, plus it came with a free case.


That's exactly why android is outselling the iphone, because there are more options, choices. It's like the whole betamax vs vhs thing. Sony or whoever it was kept betamax to themselves, where the other company who had VHS gave the right to anyone to make a VHS player.


Android is a little fragmented right now, and Google is working on making that less so. The biggest problem was all the devices that were still on 1.5 and 1.6. Most of those that arent too outdated and are capable of being upgraded have been upgraded to 2.1, so its not really a problem. The only place where it was a problem was for developers, and I've made a couple of apps and code and options are there to make things work on different devices just fine. I will read the article you posted...


I did and it's extremely outdated and most of its not true anymore

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That's exactly why android is outselling the iphone, because there are more options, choices.


Wrong and Android will stop out selling the iPhone until maybe next year at the same time.


I hate to break it to you but Android is only out selling the iPhone because of the impending new release. Don't kid yourself, Anrdoids browser is only 23% of mobile browsing, iPhone has 58% of the market in May 2010.




For Quarter 1 2010, iPhone is still 28 percent market share vs 9% for android, and how many devices run android? There is a new device out each month, vs Apple with 1 a year.




Anndroid is selling well because it is the only option for Verizon. When iPhone hits Verizon, android will take a big hit, so many Verizon customers will drop their Android phone for an iPhone, if you think otherwise you are a fool.

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